Chapter Two

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Song: Double Rainbow by Katy Perry

Ella's POV


Thats what I woke up to this morning, my aunt screaming in my ears. Me being the cooperative person I am, continued to sleep. Of course you just can't win with my aunt. Do you know what that wacko did. She some how managed to tip the bed, probably with her werewolf strength. I let out a loud, ear splitting scream and fell splat on the floor, surrounded by the bed sheets and blankets. I lifted my head off the floor and rubbed my nose.

"How do my parents trust me with YOU!" I questioned her. She might be 23 and the best aunt ever but she can be abit reckless. Ok thats a lie, she is very reckless.

"They don't, they just think that America has more opportunities than France"

"Right, they just needed a free place for me to live and you were stupid enough to agree" I said with a smirk.

She hate being called stupid as stupid as it sounds. She hates being insulted so she often takes it personally.

"I'm not stupid" she said with anger wriiten all over her face.

"Oh right, you're just not very smart"

Oh oh, I think I did it now. You could practically see the smoke coming out of her ears.

I dashed down the stairs with her hot on my trail. By the time I reached the kitchen she got me. I continued to kick and scream while she lifted me up and over her shoulder.

"Seriously! How are you so strong!?" I voiced my thoughts.

"I go to the gym twice a week" she said

"Can I come, I want to be strong like you!" I honestly did. I could injure people, sure but I could never lift heavy stuff. Weird, right.

She shook her head, "I don't think so" she said

Before I could protest, I was thrown in the shower. Before I could dash out she opened the tap. I was hit with freezing cold water. As the water seeped through my clothes I threw random curse words at her. She closed the shower door as I proceeded to take a bath but this time with warm water and without my pjs on.


After my shower I wore one of my favourite dresses (Dress from chapter one). I ran a brush through my black, waist length hair. The dark purple at the tips of my hair gave off the impression that I was dangerous even though I struggled to lift up a chair. I put on some black ballet flats and afew bracelets. I carried a small shoulder bag. Since this is a werewolf school, we didn't really learn anything you would at a normal school.

I headed down the stairs and into the kitchen. There was my aunt sipping a hot cup of coffee.

"I made you a bowl of cereal" she said. I loved my aunt, I really did but she couldn't cook for her life. I thanked her and started eating.

"Enjoyed you wake up call, Cinderella?"

I just glared at her "Yes, I did Aunty Layla" I said, putting emphasis on the 'Aunty'.

She groaned "You know I hate being called that, it makes me feel old"

I stared at her with one eyebrow raised.

"Anyway... Hoping to find your mate today?" she asked with a smirk.

I blushed. I always blush at the simplest of things.

"Yeah.." I played with my cereal, a small smile on my face. I can't wait to find my mate!

"Well just be prepared. It doesn't always goes as planned..." She sighed and put her now empty cup in the sink. I stared curiously at her, she must have seen the look on on my face because she said:

"I'll tell you later, you better hurry up. It's a 10 minute drive to school, which starts at 8:00. Now it is 7:55."

I strared at the clock.

"Oh shoot! It's my first day and i'm going to be late!" I quickly placed the bowl in the sink and got into the car with my laughing aunt.


When we got to school everything was silent indicating class has already started. I waved goodbye at my aunt as I got out of her car and literally ran to the front office.

"Hi, I'm new hear my name is Ella Bonnet" I said to the lady. She wore a fake smile and had lipstick on her teeth. I seriously  don't get how people can get lipstick on their teeth! I mean you teeth is IN your mouth after all, where as your lips is not, its that simple!

She handed me my timetable and ignored me afterwards.

"Excuse me but where exactly do I go"

She rolled her eyes and let out and exasperated sigh

"Straight down the hall and to the left, its the third classroom on your right" she said.

"Thank you. Oh and next time you might want to use a mirror when you apply your lipstick" I told her in a sickly sweet tone. She just glared at me as I walked out the door.


I finally found the classroom. I took a deep breath in and smelled the most wonderful thing ever. I knew my mate was in that room. I did a little happy dance in the hall, making sure no one saw me before i gently knocked o the door.

"Come in" an annoyed voice said

I poked my head in the classroom and slowly started stepping into the classroom, searching for my mate. There he was. He was no model with ripped mucles but a cute nerd with blonde hair and blue eyes hidden behind large glasses and a scared look on his face. An even larger smile made its way onto my face as I stared at him. I broke our gaze to talk to the teacher.

"Sorry I'm late Sir but I am new and I got lost." I knew everybody was staring at me by now, either with hate or lust but those gazes didn't matter to me.

"Alright then I guess I can excuse you this time. Why don't you introduse yourself?" he said with a polite smile.

"Hello everybody! My name is Ella Bonnet and I just moved here from France to live here with my aunt".

"That is the most beautiful name ever, I wonder if she would like the last name Silvermoon? My mate said. I stared at him in utter shock.

Everyone in the class started to laugh at him as they teased him. He looked down at the desk embarrassed and pushed his glasses further up his nose. I knew I looked like a tomato but so did he, it was too adorable when he blushed! It really upset me when people teased him so I knew I had to say something so I voiced my exact thoughts at the time.

"Hhhhmmm.....Ella Silvermoon.....I like the sound of that!" I said and added a flirty wink.  The entire class was very suprised at this. You could feel the happiness radiating off of my mate by now. Everyone stared at me as I made my way towards the back of the class to sit next to my mate. Wow! It feels so good to say those words! I sat down, turned toward him and smiled. He tried to do the same but was obviously really nervous. I let out a giggle. A GIGGLE!! I NEVER GIGGLE!! The whole class I just stared straight ahead with a permanent smile on my face. He thought that I couldn't see him looking at me but it was quite obvious but I didn't mind though since he was my mate after all.


Hi Everyone! So how was the second chapter? I thought you guys would like to see the story from Ella's POV. Tell me if you liked it or not. Have a nice day!



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