Point of View: Lucy

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I closed my locker. I was late for class again, but it wasn't my fault. Well, not completely. Only like 97% my fault.

I had decided to walk to school today. My cell phone said it would be a high of 60°F. Of course it was proven wrong; it seemed like the temperature was rapidly decreasing and the high school students' hope was rapidly increasing. Hoping it would get too cold, snow, or the power go out and that we would be sent home.

I walked into my first period class taught by a younger teacher that used to be a model. Miss. Strauss taught my english class and right now we were rewriting William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. No one noticed as I walked into class. Well a boy- whom I highly detested for a specific reason- did, but other than that only my best friends, Levy, Yukino, and Lisanna, saw me open the door.

"Hi, Lucy!"

Guess Miss. Strauss saw too. Everyone looked my way. I blushed and hurried to my seat. Class passed quickly and soon the bell rang. My other classes passed just as quickly in a flurry of Math, History, Chemistry, and Astronomy. Then it was lunch.

I sat at our table with Levy, Yukino, Lisanna, and a girl named Juvia decided to sit with us too.

"Juvia thinks Juvia has a crush on Gray-Sama." Juvia put her head on the table. "But Gray-Sama doesn't notice Juvia." She sighed. "How can Juvia get Gray-Sama to like he-?"

Attention, students. It would seem that it is snowing outside and does not intend to stop. Principal Makarov's voice came over the speakers. You are all excused to call your parents. There was a pause Oh, and school is dismissed. Be safe and have a good winterbreak! Everyone cheered then got up and went to their lockers.

Levy gathered her things. "I've gotta go call my mum!" She started to walk towards the office.

"Wait, Levy!" Yukino ran after her, "You can use my phone!" She handed Levy her white and silver phone.

While Levy was on the phone, Lisanna left to go find her older brother and sister. Both taught at the school.

Yukino called her older sister to come pick her up. Her parents were out of town.

"Ok, bye, sorry! Oh, uh, do we want me to call in an order to Little Caesar's so we can pick it up on the way home and have dinner in case the snow gets too deep? Ok, will do. See you soon!" Yukino typed in a new number. "Hello, I'd like to call in an order that will be picked up in 15 min. Canadian Bacon And Pineapple, please. Thanks so much. Bye!" Yukino smiled as she slammed her locker shut. "Bye, Lucy!"

She left.

I dial Capricorn, my chauffeur; he doesn't pick up. I don't leave a message, instead I call again, and again, until he picks up.

"Miss Lucy, how may I be of service?"

"Well, school is out early and can you come pick me up? Please." I hope I didn't sound too demanding. After all Capricorn is like my father. Well a nice father that doesn't ignore me and I see all the time. So he's basically a normal father, but I suppose if he's my father then his wife Virgo is my mom and I'm not ready to give up my mom. So... yeah, never mind.

"I'm sorry Miss Lucy. No can do. The snow is too deep out here."

Lucy lived about 30 minutes out of town; about an hour and a half walk.

"Oh, I'll just go home with a friend or something. No biggie. Thanks anyway. I'll call you later."

I hung up. A little panicked. My friends had already left. Well Lisanna might still be at school. I walked quickly to go find Evergreen, the front office lady. She tended to know if Coach Strauss had left already. I grinned to myself, but just as I walked into the office, I was flabbergasted. There was Coach Strauss on his knee in front of Ms. Evergreen.

"Hey, Ever, will you marry me?"

I turned away and ran. My face was on fire! I turned the corner and ran straight into a pink haired imbecile.

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