70| Constantine x reader

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"Just focus on me, okay?"

Spoilers for The Virgin Gary

Who knew unicorns were killers? They were always seen as the ones who made the sad little girl happy, or the ones in a little kids tv show, the ones always having more merchandise than the most popular bands out there. If only people knew that they killed and they had some special goo that made you super high.

"How are you five holding up?" Constantine asked as you walked into the main area of the ship.

"I've felt much better" Ray says with his optimistic tone.

"I think I can still see dancing fish" Zari replies with her hand outwards.

"Well know that you're all better we need to get a plan on how to send this unicorn to hell" Sara says clapping her hands, "got a plan John?" She asks, looking towards him. He smirks and nods his head.

Time passed and John got all the ingredients that he needed for his spell to work. You all stood in the forest, luring in the unicorn with the virgin Gary as bate. You, Sara and John stood together. Ray and Zari with together and Mick and Nate were together.

"Are you ready Gary?" Sara asks. Gary shakes his head but says yes. The unicorn soon came around the corner, even though it was dangerous you couldn't stop admiring the mystical creature. You wanted to get closer to it so you took a step forward, fallen tress branches breaking under your feet.

"Y/N, no!" Constantine shouts. The unicorn turns to face you and you could see the blood dripping out of it mouth. Fear soon filled your body and you turned away from it, still feeling it's eyes laid upon you.

"Y/N, love, Just focus on me, okay" John commands. You nod your head, eyes tearing up. John starts to do his chant and you hear a portal open up behind you. You started to cry a little bit your eyes were still focused on Constantine just like he asked. Soon the unicorn was gone after a large fight and with it biting off Gary's nipple, you were happy it didn't get you.

As soon as you heard the portal disappear you could help but collapse onto John. You felt safe in his grasp. He hugged you back tightly, kissing the top of your head.

"Never do that again love" He says, stroking your back to calm you down.

"I promise" you reply. You both slowly walk back to the ship, knowing you were going to take a while to get back to your normal self again.

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