Chapter 24: If You're Not The One

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Gabriella found herself knocking on a familiar faces door; she needed someone to talk to. She needed to be away from Troy for a little while he controlled his anger. He had called her 'a stupid cow' that had hurt above everything!

The door opened and there stood Taylor looking incredibly tired, "Gabriella?" She said.

"Can I come in? I need someone to talk to." Gabriella asked nervously.

"Sure, come in, come in." Taylor said opening the door wider and Gabriella stepped inside.

Taylor led Gabriella through to her kitchen where Chad sat drinking a cup of tea.

" Chad." Gabriella said uneasily.

"Hi Gabriella! What are you doing here so early?" The young jock asked from over his cup.

"I came to talk with Taylor." She answered.

"Should I leave? I mean is it anything serious?" Chad asked making to stand.

"No! Its fine, everything's fine." Gabriella said quickly.

Chad sat back down and Taylor poured Gabriella a mug of hot chocolate. She placed it in front of her and both friends noted that as Gabriella picked the mug up her hands were trembling.

"Are...are you okay Gabriella?" Taylor asked coming to sit beside Chad.

"I'm not sure...I'm so confused." Gabriella replied shaking his head.

"What happened?" Chad questioned.

Gabriella was silent for a moment, a tear slipped down her cheek and she wiped it away quickly. Chad took her hand from across the table and gave her a weak yet comforting smile.

"Take your time!" He said to her and Taylor smiled, when did he get so considerate?

"Well...Troy's parents caught us after we'd just um...slept together and...they were screaming at us! I hated it, I was so nervous around them. They probably thought I was some common whore. Well anyway, they sat down with us and were giving us a good talking to. Troy and his father were fighting and I mean really nasty, Troy said some pretty hurtful things to his father." Gabriella explained.

"Typical!" Taylor said shaking her head.

"Then...Troy's father as why he would sleep with someone like me and Troy got up to punch him! I stood in front of them and tried to stop them but Troy only told me to move, I didn't want the argument to get worse so I stayed where I was. Then he screamed 'I said move you stupid cow' and then he pushed me and I fell to the floor."

Taylor gasped completely shocked.

"It didn't hurt honestly it didn't but he is so unstable sometimes. Its like he has no idea what he's doing!" She said shaking her head.

"Oh Gabriella, come here honey." Taylor said and Gabriella stood and Taylor stood and they both held onto each other.

"He just saw red, his father was disrespecting me and...he wanted to hit him! I couldn't let him do that. After Troy knew that he wouldn't be able to hit his father I guess he just went for the first thing in front of" Gabriella cried.

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