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"Oof" I slid on the wet floor and strait into Luce. To keep my balance from falling I wrapped my arms around the closest thing to me. Lucy's waist, unfortunately she's not heavy enough to weigh me there and I ended up pulling her down with me. Her phone falls out of my sweatshirt pocket. It's ringing. Her ringtone is Masayume Chasing.

She picks it up, "Hey Lisanna."

Lisanna. The girl who ruined his friendship with Luce. The girl he was dating. How was he going to tell Lucy the truth.

"Uh yeah," Lucy answered.

I trained my ears into their conversation.

-Is there someone with you?

"Noooooo." Lucy looked over at me.

Weird, I feel like someone is with you. Well if no one is I'm turning it to facetime.

Lucy freaked, "Uh no! Don't do that! I-i-I'm in the bathroom!"

She terminated the call.

She leaned against the cabinets and slowly slid down. She sat with her legs to her chest and her hair hiding her face.

"I lied to my best friend!" She yelled. I frown

"I don't think She's your best friend." I say grabbing her phone from her hand and unlocking it. I get to her text messages. Down to the one about me not wanting to be friends with Lucy. "I never said that back then,"

I handed Luce her phone. She stared at the text messages.

"Wait, You didn't?" She looked up at me.

"Why would I?" I smile at her reaching out and lifting up her chin.

"Because," She looked away. " I don't know, maybe you don't like me."

"Why wouldn't I like you." I sat back. "I mean you're smart, nice, pretty and even if you're a little mean, cough cough. Slamming the door in my face. Cough cough. I lo-like you, Lucy."

She smiled. "I like you too. You are a great friend, but my you're also my best friend's boyfriend. I know, you say you didn't say that and who knows maybe Lisanna lied but I know her. She's not that kind of person."

I shrugged my shoulders. Maybe. Maybe not.

She walked upstairs with me.

I layed down on her bed. She sat next to me. I thought about how one simple text had destroyed our friendship. I closed my eyes, sighing, soon i had fallen asleep.

Goodness! that was a short part. I'm sorry. But i had to do a Natsu POV. ANYWAY.... I Must say. this story might need a sequel, for the plot that i have planned. i will call it when choosing between two of you. Get it?

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