Chapter 5

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I shook my head at Amelia " No, there's no way I am watching the notebook" I hated that movie with a passion it was so fake and unreal, I don't think anyone has a 'summer romance' and at the end it always makes me cry.

"OK, I know that you think its unreal and you are bitter about romance but this could be the last time I hang out with you until you move, so we should defiantly watch the notebook." I sighed.

"Ok." Hopefully I dont regret this descision too much.

----------------------------------After the movie------------------------------------

After two tubs of Ice cream and four boxes of tissues later I turned off the T.V. I got up off the couch and dusted myself off. "Alright, lets go do something less emotionally damaging." Amelia nodded and we headed up to my room. I got some supplies to make a fort out of my closet.

"Really, A fort what are we seven?"

" Psshh you might be but I'm an awsome seventeen year-old who knows how too build a kick-ass fort.' I smile. I am the best at building forts.

"Ok lets get started." We draped the blankets over my bed and used my desk and night stand as stands and we hung lightsaround it. After we made the fort we went downstairs to get some snacks. We saw Mar sitting at the table.

"Hey Mar, watcha doin?" I walked twoard her and set my snacks on the table.

"I'm making macaroni art, but theres no macaroni so im using animal crackers." I looked over her shoulder anf there was her glueing animal crackers too a piece of green construction paper.

"Well, alright, we are going too be in my room. Come get me if you want dinner."

"Ok."Mar said waving me off.

We headed up to my room and put our snacks in our laps and watched some netflix. After a bit we got tired and fell asleep.

In the morning Amelia had too leave before I got up so she wrote a note." Dear LC, I have left on very important pilot business and I will not see you for the next 2 days with love, Earhart." She probably is at her aunts house or something. I got up and stretcched I grabbed my computer and sat on my bed. I forgot that the fort was still there so I got bombarded by blankets and pillows.

"AAHH!" I was trying too get the pillows out of my face and then I spazed out with my arms and fell on the ground. "Ow." I groaned rubbing my head. I cleared my bed of the blankets and turned on my laptopand went on the website to buy tickets.I hope they don't cost to much but if they do I know grandma's credit card number. After a while, when I decided to get the tickets and print them I called my grandma.She picked up after the third ring.

"Hey, Grandma I bought the plane tickets and we are coming in two days."

"TWO DAYS?! Why didn't you call me earlier so I could get your rooms ready?"

"Well, I only just bought them like five minutes ago."

"You still could have called and made sure the date is okay with us, what if we're not even there when you get there."

"I know were your key is Grandma."

"Still, you should be more considerate of other people." I was gettting a little pissed now.

"I'm so sorry Helen I had no idea your paretns died and you had too move in with your grandparents. I had know idea the world revolved around you so please forgive me your majesty." I hung up the phone not wanting to talk too her otherwise I would start cussing. I went too Mar's room too see if she was there and to tell her that we were leaving soon.

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