The Fighter

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Ugh! You know what's worse than being interrupted everytime you and your sexy mate try to complete the mating process? Being interrupted while you're in heat. I didn't think it would happen so soon but a week after meeting Ryan I woke up drenched in sweat and just the smell of Ryan could get me fired up like a tractor! I've been in heat for 3 weeks. 3 weeks! At the way things are going I'm going to end up mating him on the breakfast table.

"Baby come on. You heard Noah, there's a bar b que outside and we're late." Groaning in frustration again I began to search for where my shirt had landed only to find it ripped to shreds on the floor. "I swear if we get interrupted anymore I'm gonna mate you in the middle of the food table outside." I muttered grumpily. He just laughed and dragged me down the stairs.

After a few hours of eating, dancing, and socializing everyone decided to go for a run. Now that my mood was currently happy as the clouds I nipped at Ryan's heals signaling I wanted to play. His playful growl in reply had me sprinting and dodging in and out through trees before I crashed into a hard body. I jumped up to meet amused green eyes. I growled back before shooting off like a bullet from a gun.

When I crashed again I jumped up expecting to see my loves rich green only to be met with harsh dark grey. Shifting back instantly I clumsily crawled backwards hoping to escape the all to familiar grey eyes. Alpha Rodgers was standing before me in only a pair of shorts, a sickly cruel smile growing larger by the minute.

My breaths came sharper than they had since I'd been home and my heart was beating 1,000 times a minute. I could feel the familiar signs of fainting sneaking up on me. I wanted to fight, to stand up for myself, but my shock fueled my fear forcing me motionless.

"Hello Braelynn. It hurts me that you ran away but nonetheless I will have you back. Your heat would be a perfect time for me to plant my child in you but that'll have to wait until I eliminate your chances of escape. Don't worry, your sweet mate can watch as I take you as mine before I kill him in front of you. I must go sadly. But before I leave I have a gift for you."

Alpha Rodgers flipped open a silver pocket knife before striking it down into my flesh. The knife deeply pierced my abdomen before ripping it of my body and dashing into the night. my body collapsed into a heap as I struggled to stay awake. From the pounding in my head I didn't notice another presence until frantic green emeralds filled my line of sight. I could numbly feel myself being lifted and gave into the unconscious pulling her away.

My limbs felt stiff and uncomfortable so in an effort to fall back asleep I forced my body to turn over. I barely made an inch of movement before I cried out in agony. With wide eyes and labored breathing I glanced down towards the center of my pain. White gauze with fresh blood covered my stomach bringing the memories of last night flying back.

Frantically my eyes searched the room for the horrid man that has caused me great pain in my life. When I recognized Ryan and I's room all I could think of was him. I wanted him; no I NEEDED him. Where was he?! Sobs wracked through my body causing the pain to grow and the red on the gauze to increase. My cries drowned out the sound of the door opening and closing. My body was enveloped in a sea of warmth forcing my eyes to open and meet green. My arms forced him down to me by his neck.

"Shh. Shh baby it's okay, I've got you. Shh." Sweet nothing's were whispered into my ears in an attempt to get me to calm down. I clung to his form as though my life depended on it and in the moment it felt as if it did. When my tears stopped I just curled my body into a ball and let Ryan shield me from the world with his body. "H-he's ba-back." My body shook from fear like a leaf in a storm.

"I know beautiful. I know. But you're mine and you're not going anywhere." Our eyes connected and by the fiery determination set in the gorgeous green I could only believe his every word. "I love you Ryan." I whispered. His eyes softened before he spoke the words I needed to here. "I love you Braelynn."

After the intensity of this morning we spent our time keeping a light conversation. All of the pack knew about our situation and when they found out about last night, they were furious. Ryan had meetings after breakfast so I was left on my own for entertainment. Seeing as I'd been here for at least a month and I'd barely explored the pack house that's exactly what I decided to do.

Hour and a half later I'd explored almost every nook and crany I could get myself into. I still haven't gotten all of my strength back yet and though most of my injuries have healed I still had to be careful. That being said, exploring can really wear a girl out! Climbing up the stair I found myself studying the pictures I'd passed countless times but never really looked at. On one of the last pictures my eyes nearly bugged out of their sockets when I saw her.


Isabelle was the only person from the hell hole I'd call a friend before I met Taylor. She was my only friend and the very girl that talked me through my first shift. The girl that got pregnant from a rape and died. In the picture Isabelle stood with Chris, Ryan's 3rd in command, arm around her waist.

"That's Isabelle." A voice spoke behind me. I swiveled around to see Jake standing there with a sad smile etched on his handsome face. "I know." My voice was soft and horse. "She was kidnapped a few months before you were." My gaze turned back to Isabelle. "I know." I replied again. "But we never found out what pack or what happened to her. She was Chris's mate and Ryan's sister you know. He felt her pain but after about a year the bond was to weak to feel anything anymore. We don't know if she's even alive." His last sentence nearly broke me.

"She's not." My voice was thick with emotion and the tears began to trickle. "What? What do you mean she's not?" I turned to face Jake, finally meeting his eyes. "I held her hand... Through the bars. I was with her when sh-she died." Pulling in a shaky breath I could see the wheels turning in his mind. "How?" He finally asked. "Her body couldn't support anymore. She... She was raped by a visiting Alpha and ended up pregnant. We were given so little that her body couldn't support her or the baby anymore. I gave her my food for 3 weeks before she.. Passed." I whispered. My limbs felt numb with the memory. "I need to see Chris. She gave me something for him."

I turned to finish heading up the stairs only to be met with Ryan and Chris. Ryan looked crushed but Chris I could tell would've felt better being out through a blender and eatin alive. "Chris." I whispered before bringing him to me. When I touched him he grasped me like a life line. My shirt was being soaked but I couldn't blame him, I was crying as well. "She talked about you all the time. Always said she missed you and hoped you were doing well without her. She really loved you." I kissed the side of his head and allowed him to pull my closer. Comforting him in the way I was was all I could do at the moment to try and help.

"How long did she make it?" He asked when we'd pulled apart. "A little over a year. She helped me through my first shift and kept me alive in the beginning." The corners of his lips tipped up briefly before mixing with his pained expression. "Come." I said softly before tugging him to Ryan and I's room. Walking to the closet I pulled out a letter she'd written him before pulling her long chain necklace from around my neck. "She passed these through the cell bars right before she died." Placing the documents into his hand I hugged him once more before laying back on the bed.

Ryan walked the men out before joining me and cradling me into his arms. Luckily the stab wound had been thoroughly stitched so I could actually move around now. "She was raped and ended up pregnant?" He spoke softly through the loud silence. I merely nodded. "Was it the first time?" I shook my head. "Were you-" His sentence broke off before he could finish but I knew what he was asking.

"Yes." I whispered. "How often?" He asked and when I hesitated he squeezed my side. "Everyday. Visiting Alphas liked that I was young and newly shifted. I took most of Isabelle's too. She helped me not get beaten as much and I tried to return the favor as much as I could." My voice was grave and hardened as I spoke. "Mine." He growled dragging my body closer. "Yours." I whispered before welcoming the warm cocoon of sleep to surround me.

Woohoo another chapter!(: Hope y'all liked it.

-Faith Renee

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