Surprise! You Have Kids!

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Naruto Pov

"Contrats Naruto, your having twins." My hands begin to shake and my breathing is un-even.

"Naruto? Everythings okay, breathe. Your going to be okay." I glare at Tsundae.

"Okay? I'm far from okay, I was worried about being able to handle one. But two? I can't do this, I just-"

"Naruto shut up."


"Just shut the hell up Naruto! It's going to be okay. You have me, Hinata, Gaara, and maybe even Sasuke. But if you keep thinking like that you will fail!" I look down, Inos right. My hands start to shake less and my breathing slows.

"Your right Ino, Im sorry."

"Don't be, you were just scared is all." Suddenly Tsundae walks back in with the picture of my children.

"Here you go, do you want to know the genders?"


"A girl and a boy." My face darkens a bit, not that Im not happy. Its just Ino wanted a girl and-

"YES! SO. MANY. OUTFITS." Ino says squealing.

... She's having a boy. Once she calmed down we left. Shika was sleeping at the desk so we decided to just leave. Practically running back to Inos. We meet up with Hinata, Gaara, and Neji?

"Hey guys! Were ba- Neji?" He just smiles and waves, holding Gaara close. But theres no time for questioning. We have to get ready. Ino takes charge.

"Okay, Hinata, you frame the pictures. Gaara, make sure Naruto doesn't back out. And Neji, go make some tea or something. Just be useful." With that being said, everyone gets to work. Ino and I sit down, the jog back here was exausting. By the looks of it, Ino is pretty tired too. She's also getting kinda big, not that I'd ever say it. I value my manhood. Inos due in six weeks. She's handling it pretty well too, way better than me. I look around, pretty much everythings complete.

"Great, now all we need is Sakura and Sasuke." I sigh. Gaaras going to get Sasuke and Hinatas going to get Sakura.

"You okay Naruto? You look awfuly calm."

"Yep, just fine. Who cares if Sasukes not okay with this. I don't need that bastard." Ino looks shocked.

"Well that's the spirit, but lets hope for the best kay?"

"Sure" I smile before Sasuke and Gaara walks in. Sasuke just stops, staring at me. Could this be any more akward? Basically on cue, Sakura walks in with Hinata. Now it's really akward. Sakura and Sasuke are standing at the door, Sakura wide eyed. She probably already knows just by looking at Ino. Sasuke won't take his eyes off me, can he tell? Gaara and Neji are standing in the kitchen, watching everything. And Hinata is sitting at the table, secretly eating a bagel.

"Hey Sakura, Sasuke. You know you guys can sit right?" Ino says breaking the tension. Sakura sat in the chair next to the couch while Sasuke sat next to me, making sure there was still space between us.

"So, uh, why did you call us over?" Sakura asks, avoiding looking at Ino's stomach.

"Oh yea, it's these." Ino pulls two framed pictures out from under the couch. She hands one to me, I quickly pass it to Sasuke. Then she hands the other one to Sakura. They study the pictures quietly. Sakura jumps up hugging Ino, asking her why she wasn't informed sooner. I'm happy for them. Ino deserves happiness. But Sasukes still sitting there, looking at the picture.

"Sasuke? Are you-"

"Is it mine?"


"Is. It. Mine."

That's it.

"Okay first of all, they are yours. They arent 'it'. They are living things. Your a father Sasuke." I look down on him. Anger flowing through me. Quietly, Sasuke sets the picture down, stands up, and heads towards the door.

"Sasuke?" He turns around to face me.

"Don't talk to me." He shut the door behiend him. I can feel everyone eyes on me as I fall to the floor, tears pouring down my face.

"Naruto!" Sounds like Ino

"I'm going to kill that fucking bastard." Probably Gaara

"Calm down babe, he needs you." Defiantly Neji.

"I'm..... ing... get...... lp!"
Everything is getting really hazy. Black sploches fill my vision, nothing is clear anymore.....

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