3-New Kid

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The picture on the side is of Emily's outfit. Hope you guys like. And the song Am I wrong is for when Emily and Desiree are walking in the hallways like bosses. I don't know why I just imagined it'd be this song it kind of goes with the chapter.

 Disclaimer* There's a lot of profanity and violence in this chapter I'll try to tone it down a little bit. Only a tad. Enjoy!

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Malik decided that we were just going to paint the word Alcatraz on one of the huge trucks that are always going places.

We all got into the car and drove to the location. The whole time driving I clenched my hands on the wheel so tight my knuckles were turning white. Yes I'm still furious about the second person being chosen for the solo.
Tatiana of all people. " White chocolate are you okay?" Tyson asked.
"I'm awesome.Why"? I say trying to keep a smile on my face.
"Because you're passing the speed limit by like seventy-five" I instantly slowed down and lifted my foot slightly on the gas pedal. I inhaled and exhaled a little when I heard my phone going off.
"Can you get that for me?" I asked Desiree as I parked the car in front of the place waiting for the rest of the members to arrive.

 She nodded her head pressed the answer button and passed the phone to me."Hello?" I said to the unfamiliar phone number.

 "Is this Emily Brookes?" I instantly froze in my spot instantly knowing who the voice belonged to. Brandon Kirks. The crush I've had a crush on for a really long time. More like ten years.Who gave him my number? Whoever it was I need to give them a hug pronto.

"Yes. Why?" I said my voice suddenly shaky and quiet. Causing everyone including Malik to stop there conversation and look at me. 

 "I heard you had a bit of a crush on me." I wanted to hang up on him from sheer embarrassment but instead crossed my legs and bit on my lip. Something I did either when I'm concentrating on my painting, or when I'm really nervous.

 "Mhm." I manged to say. His line went a bit quiet for a while and then I could hear a lot of noise as if he were at a party.

 "Well I just wanted to tell you, you should probably stop that. I have absolutely no interests in you what so ever. You're really lame, you act like you're popular when you're not. You're a loser who paints who even paints anymore. And redheads aren't really my type. You're body doesn't have curves and I for one need that. I mean your sister's more attractive then you." He said adding a laugh that just sent my heart crushing. It was like my world was falling apart. Heather I could handle. Sophie I could handle. But Brandon Kirks I most definitely could not handle.

 I had a crush on him for ten years. I'm currently sixteen turning seventeen. I've liked Brandon since I was six. I liked him since first grade when he said I looked pretty and if I didn't have cooties he'd hug me. Ever since that day I was hooked. I felt multiple tears falling on my cheeks. "Aw don't cry. You're just not what i'm looking for. There's a lot of  fishes in the sea, and only so much I'd like to eat. Have a great life."And like that he hung up. At this point tears were'nt what I could describe that were coming from my eyes. It was more like bullets in the form of tears. But thankfully I was a silent crier not a loud one which came in handy for moment like these.

 I was sad and embarrassingly everyone saw that in my face. I looked up and found Desiree, Tyson, Darius, Pedro, Marco, and Malik looking at me with mixed emotions. They've never saw me like this before I did'nt cry especially not for snobby jerks like Brandon Kirks. Making my sadness turn quickly to anger.

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