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I walked up on the stage taking the mic into my hand " Hello it's me " I playfully sung into the mic causing the crowd to mildly laugh. " I'm not going to keep y'all for long tonight I honestly don't have much to say " I looked around the room searching for one face but unlike any other night she wasn't anywhere to be found.

Looking around once more I stalled for a second by taking a few sips of water. Placing my bottle back down on the stool I closed my eyes taking in a couple of deep breaths gripping the mic in my hands to adjust it. I stood there for a few seconds longer until I felt a pair of eyes on me coming from the back of the room.

I opened my eyes to be met with the set of eyes I've been fiening to see all day. Since today hadn't gone as plan I didn't get a chance to make it to my favorite spot under the oak tree nor my favorite table at the coffee shop so that prevented me from seeing my favorite person to date.

I looked away from her and that magical smile to the impatient faces sitting before me " I guess I should get started now " I mumble lowly into the mic before clearing my throat

" As I lay here with a brain full of questions an a heart full of answers I watch your chest rise up and down.

It's one of those nights again where you think the world is against you everybody can see you talking but they still don't seem to get you.

Only if you knew that my heart beats for you, my head is held so high when I speak only because of you. My smile never seems to fade thanks to you. My happiness never goes unnoticed like it use too.

Tell me why I can't make you just as happy as you make me. Tell me how can I be the reason you smile whenever you're unhappy.

Speaking of that I would walk a million miles just to see you smile. Wipe away every tear when you cry, You deserve to be loved the way you love me that's why I love you times two plus three. "

I stepped away from the mic and watched every one sitting before me clap but nobody else reaction mattered more then hers did.

I looked from everyone til I finally laid my eyes back on Normani. She gently smiled before raising her arm up slightly in the air. I walked from the stage to get a closer look at what she was holding up the closer I got to her the brighter her smile became.

Stepping in front of her she pointed at the sit beside her indicating she wanted me to have a sit. Sitting down I looked back her way to see her sliding a cup towards me " Since you didn't get to make it to the coffee shop today I thought why not bring the coffee shop to you " Normani smiled while speaking. I picked the medium size cup up taking a few sips before I placed it back down in front of me. " peppermint tea just the way you like it " she semi whispered while watching me.

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