Crutches Are Not Toys

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Naruto Pov

"Tsundae when can we get out of here, I want ramen." I've been awake for about two hours. Sasukes still here. Ino's free to go home, but she insisted on waiting for me.

"Just give me a miunte Naruto. All I have to do is check the wound on your face. Your lucky you didn't suffer from any internal injuries, don't be picking fight with alphas anymore." I look over to see Sasuke smirking.

"Hey! Whats so funny teme?"

"The fact that you could have died and all your worried about is ramen." Sasuke contiued to smirk. I puffed out my cheeks as Tsundae removed the bandages from my face.

"There, now you can leave. But be sure to put this on your face for the next few days." Tsundae handed me a bottle of ointment before walking out. Quickly I jumped out of bed, running around.

"C'mon dobe your friend the red head is worried about you." I stopped and looked at Sasuke.

"Gaaras worried about me?" He nodded before grabing my hand walking me out of the room.

"Hey want about Ino?"

"She's waiting in the lobby for us moron."

"I'm not a moron basterd!"

"Hn" I don't know what it is, but Sasuke angers me so much. One moment he's throwing me on the ground, the next he's looking after me in the hospital.

They gave Ino crutches because he legs were really beaten up. Tsundae wants her to use them until the bruises start to fade. We walk out of the hospital after what feels like forever. As we start heading home we realize Ino is a lot slower than Sasuke and I.

"This isn't going to work, its going to take us hours to get home." Sasuke grumbled.

"Well we never asked you to come to the hospital did we?"

"Your friends did so why don't you shut it!" Sasuke snapped, I looked down hurt. Sasuke stopped.

"Look, I'm not mad at you. Im just- frustrated and confused. But Ino, give Naruto your crutches and get on my back, we'll get home faster this way." Ino did as Sasuke said and handed me her crutches before getting on Sasuke's back. He carried her as if she weighed nothing. What is it with alphas and being so strong? As we neared the doorms it got akwardly silent, so I did what I do best. Made everything intresting. I put Ino's crutches underneeth my arms and waved them around as if they were my arms. I hear Ino laughing and Sasuke grumbling.

"What are you doing Naruto?"

"What does it look like? Im having fun!" I hold the crutches out straight to make them look like wings as I run down the street towards Gaara and I's dorm.

"Look I'm a plane!" Inos laughing so hard she's crying, and I think I saw Sasuke smirk a bit too. But I stop when I see Gaara, I drop the crutches running into his arms. He hugs me tightly.

"I missed you." He whispered into my ear.

"I missed you too." I pull away from the hug. "But lets go inside, I'll make some ramen! Ino, Sasuke, you guys can come too." I run towards the dorm.

"Naruto wait!" I open the door running inside to see Hinata and Neji sitting on the couch, both of them staring at me.

"N-Naruto, your back! Is Ino here too?" I nod my head.

"Yep, but she's a bit slower since she's on crutches." Hinata runs out of the dorm to see Ino, leaving me with a glaring Neji. I sigh walking into the kitchen.

"Do you have a problem with me or something? Everytime I see you your glaring at me." I say grabing everything I need for ramen, Neji walked into the kitchen joining me.

"I don't have a problem with you, I'm just curious is all. I've never seen a male omega. Your also going to have to have children. What's your opinion on this?" I contiue making dinner.

"I don't really like the idea of it. Plus I'm not really intrested in any of the alphas."

"Oh really, what about Sasuke?"

"W-What about him?" I try my best to keep my composure. Neji smirks.

"Have you ever thought about why you hate him? He never really did anything to you, maybe your just covering up your true feelings." I feel my face heating up as I dump everything into the pot. I turn the heat on before walking into the living room. Hinata and Ino are talking to eachother while Sasuke and Gaara watch tv.

"Dinner should be done soon, you guys can stay if you want."


"Yea Hinata?"

"Do you mind if Ino and I stay here while they fix our dorm? They said it'll be done in two days.." I smile, I don't understand why Hinata is so shy.

"Sure, you and Ino and sleep in my room. I'll sleep on the couch." We all talk until dinner. Well, everyone except Gaara and Sasuke, I understand Gaara being quiet. He's never really been one to talk to people he doesn't know well. But Sasuke confuses me, he was the most popular kid in class. You'd think he'd be more social. After everyone ate Neji and Sasuke left. Not too long after Hinata and Ino went to bed, leaving Gaara and I in the living room.

"Hey Naruto?"


"Don't do anything stupid like that again, I don't know what I'd do without you." Before I could say anything back, Gaara left and went to bed. I smiled to myself. Little did he know, I felt the same way about him.

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