Chapter 28: Love Is a Test

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Troy was still not entirely sure what Gabriella had done but suddenly Sharpay wouldn't leave him alone. She hung over his arm pathetically in school; she was practically attached to him by the hip. To add to it all, Gabriella avoided him at all costs though he often heard Taylor saying that she would be crying in the girls toilets.

Troy was trembling all over, his heart was racing uncontrollably. Today was the day that the youngster read out their poems to their classmates. He was shaking, he had wrote two poems but decided to read out only one and hand the other into his teacher.

"I'm so excited to hear your poem Troyiekins." Sharpay said touching Troy's muscular arm and squeezing it affectionately.

"Whatever." Troy said brushing Sharpay away from him.

The Ice princess was a little hurt by Troy's complete lack of affection and interest. No matter what she did to try and get his attention Troy remained uninterested and lifeless. Of course, if there was one thing that Sharpay did notice, it was tha every time the perfect Gabriella walked into the room Troy would become alert and his eyes were on her constantly. She saw desire in his soft blue eyes and hunger playing on the smile on his lips.

"Do you want to go out later?" She asked Troy.

"No, I'm busy." Troy muttered walking off and Sharpay laughed and smiled embarrassingly.

"Okay, I'll call you, maybe some other time." She called but he did not hear her, she noted that he was following the sleek figure of a very dejected bookworm.

Ryan took a long deep breath in, he was so nervous. He could hear the piano playing magnificently through the school but it sounded all the more magical close by. He peeped his head over the door and smiled, there was Kelsi, her delicate fingers running over the ebony and ivory keys, she was making beautiful music.

He pushed open the door and was pleased that Kelsi didn't hear him walking towards her. She still continued to play.

He got up right behind her and looked down on her, she was chuckling to herself as she played and smiling brightly, he could tell she loved to play and that made him laugh too.

Kelsi came to the end of her piece and smiled. She looked at her music; she seemed riveted by the music, the treble clefs and dotted minims. 

"Wow that was amazing." Ryan said breaking the silence.

Kelsi screamed and flinched; her music went flying into the air and tumbling to the floor. Kelsi looked up at Ryan a blush spreading across her pretty little face. When she realised she was looking at him she quickly turned away and bent down to pick up her music.

"I'm sorry I scared you, I didn't mean to." Ryan said bending down to help her.

"No…its…me…I'm so clumsy." Kelsi replied, she wouldn't meet Ryan's eye.

"No you're not, its fine! I frightened you and I'm sorry." Ryan said, he had gathered up all of Kelsi's papers and handed them to her.

"Thank you, 'Kelsi said hesitantly as she accepted the papers, "I know you like music too. You and Sharpay are always in the Musicals."

"Yeah, we love them. You're a great piano player too! I mean, you wrote the music for the Musicals so really it was all you!" Ryan complimented her.

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