Chapter Twenty-Five - The Wedding

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Ginny stood in front of the full-length mirror in her bedroom decked out in her wedding gown. Today was the day, the 28th of June, the day that she was going to marry Harry. She had dreamed of this day ever since she was four years old. Her prince hadn't always been Harry, but the Boy Who Lived. Now, her real prince was more than she could ever have hoped for.

Now, they were in the middle of a massive war that would hopefully be over soon. The end was fast approaching, but here she was, on the happiest day of her life, thoughts of war far from her mind. She still wasn't quite sure how she had managed to convince Harry not to wait until after the war. All she knew was that she was happy. He made her happy and that was the most important thing.

She grinned at the thought and placed a nervous hand over her jittering stomach, as she looked at herself in the mirror again. She wanted to look perfect for him. She had made the perfect dress down to the endless white lace and silk, covered in tiny glass flowers and pearls. She could feel the weight of her skirts, see the rise and fall of her chest through the gorgeous silk. It was the dress of her dreams.

Her hair was pinned up in a complicated twist of braids and curls, framing her face in the golden red curls. The tiara of glass flowers and pearls that held the veil was placed carefully inside of her curls and the white lace fell from the tiara in a long veil that went down to her waist. The ruby was nestled between her breasts and when the sun hit the top it sparkled, making her smile. The necklace was going to be for luck as much as for love and protection. She felt beautiful and she knew she looked it.

She took a deep breath and turned a bit to the right and then to the left to admire the way that the lace veil moved with her. The veil was gorgeous, more so than she remembered and it was very special. It had been passed down from daughter to daughter on her mother's side of the family for longer than they could remember. It was her 'something old' for her special day.

"I found it!" Hermione exclaimed, rushing into the room holding a six pence in her hand.

Ginny turned. "Where did you get it?"

Hermione grinned. "I had it in my trunk from the last time I was in London. You have to wear it in your shoe."

Ginny giggled as Hermione slid the six pence into her right shoe.

Lily smiled from where she stood in the doorway. "I'm glad you agree with the old wives' tale, Hermione."

"What is the reason for this exactly?" Ginny asked curiously.

"'Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, and a six pence in your shoe'. It's an old folk tale. It's supposed to bring good luck." Lily explained with a soft smile. "So we've got the Prewett veil as something old. We have the six pence; and for something borrowed, I thought maybe you could wear these." She held out the two tear-drop pearl earrings and Ginny gasped.

"Oh, Lily, I couldn't. What if I lost them?"

Lily smiled. "You won't. They'll match your dress beautifully."

Ginny accepted the earrings and carefully slipped them into her ears. "They're gorgeous."

"So are you," Sirius said casually from the doorway. When Ginny turned he sucked in his breath. "Incredibly. Harry's going to pass out when he sees that vision coming towards him."

Ginny smiled. "You like it then?"

He nodded. "You look wonderful." He walked over and kissed her cheek, before he held out a small box. "This is from me to you for everything you've done. Congratulations, Gorgeous." He kissed her cheek again and winked at Lily. "And I guess according to Lily-Love's folk tale, it's your something new."

Ginny opened the box and her eyes widened. Inside was a beautiful yellow gold corded bracelet drenched in diamonds. It sparkled in the sunlight coming through the window. "Oh Merlin!" Ginny exclaimed, placing an unsteady hand over her heart.

Sirius grinned. "Lex helped me pick it out; I won't take all the credit. But it's all for you."

Ginny's eyes met his, tears in them and Hermione glared at Sirius. "No making the bride cry! We'll have to re-do her makeup."

Sirius rolled his eyes. "Use a charm." He took the bracelet from Ginny's hands and carefully slipped it onto her wrist. "Now you're perfect."

Emma shook her head as she and Fleur stepped into the room already dressed in their bridesmaids' gowns. "Not quite yet. We've got the something blue."

Fleur grinned as she held up a tiny blue satin and lace garter. "Eet iz for 'Arry az much az you."

Ginny laughed and as she accepted the garter. "Thank you, everyone, for everything. How does everything look at the manor?"

Lily smiled and kissed her cheek. "Beautiful. Don't worry. Now I must steal Sirius away. We have to head back to the manor. The last time I checked James was trying to convince Harry that you loved him, and that moving up the wedding two weeks was not a bad thing."

Ginny smiled. "Tell him I love him."

Lily nodded. "I will. Come on, Sirius."

When they stepped into the hallway, Lily placed a hand over her large stomach. "My baby's getting married."

Sirius grinned and pulled her into his arms. "Lily, don't start the waterworks, you know it makes me panic!"

She laughed against his shoulder. "She looks beautiful, doesn't she?"

"Incredibly. Harry's a lucky guy. She's his other half. He couldn't have found anyone better."

Lily nodded. "I agree. Do you have the temporary portkey for the day?"

Sirius grinned as he held it out to her. "Let's go see how our boy is holding up now. As long as he's not like James was, I'll be alright."

Lily laughed as she accepted the portkey and disappeared before Sirius Disapparated as well.

Back in Ginny's bedroom ...

"Ginny, you look so amazing. I'm almost jealous." Hermione said as tears welled up in her eyes.

Fleur smiled and stood next to Ginny. The green dress she was wearing did look incredible on her and Ginny knew it had been a great choice. "Zee bride iz meant to outshine eeveryone."

Ginny grinned and kissed Fleur's cheek. "Thank you!"

There was a small gasp from the doorway and Ginny turned to see her brothers standing there. Bill, Charlie, Fred, George, Percy, and Ron and every single one of them had an identical look of being clubbed over the head.

Ginny grinned and simply raised an eyebrow at them. "Can I help you?"

George's mouth moved but no sound came out. When he tried again, his voice was squeaky. "Wow, you look like a girl."

Ginny reached for her wand but Katie beat her to it, smacking her husband across the head.

"Ow! What was that for? I didn't mean it as an insult you know!" George exclaimed.

Charlie pushed George out of the way and whistled through his teeth. "Let me tell you, Shortstop, you sure know how to make a bloke's heart stop."

"Harry's going to die when he sees you," Ron murmured as he looked at his sister in wonder.

Ginny blushed. "Do you guys really like it? I want to look perfect."

Bill grinned and took her hand in his. "Firefly, you look like an angel." He kissed her cheek. "We just wanted to get a glimpse at the bride. Congratulations."

Fred nodded. "Yeah, Gin, you bagged the Chosen One! Good on you!" He winced when Angelina's elbow hit him in the stomach. "I mean ... ow."

Percy smiled at her. "He really is a good man, Ginevra. He'll treat you right or he'll have us to answer to."

Ginny hugged each of her brothers in turn and listened to them shower compliments on her. She blinked back the tears of happiness and watched them leave before she turned to the room. By now, all of her wedding party was there. Hermione, her Maid of Honour, and then Demelza, Emma, Fleur, Luna, Delilah, and Lavender, her bridesmaids. Katie and Angelina were also there to help her get ready.

"They're all saps, they just don't know it." Angelina replied, tears in her eyes. "You look great, Gin!"

Katie nodded. "You really do. We'll be downstairs keeping our husbands from doing any pranks."

Angelina rolled her eyes. "Merlin, help us."

Ginny laughed as she watched them leave the room. "Is it time to go yet?"

Demelza grinned. "Not quite yet. You look amazing. I hope I look as good as you on my wedding some day."

"Oh, you will, and Colin will look very dashing." Ginny exclaimed causing Demelza to blush.

Lavender laughed. "I agree on that one."

Delilah smiled. "Weddings ... it really seems to be the season for them. Are you ready, Ginny?"

"I've never been more ready. Is it time yet?"

Luna grinned. "Not just yet. We're still waiting on your parents."

"We're right here," Molly replied, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Oh Ginevra!" She rushed forward and crushed her daughter into her arms. Everyone slowly made their way out of the room to allow for Molly and Arthur to have a moment alone with their daughter. "Dear, you look amazing."

Arthur nodded from beside his wife, tears in his eyes. "Incredible. The most beautiful woman I've ever seen." He kissed his daughter's cheek softly. "And that's saying something because on my wedding day, your mother took my breath away."

Molly's breath hitched. "Oh Arthur!"

Ginny grinned and clung to her father a moment longer. "Are you ready to give me away, Daddy?"

"No, but for Harry, I'll make an exception." He grinned and touched the beautiful diamond bracelet on her wrist. "Sirius really loves you, princess. I only wish I could give you something as extravagant."

Ginny shook her head. "I don't need it. I just need you to walk me down the aisle."

Arthur smiled. "I know." He pulled her close and kissed the top of her head and then both of her cheeks. "You're so precious to me, I love you. Now let's get you married."

Molly nodded, taking her daughter's hand in hers. "Married, indeed. We have some marital duties to discuss afterwards as well."

Ginny rolled her eyes, blushing slightly. "Mum!"

Molly laughed. "Oh you'll be fine, Ginny, don't worry. In less than an hour, you will be Mrs. Ginevra Potter, Countess of Glasgow, the future Duchess of Draíochta."

Ginny grinned. "Yes I will."


Harry sat on his bed, his dress shirt unbuttoned and untucked, his tie was hanging loosely around his neck. He was so nervous that his hands wouldn't stop shaking. He had no idea why he was nervous! He looked up when his bedroom door opened and Ron stepped into the room.

"Come on, mate, look happier."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Yeah, well since my wedding wasn't a spur of the moment kind of thing and was incredibly and elaborately planned out, I think I deserve to be a bit queasy, thanks."

"Oy, that's my sister you're talking about!" Ron exclaimed.

Harry grinned. "And that's my surrogate sister you married without telling anyone."

"Shh! Jeesh, Harry, do you want me to die? Mione and I still haven't figured out how to break that news!"

"What news?" Sirius asked as he stepped into the room followed by James and Lily.

Ron paled. "Nothing."

James grinned. "Are you ready, Harry? Merlin, tuck in your shirt!"

Harry stood up and grinned as Lily began to fix his tie. "I'm ready and queasy."

Sirius placed his hand on Harry's shoulder. "With good reason. I was also queasy when I married Lex."

Remus nodded from the doorway. "Doesn't matter how much you love them, it's a big step."

"And you're already doing better than Prongs. He was panicking, completely."

James glared at his best friend. "Hey, let's not bring up those memories."

"Did you really panic, James?" Lily asked.

James shrugged. "Well, you did have a history of turning me down. I was in shock that I had actually convinced you to marry me."

Lily laughed and kissed her husband's cheek. "Prat!"

Harry grinned. He had finished getting ready now. "I'm good, I guess. Have you seen Ginny?"

Sirius whistled. "Mate, you are going to pass out when you see her."

Ron nodded. "She looks incredible. We were all impressed. Though George made the mistake of saying she looked like a girl and he got cuffed on the head by Katie, which stopped Ginny from hexing him. It was a bad situation."

Harry laughed. "I can imagine."

Lily took his face in her hands and kissed his cheeks. "It's time to go down now, are you ready?"

Harry grinned broadly, thinking about Ginny. "I've never been more ready for anything else in my life."

James grinned. "I know the feeling."

Sirius rolled his eyes. "You two are idiots."

Remus cuffed him across the head. "Shut up, Padfoot."


Harry stood downstairs in the front, watching as the people made themselves comfortable in the chairs. The yard really did look wonderful and he could see all the hard work that was put into it. He glanced down at his mother when she grabbed his arm.

"Here we go."

Harry smiled. "Yeah."

James took his other arm and they began to make their way down the pathway and up to the front. They both kissed their son's cheeks before they left him alone standing under the arch. Preston and Paul made their way up the aisle each carrying a satin emerald green pillow with one ring on it. They walked up so carefully and looked so adorable in their tiny little tuxedos and shiny black shoes. Penny stood up to help them get into their positions.

Lyra came next in a beautiful gold dress that matched her eyes carrying a small basket filled with red lily petals. She didn't toss them about but carefully placed each petal on the ground as she made her way to the front. Harry grinned at her and she smiled back. When she got to the front, she tugged on his pants and when he bent down she kissed his cheek. The whole audience made an 'aww' sound before Lyra stood next to the twins.

Harry gulped quietly as he watched Lavender and Seamus make their way down the aisle together followed by Demelza and Blaise, Draco and Delilah, Neville and Luna, Charlie and Emma, Fleur and Bill, and then Ron and Hermione. When his two best mates reached the front he managed a small smile, his heart pounding in his chest as the music changed. When his eyes sought Ginny's, his mouth dropped open. Ron simply reached over and pushed his chin back up.

Ginny began the walk down the aisle, her father holding her arm. She knew that the decorations were beautiful. She knew that she was walking down the stone pathway from the back veranda of the house through the gardens, past the beautiful fountains, down into the small stretch of lawn before the Quidditch pitch. She knew that the chairs were lined up in front of the area all set up and decorated with white ribbons, and filled with her family and friends. She knew that she was going to marry Harry standing under a gorgeous wooden arch draped in roses, in the very spot where they had shared their first kiss three years before. She knew all of this, but saw none of it. Her eyes were lost in the emerald green ones standing in front of her.

She came up to stand next to him, her whole face lit up with happiness. He reached forward, taking her hand in his.

"I love you."

Ginny smiled up at him. "I love you, too."

Together they turned towards Professor McGonagall, who had agreed to wed them. Dumbledore was supposed to have done it but his death forced a change in plans. McGonagall looked very elegant that day. She wore an emerald green satin dress with short sleeves and a low back. Her hair was actually piled up on top of her head quite fancily rather than in her usual bun. Her square-rimmed glasses sparkled in the sunlight as she smiled warmly at them.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of this man and this woman in holy matrimony. Harry and Ginevra invited you here today because you all hold a very special place in their hearts and they wanted for you to share in this special moment with them. Today, they are willingly giving themselves to each other. As a wise man once said: Love is but the next great adventure. This wise man saw life as an adventure and every new step was a new trail to follow. This man could not be here tonight to join these two people in holy matrimony. He was murdered by Lord Voldemort only two months ago. Harry and Ginny wished for me to say this today, and to say that Albus Dumbledore was a great man and a man who deserved to be here with us today. He is here to witness this, here in our hearts."

There was a moment of silence after this, as McGonagall as well as most of the crowd wiped tears from their eyes.

"Today, we are not gathered in sadness, but to celebrate a joyous union of two wonderful people, so much in love that it brings a smile to the faces of those around them. Before we proceed with the ceremony, please, if anyone objects to this union, stand now or forever hold your peace."

No one moved, though Molly and Lily each let out a small sob.

McGonagall smiled and continued on. "Marriage is not only the union of a man and a woman but the union of their hearts, bodies, minds, and wands. It is through marriage that Harry and Ginevra will make a commitment together to face their disappointments, embrace their dreams, and realize their hopes. They will be together to see each other's achievements and failures. Under the powers bestowed on me by the Ministry of Magic, I will join you together as husband and wife. Who gives this man?"

James and Lily stepped forward, their hands joined. "We do."

McGonagall smiled. "Who gives this woman?"

Molly and Arthur stepped forward, their hands joined. "We do."

McGonagall smiled warmly. "You have all shared wonderful memories and watched the choices that this man and woman have made. You've seen their mistakes and their achievements. Most importantly you've watched them fall in love. Today, you willingly give them to each other. Through the seeds of marriage, they will grow and find a deeper understanding of the trust, friendship, loyalty, and love that they have come to know. James, Lily, I ask for you to tap your wands on the shoulders of your son. By doing this, you are showing him that you willingly give him to this woman, that you will continue to love and support him in everything that he will do."

James and Lily each reached forward and tapped their wands gently on Harry's shoulders. A bit of blue sparks came from the end.

"Arthur, Molly, I ask that you do the same for your daughter to show that you are willing giving her to this man, that you will continue to love and support her in everything she will do."

Arthur and Molly did as they were asked and a bit of blue sparks came from the ends of their wands as well.

McGonagall smiled. "Now, Harry James Potter, you have proven yourself, on more than one occasion, to be the hero that the world claims you to be. You have proven that you love Ginevra more than anything else in the world. Now it is your chance to tell her."

Harry grinned, blushing under the praise. "Ginny, I don't really know to start this off. I worked on my vows for quite a while but nothing ever sounded right. You're the most incredible woman I have ever known. You know me better than I know myself. You've always been there to make me smile, make me laugh, or to tell me what a terrible prat I'm being. I need you so much. I may not have the right words and I may not have the full romance of it, but I love you. I love you so much that it scares me a bit. I don't know what the future is going to hold. The only thing that I know is that I love you and that I plan to spend the rest of my life taking care of you, whenever you let me, that is. You are my life."

Tears welled up in Ginny's eyes and she fiercely blinked them back. He had sounded so wonderful, so beautiful. McGonagall had them streaming down her cheeks, as did her parents.

McGonagall held back a sob as she spoke. "Ginevra Molly Weasley, you have done more to prove yourself than most young girls your age. You're a hero in your own right and a very talented young witch that knows how to love and to be loyal. You have proven that you love Harry more than anything else in the world. Now it is your chance to tell him."

Ginny sniffed back tears as she spoke. She stared directly into Harry's eyes, a huge smile on her face. "I had my vows all worked out but yours just blew me away. I've loved you my entire life, or so it seems. I remember sitting in my room on Daddy's lap, and hearing the story about the Boy Who Lived. I always wanted to meet you. I got over the silly-school-girl crush fairly quickly and the friendship we developed meant more to me than anything ever could. You've done more for me than anyone ever has, and always been there when I needed you. You've put up with my mood swings, my good humour, and even my annoyance. I don't know what the future holds, either, but I do know that I love you. I plan to remind you of that every day. You're my life, my heart, my future."

Harry grinned at Ginny, his heart was pounding. He knew that he had never loved her more than he did at that moment.

McGonagall blinked back tears. "Do you, Harry, take Ginevra, to be your lawful wedded wife? Will you love her, tend to her when she's sick, help her when's she lost, calm her when she's angry, comfort her when she's sad, honour her and keep her, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

Harry's grin flashed slowly across his face as he nodded. "I do. I really do."

McGonagall smiled. "And do you, Ginevra; take Harry, to be your lawful wedded husband? Will you love him, tend to him when he's sick, help him when he's lost, calm him when he's angry, comfort him when he's sad, honour him and keep him, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

Ginny nodded, smiling from ear to ear. "I do. I really do."

McGonagall nodded. "May I have the rings?"

Penny carefully led Preston and Paul up to the front again where they each handed McGonagall the rings. McGonagall smiled warmly at the boys as they sat back down.

Ginny's ring was white-gold and matched her engagement ring while Harry's was white gold with a few small diamonds outlined around it. McGonagall held out the rings.

"With these rings you are offering a token of your love. These rings shall be a symbol of your unity. These two lives are now joined together and wherever one might go, the other shall be. This circle of love and unwavering trust is proven in the rings. These rings will symbolize your future." She handed one of the rings to Harry. "Harry, repeat after me: with this ring I am showing you how much I love you."

Harry held Ginny's left hand in his and the ring in his other as he spoke. "With this ring, I am showing you how I much I love you."

"It symbolizes not only that we are married."

Harry grinned at her as he repeated the words.

"But that we belong wholly and completely to each other, heart, mind, body, and magic."

His fingers caressed her hand as he spoke.

"With this ring, I thee wed." He slipped the ring on her finger and when it clicked against her engagement ring it shimmered in red and gold and light burst from it before it disappeared.

McGonagall held the ring out to Ginny now. "Ginny, repeat after me: with this ring, I am showing you how much I love you."

Ginny took Harry's left hand in hers and held the ring in her other hand as she repeated the vows.

"With this ring, I thee wed." Ginny slipped the ring on his finger and power and light sparked from it. Their hands joined together and the light intensified before vanishing.

McGonagall smiled. "By placing the rings on each other's fingers you have taken another step towards your union. I now ask that we join the wands."

Ron and Hermione each stepped forward to hand Harry and Ginny each their wands.

"Touch the wand-tips together and say: Amorentia."

"Amorentia," Harry and Ginny both said.

A small gold circle erupted from their joined wands to crown the heads of them.

McGonagall smiled. "Harry, repeat after me: with this union of hearts, bodies, minds, and wands, I relinquish control to you."

"Control of my anger and of my hate." Harry repeated softly, his eyes lost in the chocolate brown ones in front of him. "I hereby swear on the sanctity of our marriage that I shan't use this wand to harm thee. Our wands shall not meet in anger but only in love. I vow it so." He proclaimed.

The gold circle brightened around the tip and flashed.

McGonagall continued. "Ginny, repeat after me: with this union of hearts, bodies, minds, and wands, I relinquish control to you."

Ginny repeated the vows, her eyes lost in the emerald green ones. "I vow it so."

The gold circle intensified and than exploded in a shower of gold sparks.

McGonagall smiled warmly. "Gathered here, in front of those you love, you have sworn to love and cherish each other. Now, with the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride, Mr. Potter."

Ginny grinned at him as he stepped forward. He carefully brushed a stray curl aside and cupped her chin in his hands. Her breath hitched slightly, almost nervously, as her stomach did a flop and then his lips were on hers, and nothing else mattered. Her arms slipped around his neck and she sank into him. He pulled back a bit, grinning from ear to ear and she grinned back.

"I love you, Mrs. Potter."

Ginny laughed. "I love you, too." She kissed him again softly before their hands entwined and they turned towards the crowd.

Together, hand in hand they walked down the pathway and over into the gardens. After tons of pictures, they headed into the house for the reception. It was mostly being held outside but in the back garden and terrace area. It didn't take Gred and Forge long to hunt them down.

"Ah, newlyweds! You know what this means, Forge?"

Ginny rolled her eyes. "That we'll be shagging like rabbits and won't want visitors? We know."

Fred's mouth dropped open. "Wh-what?"

Harry grinned. "Well that certainly got your attention. Besides, Ron and Hermione are the ones to watch out for."

George snickered. "Those two ... we really need to get something good on them. I'm due for a good prank on Ronald. Do you think we could catch them in a compromising position and use it against them?"

Ginny laughed. "Listen to you two! Honestly, just leave them alone. If they want to make love or anything, that is their decision. They're in love."

Harry nodded. "Besides, since Hermione is practically my sister, it should be me who is complaining. I would too, but if they hadn't gotten married I could at least hold it over Ron's head that I was watching him."

Ginny snapped her fingers in front of Harry's face. "Wow, backtrack there, Potter. What about married?"

Harry paled as Fred and George looked positively gleeful. "Um, uh ... nothing."

Ginny crossed her arms over her chest and gave her new husband a death glare that could rival that of Molly Weasley.

"Okay, okay ... Ron and Hermione got married at the end of May by McGonagall. It's a secret though! They haven't figured out how to tell their parents. So don't tell anyone. They made me swear I wouldn't tell." Harry explained, desperately.

Ginny stood on her toes and kissed him softly. "I understand. But I wonder why they're keeping it a secret."

George rolled his eyes. "Duh Gin! Mum is going to murder him."

Harry nodded. "It's true. Ron's terrified."

"I'm terrified of what?" Ron asked as he stepped up next to them with his arm around Hermione. "I'm not scared of anything."

Fred snorted and held his hand up as he began to list things off with his fingers. "Spiders, giant spiders, mice, Aunt Muriel, Mum ..."

Ron rolled his eyes. "Oh, come off it! I'm not scared of mice or Aunt Muriel."

George grinned. "True, but you'll be definitely be afraid of Mum when she finds out you two tied the knot."

Hermione's mouth dropped open and then she smacked Harry's arm.

"Ow! I didn't do it on purpose!" Harry whined.

"That's not the point, Harry James Potter! You promised!" Hermione exclaimed.

Ginny laughed. "You two got married, really?"

Hermione blushed as Ron's arm slipped around her waist. "Yes. It was kind of a spur of the moment thing, but we are married. We just haven't figured out how to break the news just yet."

Ron nodded. "We were thinking we just wouldn't and maybe get married again."

Fred laughed. "Won't work. If you two got married magically, then the bond can't be done again. There will be something that stops it. I remember reading that somewhere."

Ron paled. "Oh no."

George nodded. "Yeah, I mean you could renew your vows, and stuff like that but you can't actually get married again."

"We're dead, Mione."

Hermione laughed and kissed her husband's cheek. "No, we're not. But now isn't the time to find out, either."

Harry laughed. "You're scared, don't lie. Molly's going to kill you both."

Ginny stood on her toes to kiss her new husband. "Hmm, maybe we should butter her up then. She loves us right now."

Hermione glared at Ginny. "Gee, thanks."

"Harry! Ginny! Molly and I would like a few more pictures over here by the gardens?" Lily called out as she manoeuvred James into position with the camera.

Harry grinned. "Sure, Mum." He winked at his two best friends. "Good luck."

Ron stuck his tongue out at Harry's retreating back as Hermione slipped her hand in his. "Let's not think about it."

Hermione laughed. "Good plan." Than they headed over to where Molly and Lily were instructing more photos to be taken by Colin and anyone else with a camera. It was going to be an interesting evening.


It was later on that evening, and the reception had finally started - after Ron's embarrassing speech about all of the times he happened to catch Harry and Ginny snogging, and after Sirius, Remus, and James had randomly burst into song - later joined in by the twins - the dancing had started. Harry held Ginny close on the dance floor as their wedding song played:

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