Chapter 11 - Bridezilla

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Chapter 11

I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling, thinking of the drastic change my life has so recently taken. It's already been a week since he left me but I feel the same as the first day. I barely make it through each day, feeling as if my heart will fail me at any second. I have no energy as I eat just enough to survive each passing day. My parents have stopped in a couple of times to check on me since Alec told them I was 'very ill', but they never stayed long because I would just tell them I was fine and they would be on their way with sad expressions. It hurt to see them like that, but all I wanted was to be alone. Despite my wishes, Alec and Cal come into my room every morning and spend time with me. After a while they gave up on trying to converse with me, so they just hang out together in my room to give me company, although I would be fine without it. Most of the time I sit up and pretend to watch them play xbox or some other game; a couple of times we've had a movie night, but it's not the same. I try to act happy for them because I hate seeing them sad from my lack of enthusiasm. I was interrupted from my thoughts when there was a light rapping at my door, followed by Lucille poking her head in with a big grin.

"Hey honey, I know you're not feeling so great but I was thinking that maybe going wedding dress shopping with me would help you get out of the dumps a little bit. I'm not sure on exactly what's got you so down, but there's nothing shopping can't fix!" She said excitedly while sitting down on my bed next to me.

My heart lurched at the thought, but I covered up my painful grimace with a forced smile.

"O-okay." I said hoarsly. I just couldn't stand to upset Lucille; she was always going out of her way to make me happy.

"Do you need a glass of water? Your throat sounds scratchy. Would you like some medicine?" She asked worriedly. 

"Pain relievers would be nice.." Although I didn't need them for my throat, I was hoping it would help me a little with the pain coursing through my entire body.

"Okay, while I go and fetch them you need to hop in the shower. I'll leave some clothes and the medicine on the bathroom counter, alright?" She said while heading toward my door.

"Kay." I said before slowly getting up and weakly walking to the bathroom. I turned the shower on hot before stripping down and getting in. My body has been abnormally cold lately, so I lavished any heat I could get. I dumped shampoo onto my head and let it run down my shoulders and back, enjoying the feel of the grime being washed away from my lack of concern for my body. I savored every moment in my steaming shower, not understanding why I hadn't done this earlier. Once I was done I grabbed a towel and stepped out, feeling slightly better than I had the past few days. I allowed a tiny smile to form on my cracked lips when I seen some casual clothes neatly folded on the bathroom counter with two Aspirin on top. I slipped on the clothes and took the pills with water from the sink before brushing my hair and allowing it to air dry. I walked out of the bathroom to see Lucille sitting on my bed looking at the few items on my nightstand. Once I opened the door her eyes snapped to me and she smiled before it turned into a frown. I furrowed my eyebrows at her, confused at why she was frowning at me.

"Oh my goodness child! Haven't you been eating?" She exclaimed while walking over to me and picking at how the clothes hung loosely around my frail body. The shirt sagged slightly on my shoulders and my jeans no longer hugged my legs and accented my curves like they used to. It wasn't a huge difference, but it was noticeable.

I shrugged and walked to grab my phone so that we could leave. Lucille's worried look never left her face as we walked out of my room and into her Porsche Convertible. We rode with the top down until we came to a stop in the city. My hair was already dry from the windy ride and was also a complete mess again. Lucille tsked and tried to pat down the ends but failed.

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