Chapter Twenty-Nine - The Honeymoon

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Harry held his wife close as they stumbled out of the fireplace into the entranceway of a huge mansion in France. Harry had never been to half of the homes that his father claimed they owned. He figured now was as good a time as any to check some of them out. Ginny gasped when she looked around.

"It's huge! If possible, it's even bigger than the manor!"

Harry grinned and tugged her close. "You married a really rich guy, Gin."

Ginny rolled her eyes. "And you know very well that I didn't marry you for your money." She reached around to pinch his bum. "I married you for your body."

His eyes twinkled at her and she grinned. He hadn't been that happy for the past few days. After the initial happiness of the war finally being over had worn off, he had become sullen again. Reporters were dogging his footsteps whenever they left the house, and he hadn't been able to do anything but hang around the manor. The manor was always full of people too, since Draco and Delilah were planning the last minute details of their wedding. They had also received an invitation to Seamus and Lavender's wedding. It was all very hectic.

Harry scooped her up into his arms, making her laugh. "Where should I make love to you first?"

"Harry James Potter!" Ginny exclaimed, her eyes alight in laughter. "How dare you be so bold?"

He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. "Well, we do have this entire place to ourselves, not even a house elf to be found." Using magic, he undid all of the buttons on the front of her blouse. "We could start right here?"

Ginny's skin flushed at the words. "Put me down, Harry."

He stood her back down on to her feet and she slipped her arms around his neck to kiss him deeply. Her hands moved into his hair and he slid his arms around her, his hands firmly on her bottom. She grinned at him when she pulled back.

"Would you like to explore the house a bit first?" She asked, her voice husky from desire.

Harry's eyes darkened as he yanked her back up against him. His lips slid over her earlobe and down her neck before he whispered softly. "Why don't we work on making our mark in the rooms as we go along?"

Ginny turned scarlet and then all she could do was laugh as they fell to the rug in front of the fireplace and lost themselves in each other.


Ginny placed a hand over her pounding heart, surprised when it slid right back off again. She felt wonderfully loose and very happy. She turned to snuggle into Harry, her lips trailing over his shoulders. He made a happy grunting noise and wrapped his arms around her.

"I love you." He murmured.

Ginny ran her fingers through his hair. "I love you." She ran her hands over the smooth contour muscles in his back and then over his shapely bum. "Hmm, have you been working out, Mr. Potter?"

Harry grinned at her. "I might have been." He kissed her again. "What room should we move to next?"

Ginny slapped his bum playfully as she sat up. "Do you think of nothing else? We're in France! Don't you want to see some sights?"

Harry wiggled his eyebrows at her. "I like the sight I'm seeing now."

Ginny rolled her eyes and climbed to her feet. She found her clothes scattered around and got dressed. "Let's explore the house."

Harry sighed as he tugged his jeans back on. "I can think of more interesting things to do than that."

She laughed and kissed him softly. "You never know what I may have in store for you along the way, Mr. Potter."

With a saucy wink she strolled out of the room and Harry pushed his open mouth back up. This trip had been entirely worth it.


Ginny woke up early the next morning and stretched luxuriously in the huge bed. She had slept like a baby but she figured that didn't have much to with the bed. She and Harry had really explored the house the day before. He had done things to her that she blushed just thinking about and they had 'christened' more than enough rooms. They had moved from the entranceway to the common room, to the kitchen, and eventually up to the master bathroom and bedroom. She felt incredible and, to her surprise, ready for more.

She turned to snuggle into Harry and was surprised to find him gone. She sat up in bed, pulling the sheet up over her breasts. The manor was quiet. As if on cue, the bedroom door opened and Harry stood there with two breakfast trays in his hands.

"Good morning, love."

Ginny smiled up at him. "Good morning. What do you have there?"

Harry grinned as he took a seat on the bed, placing the trays down with him. "Well, I thought I would make us some breakfast."

Ginny's eyebrow rose. "I wasn't aware that you could cook, Mr. Potter?"

Harry grinned at her as he leaned back against the headboard, placing one tray into his wife's lap. "I have many special talents." He kissed her softly on the lips. "Actually, my cooking talent is limited to breakfast. But I'm sure if you taught me I could pick up on some skills."

Ginny smiled up at him. "Oh, is that how you want to spend the day? Learning how to cook?"

Harry's eyes travelled down her body under the thin sheet. "Maybe, what will you be wearing?"

Ginny's mouth dropped open. "Bolder and bolder by the minute!" She tasted her French toast and scrambled eggs with a smile. "Delicious."

He grinned. "I'm glad we decided to come here, now."

She took his hand in hers and kissed his fingers. "I am too. Look at you, so happy and bold. You really needed to get out of there, Harry."

He smiled at her. "Thanks for understanding. Some part of me is telling me that I'm running away."

Ginny shook her head. "You're not. The Ministry is still working on the Death Eaters and trying to figure out how many more are out there; who is under any type of curse; what other kinds of crimes they committed? Until all of that is organized, there is nothing you can do. That's going to come afterwards."

Harry nodded. "I'm going to have to tell the world."

Ginny nodded. "Yes, you are. You might be asked to make a speech, and I think you'll need to. Not only will it be good to get it all out, but it will stop so many questions. You will also be able to talk about who we lost in this battle and how brave they were."

Harry stared down at his plate for a moment, playing with the scrambled eggs on his fork. Ginny levitated her tray for a moment and leaned over to kiss him softly. His eyes met hers. "I'm fine."

She smiled up at him. "You're not yet, but you'll get there."

He kissed the palm of her hand. "Do you want to do some sight seeing today? I know you want to see France."

Ginny's eyes lit up. "That would be wonderful." She turned back to her breakfast with a grin. "So, when are we leaving?"


They spent two more days in France wandering around both muggle and magical areas. Ginny turned out to be a hilarious tourist, tugging him around all over the place, her arms stretched wide to point at everything. They had collected four rolls of film in a two-day period, and Harry could already feel his heart getting a little lighter.

They visited the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Notre Dame Cathedral, the beaches of Normandy, Versailles, and a few of the magical villages. To Harry's delight, he had only been recognized by two people. One was a young girl in a book store and the other an older man who owned the jewelry store they stopped in. Ginny had been sighing over this pair of sterling silver earrings that dangled down in tiny spirals. They were really pretty. When she wasn't looking, he bought them thinking of her birthday only a few weeks down the road.

They returned to the house, usually late at night, after going to some of the dance clubs and spending the evenings dancing. But neither one of them were ever tired after their excursions. Instead, they met each other half-way and got lost in deep kisses and soft touches.

It was now their third day in France as Ginny stepped out of the shower. She was drying her hair with a towel when Harry stepped into the bathroom. He grinned at her and slipped his arms around her waist.

"Shame this towel's here."

Ginny's eyebrow rose. "Hmm. So what are we going to do today?"

Harry fingered the bottom of the towel, wondering if he dared to just tug it down. Ginny had been in a pretty playful mood lately.

"Do it and die, Potter."

He grinned, trying to look innocent as he leaned into nibble at her lips, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Ginny laughed and kissed him. "So, what are we going to do today?"

He sighed. "I was thinking we leave France."

Her eyes widened. "And go where?"


Ginny's eyes softened. "Really?"

He nodded. "Why should we only stay in one country? We've got two more weeks until my birthday. I figure by then, we should be heading home. I think we should explore as many countries as want."

She smiled up at him. "I think that sounds wonderful."

He leaned in to nibble at her lips again. "And maybe, if we're having so much fun we could extend it another week?"

Ginny shook her head. "Wouldn't be much fun for you."


Ginny laughed. "Meaning, if we stay that third week, I will be on my period."

Harry looked horrified.

Ginny laughed and cupped his cheeks in her hands. "Got to get used to it, love."

He sighed. "You didn't have to share."

She grinned. "Yes, I did. And if you were smart, you would keep track of that."

Harry nodded. "I was warned by your brothers to do so."

She elbowed him lightly in the ribs. "Haha, very funny. Now, go away so I can get dressed and then I'll pack up my stuff and we can head to Italy."

Harry wiggled his eyebrows at her. "Why do I have to leave? It's not like I haven't seen you naked?"

"Because you might get ideas, now go!"

He just grinned at her as he backed out of the room. "Gin, just thinking about you gives me ideas."

Ginny tossed her towel at him as the bathroom door closed. It was nice to see him so playful again. With a smile on her face, she turned to get ready for the day.


They used the floo to get to Italy. What the Potters had done was connect their floo network to every single house that they owned in every country; therefore, they could just floo to their house to be in the country. It worked well because there was no hassle over portkeys and the Ministry of each country was aware of the floo link and would see when it was used.

The Potter Manor in Italy was just as vast and grand. It was more like a Roman style house with the center as a courtyard. It was beautiful and the sun was warm as it beat down on their skin.

"It's gorgeous, Harry," Ginny breathed.

Harry slipped his arm around her and nodded. "It really is. I never realized we had so many homes that were so ... well, extravagant."

Ginny laughed. "Lily told me that it was your great-great-great-grandfather that bought and decorated these houses. Apparently, he was greedy and wanted homes everywhere."

Harry shrugged. "They do come in handy when you want to get away and see a country, right?"

She smiled, standing on her toes to kiss him softly. "They really do. Where should we go first?"

Harry shook his head, his hand under her tank top. "I think I have an idea."

She made to scold him but her retort came out on a moan as his calloused hands stroked over her bare skin. "Mmm."

He grinned, pinning her back against the wall and moving his lips to her neck. "Exactly."


A couple of hours later, they had exhausted each other, and succeeded in 'christening' a few more rooms of the Italy House. Ginny reached over to snuggle closer. "We have got to start finding the bedroom first."

He grinned at her, his hands in her hair as he rolled on top of her. "Why? I kind of like just having my way with you right in the middle of some random room."

She laughed. "Oh, you do, do you?" When his eyes twinkled in laughter she grinned. "I definitely have to agree."

Harry laughed and kissed her deeply until her body was writhing under his. Her hands roamed over his bare back and he moved to nibble at her ears. "Round three?"

"You're insatiable!" Ginny exclaimed when she felt his body coming very much back to life.

He winked at her. "That didn't sound like a no." His lips met hers again and she sighed in pleasure. There was no where else in the world she would rather be.


Italy turned out to be a great adventure. They moved all around the country quickly going to see basilicas and museums and taking a gondola ride through Venice. Ginny had taken tons of photos once again, including one of Harry's naked bum, which had caused him to chase her around the bedroom for the camera. The sights were just amazing. She didn't know what she had found more romantic, dancing with Harry on a rooftop under the stars, or the picnic he had made on the waterfront of the Mediterranean. They explored a few magical villages as well, but Harry wasn't noticed so much. It was a nice feeling to be able to go out and not be mobbed by reporters or 'fans'.

They spent three days in Italy before they headed to Greece. The manor in Greece wasn't as large, but it was still extravagant. To Harry's surprise it was Ginny that tackled him to the floor in the entranceway of the home this time. Of course, he had no complaints. They looked at ancient ruins and museums with ancient artifacts. It was all so beautiful and Ginny had taken so many pictures by the time it was over that they had to stop in a wizarding village to buy more film.

They only spent two days in Greece before they headed to Germany. Ginny had fallen in love with Berlin. She dragged Harry along to see everything and she wanted pictures of him everywhere. It was only after the twentieth destination, when Harry grabbed her and tugged her close for a long, deep kiss in front of the bridge, that she slowed down. The stars twinkled down at them and the cool summer breeze whipped through her hair.

"Are you trying to tell me to calm down?" she asked.

Harry nodded, brushing a piece of her hair out of her eyes. "Indeed, I am. Besides, there's a nice warm bed at home that's calling our name."

Ginny grinned at him and melted into the kiss. Neither one of them noticed the photographer in the corner taking pictures. But they certainly noticed the next morning when they stepped into the wizarding village and saw them kissing on the front page.

Harry swore angrily. "A moment's peace!"

Ginny smiled at him. "We have been lucky so far." She picked up the paper. "If only I could speak German."

An older man, who was selling the newspapers smiled at her. "You vould like to know vhat this says?"

"You speak English?" Ginny asked hopefully.

The man smiled. "Ja."

Harry nodded. "Then yes, please."

The man picked up the newspaper and began to read:

Written By: Carol Jorgens

A New Beginning (Sequel to A Different Beginning)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα