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Hey everyone. Sorry this is not an update but I'll probably update later today or tomorrow since I'm still thinking of adding some parts. Anyway thanks for reading The Nerdy Alpha and guess what.... It's #814 in werewolf!! AAAGGGG I'm basically popping out super babies!!

So I have literally been searching for hours, since this book started, for people to represent the characters but unfortunately I haven't found anyone so I thought I would describe them.


ELLA BONNET ( pronounced Bo-nay):

How she looks: She's 17. Waist length, curly, black hair. The tips of her hair are died deep purple. She has grey eyes and her height ..... maybe goes up to Jace's shoulder. Her wolf is white with black 'socks' on each foot, the tip of her tail is black and she has purple on the tip of her ears from the hair dye.

Story:                 She is from france but her parents sent her to America because there are more oppitunities for her. She lives with her aunt (Layla). Her father was a werewolf but had a human mate (her mum). Jace Silvermoon is her mate. They all go to a school for werewolves.



How he looks: I thought maybe he could look like Luke Hemmings but without the lip piercing and with glasses. (Pic of Luke Hemmings to the side) His wolf is black with silver tips on the fur.

Story:               He is the future alpha of the Silvermoon Pack. He is bullied because he looks like a nerd. His Alpha genes never came in yet so he looks kinda scrawny. You're probably wondering why he just doesn't tell his father. Well, because people have threatened him and stuff like that. His mate is Ella Bonnet but he is scared if she accepts him then people will hurt her and if people find out then they will take her away from him.



How she looks:She is 23. She has shoulder legth, black hair with blonde streaks. She has brown eyes. Her wolf is black with white 'socks' and has blonde streaks on the ears from the hair dye.

Story:                  She is American. She is like those wild party people. Her brother is Ella's dad. Layla is also a werewolf. She calls Ella Cinderella because Ella is her 'princess'. Her and Ella are basically best friends. She found her mate but its not what she expected. (When I finish this book I'm thinking of writing a book about Layla and her mate) 


As more characters get introduced in The Nerdy Alpha I'll probaby do more of these characters introductions.

If anybody want a dedication it's ok with me, just ask, I don't really mind since you guys have been supporting this book even though it just started so thanks!

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