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HELLO! So uh this chapter is longer than my short mini chaps. this chap has only a tad bit of Ying/stingyu. ENJOY! 



I dialed Gray. He answered on the 2nd ring.

"Hey, What's up?"

I smiled. Gray really was a great guy, "Hi, Gray. I was wondering if you were busy tonight."

"Nah," He said, "I don't have any plans."

"Well, would you like to go out with me?" I ask. "As friends of course."

"Thank goodness." He sighed. "If we go out as friends, Juvia can't kill you."

"She wouldn't actually kill me," I feel a shiver run down my spine. "I hope."

Gray laughed, " Yeah! Anyway, what time do you want to meet up and where?"

"How about 6:30 tonight in the park." I suggest.

"Works for me."


"See ya' later."

I grin as I set down the phone. Lucy Heartfilia has herself a date. I text Lisanna. It goes something like this:

Hey lisanna can i ask a favor?


I have a date with Mr. Gray Fullbuster tonight and i need your help. Please?

Well... Lucy Fullbuster has a nice ring to it.

>: (

<3 <3





She wants to go to the mall?


I get dressed quickly and walk outside locking the house as I leave. I walk for a while the ice crunches under my feet. I get to the mall and look around. Christmas barfed all over everything. Then I spot a familiar blue haired girl.

"Wendy!" I run over to the small girl.

"Lucy! It's good to see you again." She hugs me.

"I didn't expect to see you here." I laugh.

"Well Zeref promised to take me Christmas shopping. Then I wanted to get my friend Chelia a gift too and my cat. Sooooo, Zeref went looking for cat clothes while I wait in line to buy this," she shows me a swimsuit.

"Now?" I giggle, " a swimsuit?"

"It's for chelia." Wendy mumbles.

I smiled, "well how 'bout this," I play with Wendy's hair, "when Zeref comes back, he can go home and you, me and Lisanna all go shopping in a girl group."

"Really! You want me to tag along?" Wendy looks so happy.

"Of course! Your now my little sister." I smile

She grins up at me.

"Hey Lucy," Zeref greets me moments after we bought the swimsuit.

I wave.

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