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No, this couldn't be happening. I pulled on the handle a few more times. The door didn't budge at all.

I mentally cursed Liam as I ran around to the backside of the car, so I couldn't see the house at all. Sitting on the bumper would most likely set the alarm off, so I decided to be smart and squat close to the ground. My thighs were burning profusely as I let my thoughts consume me once again.

On normal conditions I would've been killed in my bed, my corpse left for the government to take care of the next morning. What did Liam find so special in me that he was risking his life on this stupid plot? So far it wasn't working, but this may just be a bump in the road. I know Liam, he is so determined, and he has probably spent months with this back-up plane, even he though there was a chance of me to be an Asterisk.

Why did he want me coming out to the car? If Father or Zayn came out I was done, I thought as I looked around, there wasn't much else I could hide behind; a skinny tree, the mailbox, a garbage can? We were going somewhere but there was no way Liam could sneak an Underscore out of the country. Right after the ceremony is when security steps their game way up, to prevent Underscores from cheating the system. Exactly what I am doing.

I shook my head, willing myself to stop thinking these terrible thoughts as I heard the front door open and close. Not that it was loud, not like it was slamming as Father or Zayn realized I was gone. I slowly lowered my head all the way to the ground, so I could see who's boots they were.

I let out a breath, pushing myself off of the ground so I could stand. Instantly my thighs stopped burning, and I walked around the car to met Liam.

His eyes grew wide when he saw me, "What the fuck are you doing? I told you to get into the car."

My frustration was growing with my fear, and I didn't want to argue with Liam, so I just grabbed the handle and pulled the door. Once again it would not budge, and Liam mumbled a few apologies before using his key to finally unlock the car.

After the double beep, I opened the passenger's side door, ready to put my suitcase on the floor.

"Go in the backseat, behind the driver's seat," Liam instructed, running over to his side of the car.

I obliged without hesitation, knowing that Liam was probably stressed to his maximum. The backseat was smaller, but it had tinted windows, so I guess it must be harder to see who's sitting inside.

Liam started the car, and I gasped as the engine threw me off a little. This earned me a look from Liam in the rear-view mirror.

"From now until you get to your safe house, you have to be quiet. If anyone hears or sees you, you and I may be killed on the spot." His voice had truth in it, a serious truth as his eyes refocused on the road.

I sat back in my seat, watching the country side get darker as it passed quickly. I could tell Liam was speeding, but wasn't about to say anything. He's a Male, so he'd probably get off with a warning.

"Where are we going?" I asked quietly, sinking back into the seat a bit. I know he told me not to say anything but I couldn't help it. My bolder side was coming out in all this.

"I'm sending you out of the country, to live with a buddy of mine. He's aware of your situation, and will protect you until it's safe to come back home again." Liam said, his eyes not leaving the road.

I raised my eyebrows but said nothing. My situation? What the hell is that supposed to mean? I'm just going to live with a stranger out of the country? How was I supposed to get there, Liam can't drive me.

Red and blue flashing lights sped by going in the opposite direction, the cops were out already. I gulped watching Liam's eyes follow the car through his mirrors. Father has probably called the police by now, and they're searching for me. I tried to control my heavy breathing, the panic of everything setting in.

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