Panic At The Hospital

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Naruto Pov

I never thought I would be in a situation this akward. The guy who basically raped me is sitting in my living room while I'm putting a roast in the oven.

"I thought you said you were tired." I glare in Sasukes direction as I walk into the living room.

"I am, I'm also in pain. But this roast will last Gaara and I about three days, so thats three days without cooking." Sasuke looks down at the floor.

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry? Sorry doesn't do anything. You took advantage of me Sasuke, I was vulnerable. But you just couldn't stop yourself. And now-" I stop and think about Ino, she got pregnant. So couldn't I be pregnant too? I feel my legs give in before I fall on the floor, curling up into a ball.

"Naruto! Are you-"


"But I just want-"

"I said leave!" You can hear the venom laced in my voice. He heads towards the door.

"When your ready to talk, you know where to find me." He states calmly before shuting the door behiend him. Once I know he's gone I let everything out. It kinda feels nice, just sitting here crying on the floor. It's live all that pent up rage has been released. But yet the tears are still coming. Could I really be pregnant? I don't think I could handle it. But what would Sasuke think.... Wait, that doesn't matter. That bastard is the reason I'm like this.

"Naruto, I'm back." I don't even have to turn around to know it's Gaara. Now all I have to do is wait.




"Naruto what are you doing? Are you okay?" See, thats Gaara for ya. I stand up whiping away the remaining tears.

"Can you take me to see Tsundae?" He gives me one of his famous looks.

"I guess I can walk you there, lets go." I grab my sweatshirt before walking out. I saw all the hickeys covering my neck and chest when I went to the bathroom. So I'd prefer no one else to see them. When we get there Shika sighs.

"What now, not that I don't like seeing you guys. But you really should stay out of trouble."

"I need to see Tsundae, it's important." Shika doesn't say anything, insted he picks up the phone, says something, then puts it back down.

"Lucky for you Tsundaes free, follow me." Skika stands up leading the way to where ever Tsundae is. Shika sighs opening the door.

"Here we are, now please Naruto. Don't come back for awhile, you worry me when your here." Shika gives me the peace sign before leaving, closing the door behiend him.

"So what do you need Naruto?" I look at Gaara for suport, he only shurgs. God don't I have great friends.

"How early can you take a pregnancy test?" Tsundae and Gaara both give me shocked looks. The only difference is Gaara looks like he's about to pass out.

"About 12 hours after if I give you one here, do you need one?" I blush madly before giving her a simple yes.

"I'll be back in about five minutes." As soon as she walks out Gaara goes on a rampage.

"Im going to kill that bastard, for his sake we better not run into him on our way home or I'm-"

"Gaara calm down, I'm probably over reacting. I mean, your not pregnant."

"Well I used protection, for your information." I sigh, Gaara just always has to one up me.

"Who did you mate with?"


"You heard me Gaara, I think I have a right to know. It's not like you were raped either, you lucky bastard." I say the last part playfuly, trying to lighten uo the situation. Gaara looks down and mutters something.

"Speak up, I don't have super hearing."

"It was Neji okay!" The room goes silent, Gaara looks back down.

"Is that why he was at the dorm when I got back from the hospital?" He nods, still trying to hide his blush. Tsundae walks in breaking the akward silence.

"Okay all you have to do is pee on the stick, its just like the ones that you see in the store, except this one is a lot more acurate." I take the test before going to the bathroom. My hands are so shaky I almost miss the stick completly. When I'm done I walk back into the room tightly holding the test in my hands.

Now all we have to do is wait.

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