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"Oof," i say as i open the pantry and Lucy falls on top of me. She looks great. A little flustered but other than that, she looked gorgeous. Her pink dress shimmered as she stood up. Her eyes shining. Gray grabbed her in a hug. A pang of jealousy flared in the pit of my stomach.

Gray laughed at something she said. I got up and pulled lisanna through the partiers and to the foyer .

"This isn't going to work." i say bluntly.

"What?" she asked.

"Our relationship. I think we should go our separate ways." i say following the script gray wrote out for me.


"Merry Christmas Lisanna." I grab my coat and walk into the snowy night.

"I- I HATE YOU DRAGNEEL!" she screamed as her voice cracked. "I - I Hate you." she slammed the door.

I sighed that did not go as planned. I walk home. As i open the door, my mom stares at me.

"Is the Party over?" she asked.

"It is for me." i take off my coat, "I doubt I'm welcome there."


"I broke up with Lisanna." I say.

She sits down on the couch and patted the seat next to her. I sat down.

"I'm so done with her busy bodyishness so I asked Gray what to do and he told me to break up with her."

"I'm glad." His mom said. "I hated her showing up unannounced as if she owed our hou- I'm sorry. Lisanna was a very sweet girl. She was just a nosy girl. But your father didn't like her much."

I stare at my hands, 'did everyone want me to break up with Lisanna?'

"WAIT!" Wendy screamed from the banister. "Natsu broke up with Lisanna?! When?! WHY?! I Thought he liked her?!"

"Finally-" I start glad someone was actually not excited about my breakup.

"It's a miracle!" Wendy screamed.

"Never mind' I frown.

"Honey, it's not like we didn't trust you to make your own choices it's just Wendy and Zeref didn't want Lisanna as a sister. I know I could have lived with it but when i imagine our family in the future at thanksgiving. I see Zeref and you chatting with your father. Wendy, not married yet but dating, watching with their children and your. You married and your wife helping me cook dinner with Mavis. I see us as a big Family. No tensions, but joy an-"

"That's nice." I say. "Sooo? Who is the lady you want me to marry mom? I'd like to know. That would make it easier."

"Usually I can't seem to see her face. But when I get glimpses I see that she's blond."

"Sounds like Luce-" Then I stopped as my mom grinned at me.

"That's a wonderful option. Lucy is a wonderful girl. If you need it, you already have my blessing on your wedding." she said.

"Thanks mom, but Lucy's taken." I explain. "Gray's her boyfriend. But i know all the boys would willingly date her because she's smart, beautiful, kind, generous, funny, she's not boring or too thin, she's not too tall or short, well she's shorter than me but I don't mind." I cough, "anyway she's gray's girlfriend and since he's my best friend, there's sort of a rule that dating your best friend's girlfriend is against the Rules OF LIFE."

"Oh," Wendy said sadly, "Why 'Rules OF LIFE', I thought you were my friend?"

"Um ok," I say ignoring her, "It's not that I don't like Lucy, I love her, But we just became friends again. I KNOW she doesn't feel the same way about me."

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