Chapter Four

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Song: I Will Never Let You Down by Rita Ora

Jace's POV

"Do you have any space for me to join?" those words kept on repeating in my head like a broken record. I stared at her dumbfounded. This must be a joke, a jock probably put her up to this. But the look on her beautiful face said otherwise. The gracious smile on her face started to slip as she turned on her heels ready to leave.

"Wait!" I said in a paniced tone, I don't want her to leave! Especially if she was willing to sit with ME.

"I-I-I'm s-s-sorry, I-I didn't mean t-to t-t-take s-so long, I w-was just suprised" I said softly.I think it was obvious that I was super nervous and stuttered like crazy.My gaze was locked on the floor, I knitted my eye brows together in confusion, I can't beleive she is willing to sit with me infront of everyone. I pushed my glasses further up my nose before saying:

"Y-Yeah, s-s-sure you c-can sit with us" as I spoke her powerful gaze locked with mine, a small smile playing on my lips.

"Thank you" she said, a beautiful smile instantly lighting up her face.

Through this whole ordial Callum and Louis looked at her like complete idiots and everyone in the cafeteria looked at Ella as if she belonged in a mental assylum. A blush was permanently on my cheeks.

"I never got your name by the way", her french accent accentuating everything she said.

"Uhh....uummmm...M-my n-name?" I asked as if I did not understand a word, her perfect mouth uttered. God I felt like such an idiot.

She slowly nodded while placing a fork full of pasta in her mouth and slowly chewing. I noticed a dimple apper on the right side of her cheeck as she continued to chew.

"Pppssssttt, your name is Jace" Callum said, while using one hand to cup his mouth as if he were telling a secret.

My mate released a little giggle as she heard him say this, she looked up and smiled at him, the skin in the corners of her eyes crincling. I growled at this, no one is allowed to make my mate smile but me. I gave Callum a death glare as he put his hand up in a surrendering motion.

When I turned to my mate I saw her intently looking at me, she wore a small frown.

"S-sorry I-I Didn't m-m-mean to growl" I said in a low voice. I feel like slapping myself for how overprotective I was acting.

Before I knew it, a small arm wrapped itself delicatly around me, the sparks flew at this small contact. My breath hitched as I tried to control my wolf from trying to break free.

"So Jace, why don't you introduce me to your friends?" she said as she wore a smile, her dimple popping out. She looks so freaking perfect and she could be mine, if I played my cards right...

I cleared my throat before saying:

"These are my friends: Callum and Louis" I pointed to them when I said their names. I made sure my voice was loud and confident. That was considerably hard since she had her little arm still slinging from my shoulder causing sparks to fly in every direction.

"Hello, there Callum and Louis, I am Ella, Jace's mate!" she said with excitement in her voice.

I just loved the way my name rolled off her tongue. I can't believe she said that out loud with so much of certainty in her voice,it was absolutely amazing. I felt like died and went to heaven right then and there.

When I stared back at Callum and Louis they both had there mouths and eyes wide open, the shock clearly displayed on their faces. After a few minutes of staring at us, they burst out laughing. I gave them a blank look and when I turned to Ella. I saw the same look on her face.

"Haa haa ha, that has to hahah be the hahahhaha joke of the haha centuary!!" Callum said inbetween fits of laughter.

Ella did not look immpressed at ALL.

"Did you know its not nice lying and joking about your mate" Louis said, wiping the tears from his eyes.

Ella clicked her tongue and crossed her arm in a defensive manner before saying:

"How would you know anything about mates, since you obviously don't have one. And when you do get one, I dearly feel sorry for her since she has to put up with you."

Louis just stared at her, if you said he looked suprised that would be an understatment.

"Ouch!" said Callum moving his fist to the front of his mouth.

Ella turned to him and said:

"That my friend is the exact same thing you will be saying when I beat the poop out of you"

Callum just stared at her in horror. It was cute how she couldn't say curse words, it made her look innocent and adorable.

My mouth hung open as I stared at her, I can't believe my mate stood up for me, its unbelievable!

A small smile made its way onto my face when she turned my way and offered me a dazzling smile. Before I could say something, the bell rang indicating the next period. I sighed in dissapointment.

Ella woke up from her seat and grabbed her little bag.

Just then I got the perfect idea!

"H-Hey Ella, w-why don't I-I-I w-walkyoutoclass" I said the last part 'cause of my nerves.

I doubt she understood me but after a few seconds I saw the realisation dawn on her face. I fiddled with my glasses and looked at the floor. She used her index finger and thumb to lift my chin up. Aren't I supposed to be doing this? The blood rushed to my cheecks at I realised how close we were.

She smiled before saying"sure, I really need help learning my way around the school"

She moved her hand away from my face and put it back to her side as released a breath I didn't even know I was hold in.

"Bye guys, it was really nice meeting you. Oh and sorry for going all PMS." she said in a regretful tone but smiled none the less while waving godbye. She grabbed my hand and gently entwined our fingers. I subtly squeezed her hand and tugged her along to..... well I don't know yet, I didn't know her next class. I abruptly came to a hault before turning around to face her.

She was looking around us and that is when I noticed that everybody was staring at us. Some people wore looks of surprise while others wore looks of confusion but some people had a knowing look on thier faces, which scared me.

"Um... What's your next class?" I asked

"Oh, how silly of me" she said with a small chuckle.

She even made a chuckle sound cute. She reached into her little bag and took out a litte piece of folded paper. She opened the paper before saying:

"I have battle  strategies with Mrs Waters"

"Ok, I also have that class" I said trying to hide the excitement in my voice but I think she noticed.

"Come on then, lets get going!" she with an enthusiastic voice while she grabbed my hand.

I lead her to class and she ended up sitting next to me.

Wow, I really do have a wonderful mate.


Hey guys OMFG check what my parents suprised me with yesterday!!(Pic on the side)

I am dedicating this chapter to valentinr1218 - Thanks for all the comments and voting, really made me smile:)

Anyway got some sad news....The Nerdy Alpha was no longer on that list thing.

Note I said WAS, 'cause you guys have been voting and stuff it's now #895.....So thanks for the support!



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