POV: Natsu

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"Oof!" I say as a big white pillow with pale blue tassels hits me in the face. I fall over.

"Sorry, Natsu." I hear Wendy say. She pulls the pillow off me. I look around her room trying to keep my eyes off Lucy; she is sitting right in front of me looking really pretty framed against Wendy's white room. I blush and banish the thought.

"Uhh. Dinner is ready. Says mom." I say and walk out of my room, blushing madly, when I knock on Zeref's door.

"Come in." came the reply. I walk in. If I were to describe Zeref's room I'd say it's eyeball disintegrating. His floor is dark black carpet while his walls ar white. His ceiling is black. And the furniture is white with black things on it. His black laptop. His black bed sheets and blankets his black lamp and his black cell phone, that he's talking on. He hangs up.

"Dinner," I say.

He nods. I wait, thinking about how to phrase what I'm about to say. He looks at me questioningly.

"What? Am I dead?" He asks.

"Um, I think you're alive." I say.

"See, you found the problem." He says "I'm so proud of you. What's the actual problem?"

"I like a girl and I don't know how to tell her. And I think she hates me."

"Not my problem."

He walks out. I sigh and follow him downstairs.

Dinner was pizza. I lost count after 16, of how many slices I ate. After all, Zeref ate double what I ate and Wendy doubled that. I think my mom bought 17 pizzas thinking we'd have extra.

After dinner we started the movie, it was about a guy named Nick Pullneel, a girl named Lacy Brainseelia, a guy named Greg Emptybreaker, a girl named Emma Crimson, and a girl named Willa Admire. And a few others. They were wizards and were in a guild; hence the name of the show.

About halfway through, Wendy went to her room to find Carla, her cat. Mom and Dad left too. So it was just Luce and I. I don't know when, but Lucy fell asleep on my shoulder. I couldn't stop my face from heating. Soon the movie was over and Lucy woke up.

"Did I fall asleep? Sorry." She smiles sheepishly. My stomach does some sort of flip flop gymnastics routine. "Would you mind telling me what happened?"

"Ok, what do you last remember?" I ask

"Uh, Greg found out that, uh, the guy, Absolute Zero Platinum, was like his dad's corpse and the girl, Jane Keyser, was fighting the demon Locks. I think."

"'Kay, so the celestial wizard Lacy, like, summoned this Mustache dude and broke a key in the process. Then Nick, Willa, Geoge, Prick and Ryan's missing dragon parents come back. And, uh, Nick and Greg and Prick and Ryan start fighting the Underworld king. At the end Nick and Greg both want the Book of S.T.A.R.T and, uh, oh, yeah! The black wizard Zack is introduced at the end. Buh buh buh cliffhanger!"

I think that's a good explanation.

We walk up to Wendy's room and open the door it's kind of late, so she's probably awake. She was.

"Finally, the movie is over!" She says from her bed as we walk in. She has 2 cats on her lap. Carla and my cat, Happy, who is oddly obsessed with her cat. He's also an odd shade of blue.

"Now we can play... dun dun dun Truth or Dare!" She squeals. "I'll go first. Lucy, truth or dare?"

Lucy sits down on the floor. "Truth."

Wendy laughs, "I was hoping you'd choose Dare. Oh, well. Truth: Do you have a crush on someone?"

"Yes." She blushed. "My turn. Natsu, Truth or Dare?"

I grin. I love this game. "Dare." I say.

"Ok, I dare you to run downstairs and scream at the top of your lungs."

"Done." I get up and run downstairs.


Man that was loud. My parents rush out. Zeref jumps down the stairs and smacks me.

"Ow..." I whine rubbing my cheek. "Not cool, Zeref."


I run back upstairs and close Wendy's door. The girls are giggling.

I laugh. "My turn. Wens? Truth or Dare?"

"First, don't call me that. And second, Truth." She sticks her tongue out at me.

"That's lame." I say, "Truth: Do you like my friend Doranbolt? Or your friend Romeo?"

"What?" She shrieks. "That is so not cool, Natsu. What kind of dumb question is that anyway? Well, I guess I'd choose Romeo cause he's my age and all. My turn again."

She moves Happy to Lucy's lap. "Natsu, Truth or Dare?"

"Dare," I smirk, "Make it good."

"Oh, it's good." She smiled and her sinister smile made me shiver.

"Hmmm," she smirked, "Dare: Ok, I dare you to kiss Lucy."

Lucy and I shriek, "What!?"

"Do it." Came the response.

"Well, I guess it wouldn't kill us right?" I ask. Lucy frowns and looks away.

"I guess not." She mumbles.

We lean together, closer, our foreheads touch. I lean a little closer and my lips touch... fur.

I leap back as Happy hisses.

"What?! The -" I start.

"Sorry." Lucy says coldly.

Before I know it, Wendy pushes me out of her room and into the hall.

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