The Aftermath Of Our Mistakes

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Naruto Pov

"How could he?"

"Do you want the real answer, or the 'Im here for you' answer?" I shoot a glare at Gaara, he's never been good with emotions. But still, just by looking at me you could tell I'm a mess. I let out a frustrated groan.

"Your not helping, go get Ino. I don't want to talk to you right now." Gaara gets up, leaving me in my room. I lay back down on the bed. Gaara fixed up my room while I was in the shower, I'm thankful to have him. Most of the time at least. The majority of last night is a haze, but I do remember what Sasuke did to me. It's hard not to with all this pain in my lower area. But still, what he did was wrong. Are all alphas like this when an omega goes into heat? Ugh, I just feel like so much frustration is balled up inside me. I'm too angry to be sad. My self rant is intrupted by a light knock on my door.

"Come in."

"Naruto? Gaara came and got me, he told me everything. Are you okay." I laugh when she sits next to me.

"Okay? No Ino, I'm far from it. I was just raped by the hottest guy in our class, how could I possibly be- woah, are you okay?" I calm down a bit when I see her stomach. She pats it gently.

"I'm fine, just pregnant." I shoot up out of bed going into a panic.

"What?! That bastard got you pregnant? I'm going to beat his fucking-"

"Naruto calm down, we both know he'll beat you in the end. It's going to be okay though. The babys due in six weeks. I did some research, omega pregnancy is only three months long."

"Have you told Sakura?" Ino looked down, messing with the hem of her shirt.

"Ino, she's going to find out eventually."

"I'll tell her, when I'm ready, this is the first time I've left the house since I found out actually. I don't want anyone to judge me. I'm fifteen and I'm pregnant..."

"No ones going to judge you, not if they know why. You and Sakura are going to be amazing mothers." I put my hands on my hips giving her a goofy look. "And I'm going to be the best uncle!" Ino laughs.

"You always make the best of a bad situation Naruto." We talk about things for the next few hours. I really enjoy talking to Ino, somehow she just makes everything better. She leaves around 4 for a doctors apoiment, she said she'll fill me in tomorrow. When she leaves the house goes silent. Gaaras probably over at Hinata and Inos. After taking some asprin I go to the kitchen to make some food. I'm too tired to cook so I just settle with a sandwitch. It doesn't take me long to munch it down. Glancing at the clock I see it's only 5:28. Seeing as theres nothing to do I head for the living room to watch more cooking showes. Just as there teaching me how to make a good chili someone knocks on the door. Grumbling about missing the good part I get up opening the door.


"Naruto, we need to talk."

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