Chapter Twenty-Four - In the Waiting Room

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She was crying, loudly.

He had tried the bottle and got nothing. Her nappy was definitely okay and as far as he knew she couldn't do anything else. So why wouldn't she stop crying? It had been over an hour now and Snape was beginning to panic. He had to have done something wrong. Now he was holding her, somewhat awkwardly and kind of bouncing on his feet but she was still screaming.

He whirled around, a half-panicked look on his face at the banging on his door. He pulled it open and Sirius raised his eyebrow at him.

"What do you want?" Snape asked angrily. He hardly had the time to listen to one of Black's stupid remarks at the moment.

Sirius grinned. "Nothing. I was walking by and I heard the screams." He reached out and lifted Sabrina into his arms, curling her into his shoulder and putting his hand on her tiny back. He rocked back and forth for a moment and her eyes closed, her crying stopped. Snape's mouth dropped open.

"How did you -?"

Sirius grinned. "Snape, be honest, do you know anything about kids?"

Snape sighed and then he shook his head.

"Look, first things first, you've got to hold her properly. See the way she's curled into my shoulder here, my hand under her bum and on her back? She feels safe and warm." He passed her back to her father and Snape carefully adjusted her the way that Sirius had just held her.

"Yeah, that ... that's easier to hold her."

Sirius grinned. "I'd say so."

"Da!" Keira exclaimed, grabbing his ankle.

Sirius glanced down at his daughter and scooped her up into his arms. "Keira, what are you doing down here?"

"Da-Da!" She exclaimed, giving him a wet kiss.

Lexy stepped up behind him. "We came looking for you. I thought you were just going to get those ingredients from the storeroom?"

Sirius shrugged. "I was, but I got distracted. Snivelly here needed some help."

Lexy's eyes fell on the tiny baby and she smiled. "She seems fine now, Sirius. She's beautiful, Severus. May I ask what you named her?"


Lexy smiled. "That's very pretty." She placed a hand over her large stomach and sighed. She was seven months pregnant now and could feel it. "How are you doing with her?"

Snape shrugged. "Okay ... I don't ... I don't know what to do. If Black hadn't shown up ... she wouldn't stop crying!"

Lexy laughed. "You'll be fine, Severus. Now I know that you and my husband don't exactly get along, but if you ever need anything, Sirius and I would be glad to help. We've got a little experience in that area."

"Hi!" Keira exclaimed, sticking her thumb in her mouth.

Sirius kissed his daughter's cheeks as she snuggled into his arms. "Soon, we'll have even more experience once this one pops out."

Lexy's eyebrow rose. "Pops out?"

Sirius grinned and kissed her. "Yup."

Snape nodded. "Um, alright. I mean, it doesn't seem like it will be too hard. I'll figure it out."

Lexy smiled. "Yes, you will. You learn as you go, so don't worry. Sirius, let's head back upstairs. I really want to get those essays graded tonight."

He nodded and followed his wife out of the room.

Snape watched them go as Sabrina stayed warm in his arms, her thumb in her mouth. He definitely had a lot to learn because the only thing he knew now was how much he loved the precious little life in his arms. But he figured that, for now, it was enough.


Sirius grinned at Lexy when they stepped back into their rooms. "You should have seen his face, Lex, pure panic."

Lexy rolled her eyes. "Well you didn't have to be such a prat about it! From what Lily tells me you weren't so good when she first placed Harry into your arms either."

"Hey! I did just fine!"

"Yeah, holding him. But when it came time to change his nappy, you panicked."

"With good reason!" Sirius exclaimed.

Lexy sighed. "Oh, there's no winning with you. Severus is going to need some help for the first little while. He's never been around small children. Personally, I think it will be a good way for the two of you to get along a little better."

Sirius rolled his eyes. "Lex, honey, that's never going to happen. But I'll help him out when we can, for the sake of Sabrina. Poor baby, has to have old Snivelly as her father."

"Sirius, will you be serious for one minute?"

He grinned. "Thought I was."

Lexy rolled her eyes. "I give up!"

Sirius watched her walk away, grinning. Snivelly as a father ... the world never ceased to amaze him. He headed down to his office whistling.


Hermione lay in bed, curled into Ron. She couldn't quite fathom everything that had happened on this attack on Hogwarts. The school matron had been brutally killed. Petunia Dursley had been killed, leaving Snape alone with a tiny baby girl only a day old. He was a single father now and Hermione was betting money that he didn't know anything about how to raise a child, much less how to deal with an infant. Then there was Blaise. He had lost Daphne, the one person he had loved more than anything. They hadn't even been married a year and little Joseph was only a little over a month old.

So many dead and so many to grieve. How could she close her eyes and not see the pain and the heartache that had come out of it? Her eyes fell on the sapphire engagement ring on her finger. What if something happened to her? What if she lost Ron before they had a chance to get married and have a family? Would it hurt any less? She doubted it but she wanted it. She wanted a chance to experience it before she died.

She shook Ron gently awake, amused by his snores. Harry had warned her that his snores were loud and she had no idea how she managed to sleep next to him night after night. She shook him a little harder and he let out a moan. "No, go away."

She smiled and kissed his cheek. "Ron, wake up, I need to talk to you."

Ron ignored her and rolled over.

Hermione grinned wickedly now. "I'm taking off my clothes."

Ron opened one eye. "Liar."

She grinned and rolled him over so that she could look at him. "I need to talk to you."

He let out a loud yawn and nodded. "Okay, what's up?"

"I want to get married."

Ron smiled. "I know, love. I want to marry you, too. We just have to plan it is all."

Hermione shook her head. "No, I want to get married now. Just the two of us. My parents don't need to be there and we can deal with yours later but for now ... I want to be Mrs. Ron Weasley."

Ron's mouth dropped open. "You're serious?"

She nodded. "I am."

"How? When?"

Hermione smiled. "You'll do it?"

Ron nodded. "Mione, I'd do anything for you. I told you I'd marry you now or five years from now, whenever you want."

Her eyes lit up as she kissed him softly. "McGonagall, in the morning, she can do it."

"T-tomorrow morning?"


"Are we going to tell anyone?" He asked.

Hermione shook her head. "No, let's just do it."

Ron nodded. "Alright." He pulled her close into his arms but neither one of them spoke much that night.

In the morning when they woke up wrapped in each other's arms, Hermione grinned at him. "Do you still want to?"

Ron stood up and nodded. "I still want to."

They got dressed in their school robes and headed down to McGonagall's office.

McGonagall pulled the door open a grim expression on her face. "Miss Granger, Mr. Weasley, what can I do for you?"

"Um, Professor? Hermione and I would like to be married, as soon as possible."

"What?" McGonagall exclaimed, ushering them into her office.

Ron closed the door behind him. "You heard us, Professor. Hermione and I would like to get married, now, if possible."

"Mr. Weasley, this is a huge decision and while I know the two of you have been engaged for some time ... school is still in session."

Hermione spoke up now. "Professor, we know that you are the only professor here who is capable of performing such a ceremony. It's what we want. We don't want to wait. We don't want a big wedding. We just want to get married."

McGonagall looked like she was going to argue and then she smiled. "Very well. I can't think of two people more suited than the two of you. You will need a witness."

"Don't you count?" Ron asked.

McGonagall shook her head. "Not if I perform the ceremony."

Hermione nodded. "Okay, I'll be right back."

She rushed out of the office and back to Gryffindor Tower. She ran up the boys' dormitory and let herself in. Seamus, Neville, Harry, and Dean were all getting dressed and she blushed. "Er, Harry, can I have a word?"

Harry glanced at her as he buttoned his shirt up. "Yeah, give me a minute."

Two minutes later he came down the stairs with his book bag. "What's up, Hermione?"

"Come with me."

Hermione practically dragged him down the stairs and into McGonagall's office. "I found a witness, Professor."

McGonagall smiled. "Excellent. Now, Miss Granger, Mr. Weasley, please come stand over here in front of my desk and hold hands. Mr. Potter, you may just stand over there."

"Er, what's going on? Witness for what?"

Ron gave Harry a small smile. "I need a best man, mate, come stand over here."

Harry's mouth dropped open. "You guys are getting married? Right now?"

Ron nodded and handed Harry the two rings he had. He had bought them at the same time as the engagement ring and he was very happy that he had. Harry accepted the rings, a look of shock still apparent on his face.

McGonagall smiled at them and then she began to the ceremony. Harry could only stare at his two best friends in shock as he watched them recite their vows. They bound their wands together in an old magic that swore they would never use their wands against each other in harm, and promised to love and cherish each other, till death do them part. Harry handed over the rings and they glowed on their fingers before going out, signifying their love for one another and their union. Then they kissed softly and McGonagall pronounced them husband and wife.

"Well, congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley!" McGonagall exclaimed, tears in her eyes.

Harry continued to stare at them. "I can't even ... I mean, mate, I'm happy for you but just ... wow ... Mr. and Mrs. Weasley."

Hermione blushed and threw her arms around Harry, kissing his cheek. "Thanks for being here. You're the only family I needed here."

He smiled and held her close for a moment. "I'm always here when you need me. I'm really happy for you two, it was just ... so unexpected."

Ron grinned. "Last night we just decided we wanted to do it. We didn't want to wait. My mum is going to be furious, but I figure we can always get married again, in front of those we love."

Hermione smiled. "Exactly." She stood on her toes to kiss Ron softly. "Harry, you won't tell anyone will you, not even Ginny?"

Harry hesitated. "Guys ..." Hermione's pleading eyes stopped him. "Fine, I promise, but you owe me for this."

Hermione squealed and threw herself back into his arms. "Thank you!"

Ron nodded. "Yeah, really, thanks mate."

Harry grinned. "No problem, now come on, let's go get some breakfast, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, I'm starving."

Ron grinned. "Me too!"

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Big surprise!"

The three of them headed down to breakfast with grins on their faces.


When Harry took a seat next to her in the breakfast hall, Ginny smiled. "Hey, you were up and about early this morning."

Harry nodded, hoping he wasn't giving anything away. Keeping secrets from Ginny was very hard. "Er, yeah, Hermione wanted to talk to me about something. How did you sleep?" He kissed her softly, hoping that would distract her enough.

Ginny stared at him for a minute and then she nodded. "I slept fine. What I have to do now is start cramming in more N.E.W.T.s revision. It's so hard too because ... what are we going to do without Madam Pomfrey?"

Harry draped his arm around her and let her cuddle. He felt the tears against his shoulder and he pulled her closer. He knew that Ginny had grown very close to the matron over the year since she was apprenticing with her. He kissed her temple and used his thumb to wipe her tears. "I know, baby."

Ginny pulled herself together and glanced toward the Slytherin table. "How's Blaise doing?"

Harry shrugged. "I don't know. He doesn't say much. He's been pretty protective of Joseph, too. I think he just wants to get through the year."

"Daphne was his life ... I can't even ..."

Harry nodded. "I know. He'll be alright, it's just going to take a whole lot of time. I can't even ... he's eighteen and a single father and a widower ... that's rough."

Ginny nodded. "I'm not even hungry. Walk me to my first class?"

Harry nodded, grabbing a piece of toast. "Sure, let's go."

They walked silently down the hall, hand in hand. The war had really taken a toll on the school and the attack on the school itself had hit really close to home. The entire school was fairly withdrawn and the halls were quiet. N.E.W.T.s were going to be hard to study for with so much going on. The end was coming and the only thing that worried Harry was how much longer it was going to take for it to hit.


Pansy screamed as the pain ripped through her from where she was sitting on the bed in the guestroom of Malfoy Manor. Lucius rushed in. "Is it the baby?"

Pansy nodded in between gasps. "He's coming."

Lucius nodded. "I'll alert the healer."

Pansy panted softly and her eyes widened when Voldemort entered the room. "Y-Y-You're the healer?"

Voldemort managed a small smile. "Ah, Miss Parkinson, do you not trust your master?"

Pansy nodded. "I do, my Lord, I was just surprised."

Voldemort nodded. "Hmm ... it is a boy you carry, correct?"

Lucius stepped in behind him. "It is, my Lord."

Voldemort nodded, his wand in his hand. "Excellent." He pointed the wand at Pansy's stomach and murmured something that she couldn't hear but the pain of it made her scream louder. Her stomach split open and the baby was levitated out. The pain was so bad that Pansy was seeing flashes in front of her eyes. A sharp knife came out and cut the umbilical cord as the baby cried and Pansy screamed.

Lucius took the baby and cleaned him before he wrapped him in blankets, carefully holding him in his one arm. "Thank you, Pansy."

Pansy was still crying and gasping at the pain, which Voldemort seemed to be making no effort to stop. "Please, my Lord, please!"

Voldemort flicked his wand and her wound healed.

"Thank you, my Lord! My son, may I hold him?"

Lucius shook his head. "Oh no, love. I'm afraid you won't ever get to hold this baby."

Pansy's eyes fell on Voldemort. "My Lord?"

Voldemort sneered. "Lucius and I have big plans for this child's future and you are not apart of it."

"But why?" Pansy shrieked, scrambling up to her feet.

"Narcissa is dead and you did nothing to stop it."

"How was I to duel when I was nine months pregnant?" Pansy exclaimed.

Voldemort smirked. "Not my problem." He raised his wand and Pansy screamed, drowning out the words but the impact was the same. She collapsed back against the bed, dead.

Lucius simply grinned. "My Lord, what shall we do with the child?"

Voldemort nodded. "Raise him as your own, Lucius, and get Bella to help you, but make sure he knows our ways."

Lucius nodded. "Yes, my Lord."

Voldemort held his hand up. "On second thought ... I have too many plans for the two of you and this baby will simply hinder them."

"M-my Lord?"

Voldemort pointed his wand at the tiny infant. "Crucio."

Lucius gasped, holding onto his son as he squirmed and shrieked. "My Lord!"

Voldemort simply shrugged. "Did you think I was going to allow you any happiness after all of the failures you've caused me? Think again! Fail me again and I shall kill the child, understood?"

Lucius paled, his eyes on his son's, who was crying loudly. "Yes, my Lord."

Voldemort nodded. "Good." He walked from the room, his cloak billowing, leaving Lucius standing there. It was only after Voldemort had left the manor that Lucius allowed the tears to come. For now, he had truly lost everything and he had no idea how to protect this tiny infant.


Ginny, dear,

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