TY2 chapter 1.

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If you were granted two wishes I bet the first would be money then the second would be something materialistic. But what about time? Yes I'm talking about minutes and seconds, something that's often taken for granted.
I never believed in timing, I only believed in trying but now that trying is not an option time is all I need.

I licked my lips over and over again out of pure nervousness while I played with my fingers " Baby calm down " I looked over at my wife shooting her a small but not so sure smile " I am calm " I ran my tongue over my lips once more just for her to grab my face and turn my head towards her " You need chapstick not saliva. " Normani Lowly spoke before kissing me.

She pulled away slowly rubbing her thumb over my lips while smiling " There you go " she mumbled as she finished rubbing in the lip gloss she transferred from her lips to mine " Everything is going to be okay I promise. " She spoke while looking into my eyes.

I just shook my head and agreed knowing that was the only thing that would stop her from worrying about me.

I looked around the doctors office eyeing each one of the pictures that was hanging up one by one.

I looked from one smiling face to the other causing a slight smile to fall upon my face due to a mere thought of my daughter Zion.

I closed my eyes slightly taking in a few deep breaths before I heard the door slowly open causing me to look in the direction.

There he stood the man who would possibly be delivering me the life changing news I thought I never would hear.

I watched him take long confident strides towards his oak wood desk.

He pulled his chair out and took a sit before me and Normani greeting us with a polite smile.

He pulled out a folder that he had placed underneath his arm and took out a few sheets of paper that looked like they held very important information on them " Hello Mrs. Hamilton. " he spoke while nodding his head in my direction.

" So let's get to it " he looked down at the papers that sat before him before looking back up at us " My Colleagues and I went over your cat scan numerous of times and each and every time we got the same result. " he sat up in his chair taking a deep breath while clasping his hands together in front of him.

I watched Dr. Bonner closely as I felt Normani take my hand into hers. I knew the news he was about to tell me wasn't something I had prepared for. I could tell by the look in his eyes that him his self didn't even know how to say it.

We sat there in pure silence, nothing could be heard throughout the room but our uneasy breathing and the ticking of a clock that sat in the corner of the room.

Dr. Bonner took in another breath exhaling slowly before slightly clearing his throat " Dinah I'm sorry to inform you that you have been diagnosed with stage four Glioblastoma multiforme which is A malignant tumor affecting the brain or spine. That explains the continuous vomiting and headaches you have been experiencing. "

I sat there with my eyes tightly shut wishing what I was hearing was all apart of a dream, but the tight grip My Wife had formed on my hand allowed me to know it wasn't a dream I was for sure awake.

I sat there in a daze my whole entire body going numb, the doctor that sat before me words had started to sound like mumble, the air I breathed in started to feel like sharp needles going into my lungs. The feeling of Normani hand tightly wrapped around mines started to feel like sand slowly drifting away.

I felt the tears that I hid behind my eye lids beginning to feel like fire that only got hotter the longer I tried to keep them hostage from the two people that sat around me.

I ignored the sharp pain that shot through my head for it was no greater then the pain I felt in my chest.

My heart was breaking knowing that It was a possibility that I would be leaving behind a wife I loved dearly and a daughter who wouldn't even go to sleep unless I was in her presences.

I finally opened my eyes allowing a few tears to escape them.

I looked around the room eyeing the pictures once again only this time I looked beyond the smile each person embraced.

Dr. Bonner cleared his throat capturing my attention. We looked at each other for awhile before he finally looked away " What are the treatment options? " Normani finally spoke up with the shakiest voice I had ever heard, Causing him to look back in our direction " Treatments include radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery. But I am sorry to say This type of tumor grows and spreads rapidly, often creating pressure. Treatment can help, but this condition can't be cured "

Right then and there my whole body melted like chocolate that had been left out in the sun for to long. " how long do I have? " I lowly spoke not even bothering to give eye contact " Three mouths, five if you're lucky. "

I casted my eyes down towards my lap feeling as if everything I had worked so hard to gain was being stripped away from.

Here sat before me was the strongest person I knew crying, not for herself but for me. I felt the tears that left Normani eyes hit the top of my hand causing me to look over at her.

I wouldn't allow this to defeat me, I would fight until I couldn't no more all I needed was time.

So a lot of things is going to be different, I got y'all nothing but fluff the first book. I decided to switch things up a little in this one.

Truly Yours ( Norminah )Where stories live. Discover now