24* why me

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I wake up and all I see is a light above me. All my body hurts, I have several bandages and a serum connect to my arm.

"I thought you will never wake up" Frank says. I turn my head to my right and see Frank and Ray

"What happen?" I ask

"After the crash a policeman found Gerard's driving license and call to the house. Mikey answer the phone and they said that Gerard have an unfortunate accident. They said that they have found Gerard with a girl, that we immediately knew it was you. They said that Gerard was unconscious and that you lost conscious too some minutes after.

They said that they will transport both of you to 'Clara Maass Medical Center. We came hear as fast as we could. They register you both as Way. They ask your name and then they give us the room numbers. Gerard is in room 307 and you are in room 308.

The doctor said that Gerard is in coma, but he will wake up soon. Then he say that you where only in a deep sleep, and that you only have some wounds." Frank tell me all the story

"And where is Mikey?" I ask

"He wanted to stay with his brother and we decide to stay with you" Ray says and then a doctor enters

"Hello, Miss.Way" the doctor says

"Hello, sorry, but what time is it?" I ask and the doctor checks his wristwatch

"5:00 p.m. you have sleep almost a day" the doctor says

"When I will be able to leave?" I ask

"You have several wounds and you need to recover. Since you don't have any serious injury you will only need to stay 2 days. On Monday you will be able to leave." the doctor says

"What happen to Gerard?" I ask

"He is in coma, but he will wake up soon. He has some serious injuries, but nothing we can't fix. fortunately he don't has any broken bone, and he might just have some nuisance in his neck" the doctor says "you must want to know that he save your life, Miss" Then the doctor checks some stuff and leaves.

--------------------- • • • --------------------

On Monday as promise I can leave. All my body still hurts, but almost all my wounds have start to disappear.

I stay at Gee's hospital room. I stay all day and all night next to him. I sleep just a few hours. I want to make sure that when Gee wakes up I'll be there.

--------------------- • • • --------------------

I wake up at 6:00 a.m. Frank goes for some coffee for the 4 of us. Coffee helps me to stay awake. The time goes on and on, and all I wait is for Gee to wake up.

"What happen?"

"Gee!" I say and I stand up. I hug him, he is finally awake

"Allie" Gee says smiling and hug me too

"Welcome back, brother" Mikey says and hug Gee too

"Good afternoon, Sir" the doctor says after entering into Gee's hospital room "you have been in coma for 3 days"

"3 days?" Gee says confuse

"Yes, sir, today is Tuesday. March 18th. 7:00 p.m." The doctor says and gives Gee some food "could you four came with me, I need to tell you something." the doctor says referring to Mikey, Frank, Ray and me

We get out of the hospital room. We meet the doctor in the hallway where he is waiting for us. I wounded why he ask us to meet him. What he would say to us?

"He is very weak, and he can't produce replace all the blood he lost" the doctor says "I need a volunteer that will give blood to him, but you need to be at least 17 years old"

"Me" I offer

"Are you kidding, you just get out of the hospital" Mikey says to me

"I'm fine, It's the least I can do for Gee"

"No, I'm sure he will prefer you to do nothing" Mikey says.

"I will do it" I say

The doctor checks me and I'm okey in health, so I can give blood. The doctor also ask me for my blood type, and it's the same as Gee's blood type. A nurse takes out of my body a litter of blood.

"You just get out of the hospital, you give blood to Gee, you haven't sleep or eat well." Mikey says to me " go home, eat something and sleep a little bit. you need a break. I will call you if something happen."

Ray takes me home, and the he goes back again to the hospital. I eat something and then I go to Gee's room. I lay in the bed and then almost immediately I fall sleep.

--------------------- • • • --------------------

I wake up and I just brush my hair. I eat a quick breakfast. Then I brush my teeth and wait for Ray to come.

Ray comes after some minutes. He takes me to the hospital. We will stay in the hospital all day long, all days until Gee is free to go.

"Sorry, is here Miss.Allison Way?" a nurse enters to the room and ask

"Yeah, it's me, why?" I ask

"Could you come, please" the nurse say

I walk out of the room and the nurse then guide me to the hall. She leaves me with a women I don't know. The woman was 35 years old I suppose and she has a guardian next to her.

"Hi, I'm Rebecca" she say "you're Allison, right?"

"Yes" I answer really confuse

"I'm the assistant of your grandmother of your mother side." she explains "She is a great artist in England. Your grandmother has been searching for you for years. When she discover you were here and all the things your parents have made to you, including kicking you out of the house, she decide to give you a better life. I will take you to England where you will go to the best university of art and you will have a bright future"

"And what will happen to my friends?" I ask

"You will make better friends in England" she says

"Do I have an option?"

"Not really, but you can say goodbye to your friends"

I go to the Way's house and I take all my things. I don't have a lot of things so it's easy and fast. Then we go again to the hospital and I go to room 307 again.

"Guys could I talk to you?" I say and all the guys (except for Gee) meet me in the hallway.

"My grandmother, (who I never hear about), wants me to go to England to study art. I don't have an option, I must leave NJ and go to England." I say and then I hug everyone of the boys and say goodbye to them

"We would miss you, Allie" Mikey says

"I would miss you too, all of you" I say

Then I enter into the hospital room alone. I explain to Gee all about my grandmother and that I must go to England. Then I kiss him. This kiss is perfect. When I kiss him I feel like everything will be alright, that we will fight together to find our way home. I feel safe with him but then I remember that I will never see him again, and I don't want that saying goodbye becomes harder to say, so I pull apart. I feel like we could control time, when we where kissing it feels like eternity, but when I pull apart I feel like there where just seconds.

"I love you" I say after pulling apart

"I love you too" he says, I smile and then I start to walk towards the door to leave "don't leave please, Allie, don't leave, Allie please!!!"



Don't kill me please

Today's song: for reasons unknown by the killers

Rocking emo love (Gerard Way fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now