Chapter 17: A Thousand Apologies But Its Not Enough!

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"Look I'm sorry Gabriella, I really am. I didn't mean any of it." Troy said knocking on Gabriella's door.

Gabriella had ignored all of Troy's futile attempts to apologies. She blocked him out completely in school and locked her door when she was at home so he couldn't come in and bother her. What Troy had said had really hurt Gabriella, she felt sick to the stomach. She had tried to befriend him and when she fell for him she hadn't been prepared to accept it. When she had slept with him she had given herself to him without argument, he had taken her virginity happily and she had simply handed it to him. She had always wanted her first time to be special and she believed that it had been with Troy…but that was all a lie, it meant nothing to him!

"Please Brie, open the door!" Troy said knocking on the door again.

Gabriella was upstairs sobbing pathetically into her pillow. Her 'Romeo and Juliet' book lay beside her, she had wanted to rip it up but she couldn't imagine herself doing it. She just couldn't.

At that moment she stood up and walked to her balcony, the book in her arms, she opened her door and walked through. She saw Troy down below and when he saw her he smiled embarrassingly.

"Oh baby, I'm glad you've come out. You've got to believe me…it wasn't –"

"It's over Troy." She snapped viciously.

Troy's face went white and he stumbled back for a moment completed dumbfounded.

"Wha…what?" He stammered in shock.

"I said it's over!" She said and she threw the book down at him.

"No! It's not over, just…just let me apologise." Troy begged.

"No Troy, I've finishing it before you do! I thought for a moment that I had the most wonderful boyfriend imaginable but I was wrong. You're just too good for me Troy. I don't deserve a good life, I deserve only what I get." She cried.

"No Gabriella, please. I don't it to end; I don't want you to stop being my girlfriend. Please!" He screamed but Gabriella had already walked back into her room and locked the balcony door behind her, Troy could hear faint cries coming from her room and with a heavy heart and his bright sorrowful blue eyes brimming with tears, he dragged himself home, clutching Gabriella's book in his hand.

He turned quickly feeling anger filling his every cell, "ITS NOT OVER GABRIELLA! YOU'RE MINE!"

Gabriella heard his cold determined words and shivered, she clutched her pillow tighter; Troy Bolton always got what he wanted.

During school hours Gabriella was sure to avoid Troy and he heated himself for it. She kept out of his way a lot but this only made him irritated and for that Troy resulted to bullying again.

He was busy forcing a freshmen to give him their lunch money. He had a young teenage girl up against the locker. He wouldn't hurt her, not violently but he wanted her money. Troy was saving up all the money he was earning from the teenagers to get Gabriella a present. He had money he could spend on her, he was wealthy of course, but bullying kept his mind off the pain that he was feeling.

"Give me your money you little witch." He snarled.

"You…you…took my pocket…money this morning." The girl whimpered.

"I don't care!" Troy snapped.

The girl began to cry but he only glared more.


"Troy, what are you doing!" A startled yet beautiful voice demanded from behind him. He turned quickly and found Gabriella starring at him shocked.

"Brie?" He said in a soft voice and the vicious look on his face became gentle, he looked almost lost.

"Let her go!" Gabriella said sternly, Troy was unsure what to do; Gabriella's eyes were red and puffy like she had been crying. He suddenly felt limp and he left the girls arm go.

He turned to her; he put his hand in his pocket and got out thirty dollars.

"Here, 'He thrust the money into the freshmen's shaking hands and she looked up baffled, "Go, before I change my mind!" He barked and she ran off crying.

Gabriella nodded content before going to walk off again; Troy felt it was the right opportunity to talk to her so he followed her.

"Look Brie, can we talk now?" He questioned gently.

"No! And stop calling me 'Brie' you don't have the right to do that anymore!" She replied sharply.

"Please, I have your locket. I got a new chain for it; it's as good as new." Troy said cheerfully and he took the locket out of his pocket and held it up for her, eager to please her.

She pushed it away fiercely from her and she looked up at him with cold eyes.

"I don't want it; go give it to Sharpay or someone." Gabriella answered; she darted down the science corridor with Troy following closely behind her.

"But –"

"Shouldn't you be with Stacy behind the gym or something? I'm sure she can satisfy your sexual appetite!" Gabriella said, she forced herself up to her full height so she was touching noses with Troy. The sensation filled her up and she shrunk away, it felt so good to be near him.

"I don't want anyone else!" Troy said sounding a little angry.

Gabriella brushed past him feeling impatient but Troy slammed his hand into the locker looking furious, Gabriella flinched and looked panicky. Troy placed his hands on either side of the locker so she was boxed in.

"You belong to me Gabriella. You're my girlfriend." He screamed his face red.

Gabriella whimpered, "Not anymore! You've hurt me Troy and I can't forgive you."

She ducked under his arm and walked down the corridor, Troy watched her go, his eyes tracing her body hungrily, he missed her so much, what he wouldn't give to taste her lips one more time or feel her in his gentle arms.

He wiped a stray tear from his cheek and looked down on the locket still clutched in his hand, Gabriella's locket. The locket that made her his in every way.

"A thousand apologies, 'He muttered, "But it's just not enough."

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