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Normani walked through the campus ground smiling to herself as she hummed along to the song that was playing in her headphones.

She smiled and waved at a few bystanders before walking completely off campus. She was on her way to the grocery store it had been 3 months since her and Dinah started talking and they hadn't officially asked each other out waiting for the right time she figured why not surprise her with her favorite dish while doing so.

She removed her phone from her pocket looking at some of her unread messages as she waited for the sign to turn green indicating that she could safely cross the street she skimmed through all the  messages from unsaved numbers deleting them one by one. She came by one with a saved number opening it she slightly rolled her eyes.

Lesley- What?? you to good to speak now since you shacking up with that poetic justice bi ..

" Delate and block " Normani mumbled to herself lowly

She looked at a few more before finally coming across the person name she had been thinking about all day she smiled to herself before opening the message.

My baby 😍👅💙 - Hey big head I'm going to run by my place before I head to yours do you need anything?

Right when she was about to reply she heard a familiar laugh causing her to raise her head up and look around, she looked around slowly hearing the laugh again she turned her head slightly to the left blinking a few times she shook her head in what she saw " what the fuck " she stepped back whispering not wanting to be seen.

Just watching Dinah laugh at someone else the same way she made her laugh made her blood boil and if that wasn't enough it seemed like the girl that sat opposite of her at the small table outside of the cafe couldn't keep her hands to herself reaching over to place her hand on Dinah arm every chance she got.

Normani stood there for a few seconds more growing more irritated before gathering her emotions and walking off.


Dinah stood in front of Normani's apartment door fumbling around with her key chain until she came across the key Normani had given her a few weeks ago.

She sled the key in unlocking the door, she placed her bag by the door before inhaling the smells that lead her to the kitchen.

She looked around taking in her surroundings surprised that she didn't hear any music playing since that was what Normani did whenever she was cooking. She made it to the door way propping against it to take in the sight of the love of her life move around the kitchen.

Dinah pushed herself from the side of the door way and made her way over to the shorter girl backside pushing her hair to one side of her neck.

Before she could even kiss the side of her face Normani swiftly moved not even looking at her. Dinah frowned her face up while looking at her. She stepped back against the counter to watch Normani as she continued to cook not once turning around to acknowledge her.

Dinah stood there trying to figure out what her problem was but she couldn't come up with anything " Normani " she called her name softly still nothing.

She watched Normani for a few seconds more before she picked up the pan and placed it to the side After doing that Normani finally turned around facing Dinah crossing her arms in front of her.

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