Episode 2: Kuiri

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Hello, my name is Kuiri (Cure•ee). I'm 25 years old and I love to write. Poetry has always been in me. It is the only way I can really express myself. Most of the times I write music for my little sisters Kamori and Kha'eeli. They are such beautiful creatures, i love all my sisters with everything in me. As you can tell from the photo above , I'm 4 months pregnant. I am so excited because I usually don't make it to this point. Me and my husband have been trying for a year now. Usually I make it to 2 months and miscarry but it seems like this time it's going to work out. My husband and I have been together since my freshman year in college, and we've been married for 3 years. I have loved every moment of these 6 years , but it all hasn't been peachy. Jamal used to have drinking problem, 4 miscarriages can cause anybody to drink. Jamal never really had an outlet so he found comfort in drinking. I always had writing to keep me sane , but what does he have? a wife that can't keep a baby? I love him with every piece of me and not gonna give up on him. He is a part of my life that I just don't want to give up. It's like I don't know anything besides him. I couldn't move on if I wanted to, he's apart of me now. Although he doesn't know much about what me and my sister do, I wouldn't want it any other way. I don't want him to get pulled into this lifestyle where you have to "get it how you live." Me and my sisters are just trying to follow our dreams, we have a very unique story and are very different and we're just trying to capitalize off of that.

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