1-New Friend

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I swear mom and Sophie could be so mean sometimes. How could they just leave me there at that party? I was now in the bad part of town and I think I just heard a gunshot from a distance.

You must be wondering what happened? Well my mother's coworkers child was turning twelve today and had a party. It was near finishing and I told my sister that I would be right back from the bathroom. And then when I came back?


They were gone and I mean everyone. The parents hosting the party thought it'd be fun to have it at a fun center. Did they see there house? It was practically like a fun center, even better matter fact. It didn't take me that long in there. Everyone from the party had already left and I was all alone. Our house was extremely far from the parties destination but I had no other choice but to walk.

So that brings me here. As I had feared I didn't know my way around town like I thought I did. I heard someone laugh from behind me and I instantly turned. A man with dark skin and a tattoo written prosper on his bicep was standing in front of me.

"What's a rich white girl like you doing in this neighborhood?" The man asked as he came closer to me. I was a short twelve year-old I'm not going to lie, but this man made me look like an ant.

"I live here?" I said trying to sound believable. The man walked up to me and yelled out.

"Yasmina come hea! And bring the girls!" He yelled and suddenly a group of girls came walking out of a house.

"P-Please don't hurt me." I said to the prosper man.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I'm a man if you didn't notice and I can't land myself in jail again. But these girls," he said stepping back pointing to the group. "Can." The once loud streets filled with sirens and gunshots became eerily quiet. The man snapped his fingers. "Get her!" The man yelled. And like that I was getting attacked.

The girl I assumed was Yasmina punched me right in the jaw making me tilt backwards. Another girl pushed me so I was laying on the ground giving them the advantage to kick me. One person knocked the air right out of me making my head spin like crazy.

The one time I actually forgot my phone.

I felt like I was about to pass out then and there. From a distance I heard a girl yell Malik but I ignored it. "Stay out of places you don't belong. If I go to where you live and am forced to leave you come to my town and I kill you." One of the girls spat at me.

I could feel the blood coming out my mouth. One of the girls stepped on my arm making me yelp in pain. "Damien!" I heard a voice say. I opened my eyes and saw a boy around my age standing in front of the girls and I.

He ran to Damien and said, "just leave the white girl alone. She's probably lost or something."

"Stay out of my business kid." Damien snarled at the boy.

"Let the girl go or I'll tell my paps on you." I couldn't see the boys face but by the tone of his voice I could tell he was smirking.

Really? What is his daddy going to do? So much for being saved. "Stop girls. You can leave now. I think she's learned her lesson." Damien said surprisingly. The girls stopped their punches and walked into the house they had come from.

I choked on some blood as I tried to even my breathing causing me to cough out loud. "You're lucky you're you." Damien said as I heard him walk back to the house. But I couldn't tell if he was talking to me or the other boy. And then as if my body was telling me it's time to go to sleep the world went black.

I woke who knows when finding that I was no longer on the concrete floor. I opened my eyes and saw a woman with caramel skin sitting in front of me with a worried look on her face. "How many fingers am I holding?" She said when she recognized I was awake.

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