The Fighter

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I ran for hours. My paws felt as if they were floating on air. The only indications of the amount of time I'd been running was the sun had now fallen to darkness, and the aching on my muscles. The sun had set nearly an 2 hours ago so I could only guess that it was approaching midnight. For motivation I thought of my brothers and the fun we used to have.

*** 7 years old***

"Noah put me down!" I giggled as my eldest brother walked with me flung over his shoulder. "Now why would I do that? Can't I spend some time with my only sister." Noah put a hand to his heart dramatically whilst pouting causing a new round of giggles to pass my lips.

"Hey Ranger! What do we have here?" My brother Ben asked his twin Ranger. "A little cowgirl bein kidnapped by the most wanted criminal in the wild west I believe." Ranger replied as he and Ben began to slowly circle Noah and I. Noah pulled me from his shoulder to where my head rested on his chest with his arms secure around my body. The twins chuckled evily before lunging at Noah. Noah easily jumped back and took off running with my safely in his arms.


When I crossed into the Redwood territory my senses were attacked with all the familiar sights and smells. The distinct smell of cow manure that should usually be unsettling smelt like a breath of fresh air at the moment. The distant sound of running water from the creek half way through the territory. How the moon always let you know that there was light in the pitch black shadows. In the 2 years I'd been gone, I'd wondered if this place had changed. Always questioned if i would recognize it if given the chance or would I mistake it for another territory. Now my questions had been answered; This was Redwood. This was home.

I slowed a bit in an attempt to not have my body collapse before I made it to the ranch house. I trotted lazily through the trees until growls seemed to come from all around me. I stopped in my tracks my body tense, searching for a threat. Wolves stepped from the shadows surrounding me. Four wolves watched me carefully, waiting for my next move. The one directly in front of me stepped behind a tree and changed. My eyes filled with tears when Noah stepped out to face me. "Change." he commanded. His deep voice was strong and powerful. Noah had always been wide as a cow and strong as a horse but it seemed as though he'd doubled in size over the years. I struggled my way behind a tree and changed into the raggedy dress that was coated with blood and sweat. When I'd dressed I gripped the tree to help me balance as I blinked away tears and black spots due to exhaustion and my bodies terrible health. I stepped away from the tree out to face my brother and the 3 wolves by his side. My eyes found his and though it was blurry due to my tears, I could make out the widening of his eyes and the dropping of his jaw. My legs were weak and wobbled heavily. "Noah." Was all I managed to whisper before darkness consumed me and I crashed into his awaiting arms.

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