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"Oof," I said as i walked straight into a closed door.

"Man, you're loosing it," Gray said as I opened the door to the pizzaria. Everyone stared at us.

I slammed my hand into his face. He dodged. I sighed.

"Dude," Gray laughed, "sucker punches don't fix everything."

We sit in a booth, not bothering to order anything but a slushie for Gray.

I slam my head onto the table.

"Ice cold Gray counciling at your service," he slurped his slushie in my direction if that was even possible.

"I. C. G. C. For short," he set his drink aside, " our motto is 'the ice cold truth is the best way to go about it'

I stare at him.

"Its a work in progress" he slurps his drink again. "What is the problem?"

"I don't want to talk about it"


"Ok, how would you go about breaking up with a girl?" I ask.

"I'd say, it's over and walk away." He replies

"Dude, that's cold." I blanch

"Its supposed to be."

"Ok," I dial Lissanna. "Here goes nothing,"

Hey natsu! How are you?

"Uh, I'm good." I say

That's great! My party is tomorrow, make sure you are there an hour early. To set up. My friends are going to help. As are my siblings but I'd like you to help too. Bye

She hung up.

"Great" I mutter

Gray and i head to my house. We open the door and i flop onto the couch.

"WENDY!" I yell.

"WHAT!" she screams "cant you see i have Chelia over!" she slams her door but my excellent hearing hears "gees, get a life,"

I run up the stairs gray on my heels we both have evil smirks on our faces. I grab tape from my room he grabs toilet paper from the bathroom. We then begin to tape toilet Paper all across the doorway and her closed door. We layer it hundreds of times.

"Natsu!" Wendy yells, "what are you doing!"

"Nothing," i chirp.

Gray snickers.

We retreat to my bedroom.

Gray sits at my desk. I flop onto the floor.

"Yo gray?" i ask


"Do you like Lucy?" I frown at my own question.

"Yeah." he says. My chest throbs. He continues, "But you know, not like that. We just hang out as friends ya' know?"

I feel so much better. I not enthusiastically

"So what, im wondering is," he grins evilly, "when you will finally get your act together and talk to her about your feelings. Well hmm." he stops to think i gape at him, "Feelings, is putting it mildly." He sighs. "I dont get it. She likes you too, in fact, you are jerk for kissing lisanna the other night."

I still haven't caught up. How does he know?

"Dude, i'm your best friend, i know things like tha-" Gray is cut of by a blood curdling scream.

I start laughing. Gray falls off his chair. There is a pounding on the door.

"Act... natural..." i manage to wheeze. He jumps on top of me. We roll around fake fighting as Wendy bursts through my door entangled in toilet paper.

It's hilarious.

"MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!" Wendy yells. "Natsu and Gray are being MORONS!" that last part was aimed at us but we didn't care. We laughed and guffawed like a few hyenas on laughing gas, until my mom came in.

"NATSU ETHERIOUS DRAGNEEL!" She grabbed my ear pulling me off my perch on top of my best friend and down the stairs into the kitchen. She then handed me a trash bag and said something horrifying.

"Clean..... Up." she hissed.

She stormed into my dad's office Gray peeked in through the doorway and smiled at me.

"See ya'" he said and with that he left me to the wrath of everyone in my house including Zeref who would take this as an opportunity to yell at me for fun.

"NATSU!" Zeref Yelled accusingly

I blew him a raspberry.

That night I sleep like a log. A log that is being burned in a fire, with a group of laughing kids roasting marshmallows over the burning log and telling jokes as the log crumbles into ash.

All that's to say is i didn't sleep at all that night.

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