Chapter Seventeen - The Best Laid Plans

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Seamus watched Lavender's face as she was engulfed in another huge hug from his mum. The holidays had definitely been worth it, just to see that look on her face. She looked happy and surprised to be getting a hug the way she was. When she was pulled into his sister's arms next he only grinned.

Lavender was indeed a bit surprised. When Margaret-Mary Finnigan had pulled her close and told her that she would be sending her letters with wedding plans, tears had come to Lavender's eyes. She couldn't remember the last time anyone had been so nice to her. Then, Seamus' sister ... well she was just amazing.

She had heard Seamus talk about his sister Brenna on more than one occasion, but now she knew why he loved his sister so much. There was an eight-year age difference between the two siblings. Brenna was married to a wizard from the Ministry, with three girls. Lavender had instantly fallen in love with little Suzanna, Evelyn, and Laura. Now as she looked down at the beautiful engagement ring on her finger she knew without a doubt that she had made the right choice.

When Seamus' father kissed her cheeks and told her to keep his boy in line, she only grinned and kissed him right back. This was going to be her family now and she had never been happier.

Margaret-Mary's hands sat on her son's shoulders as she watched her husband talk to her future daughter-in-law. "She's really something special, Seamus."

He turned to grin down at her. "I know. I love her more than anything. I get this tiny little ache inside whenever I think about her. It's a definite good ache. But ... she's just been through so much. I don't know how to approach her."

"You'll both do fine. She'll make a wonderful wife and later on a wonderful mother."

Seamus nodded. "Maybe, yeah." His eyes found Lavender's again and he smiled. "She might not want any kids."

Margaret-Mary rolled her eyes. "Right, after the way she was with those girls. You should know better than anyone else. She wants a family, Seamus, and she craves it, I just don't think she realizes it yet. I know she's been through hell, but you have to let her set the pace."

"I have been. I just ... Mam, I want her so badly, and I try to be patient but it's hard."

Margaret-Mary sighed. "Keep it in your pants, boy-o, and you'll be just fine!"

Seamus blushed as his father approached them. "Margaret-Mary, leave the poor boy alone! It's not his fault his libido is out of control."


Sean Finnigan shrugged. "A papa always knows! Now go kiss that beautiful fiancée of yours.""

Seamus grinned. "Best advice I've heard all day!"

He hugged his parents, his sister, and his three nieces goodbye before he took Lavender's hand in his and they headed up onto the train. Once they were seated in a compartment, he wrapped his arm around her and she snuggled close.

"Well, how crazy is my family and how far do you want to run?"

Lavender laughed and smacked his hand playfully. "Oh stop! They were wonderful! You're parents are just so full of life and so obviously madly in love. I love the pub and the warm cottage. Your sister is just ... they were wonderful Seamus. It was the best Christmas ever."

He smiled down at her and kissed her softly. "Good. Me mam has all sorts of wedding plans for us, too."

Lavender grinned. "I know, she told me. She's already set a date too. Apparently, 29th August is a great day to get married."

Seamus chuckled. "Just ignore her. You plan the wedding for whenever you want whether it's tomorrow or three years from now."

She smiled and kissed his cheek. "I will, but I kind of like 29th August."

He grinned. "Well, then it sounds good to me. Now come here, I want to enjoy your lips before we're interrupted by certain people we call friends."

She laughed and let him pull her up into his lap. "Alright." When his lips met hers, Lavender had never felt so happy.


"The students are all coming back today, Severus, and a decision has to be made here," Dumbledore explained as he sat in one of the comfy chairs in Snape's common room on the last afternoon of the Christmas holidays.

Snape nodded. "I know that, Dumbledore, but what decision can I make?"

Dumbledore sighed. "I don't usually allow people who do not attend the school, or are not any part of the school, to stay here. One night here or there is different than living here. Petunia Dursley is a muggle."

"Who is carrying my baby!"

"I know that, but this is a school of magic and she is still a muggle. I'm also aware of the sticky situation that this puts Mr. Potter under."

"Everything is not about Potter all the bloody time!" Snape shouted.

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled in amusement. "No, I suppose it's not but this is. James has informed me that Vernon and Petunia Dursley mistreated him quite severely as a child. That's bound to leave a mark, Severus. I don't know how well he's going to take the fact that his aunt is living here in the school. I don't know the exact details of what he went through but its bound to affect him with his aunt being here."

Snape shrugged. "It's not my job to baby Potter. He'll be fine."

"Are you going to marry her, Severus?"

Snape bit his tongue a bit before he turned to look towards the bedroom where she was sleeping. "I don't know. I asked naturally but she doesn't want to. She just got divorced and she's not ready. She's having my baby and for now ... that's enough."

Dumbledore nodded and stood up. "Severus, I've set up an appointment with Madam Pomfrey for her. She can stay here until the school year ends, only because of the gruesome situation outside. However, after this year you must be married to have her stay here. It is against school policy and exceptions will not be made. Do you understand?"

Snape nodded. "Yes sir."

"Good. Four o'clock this afternoon for the appointment. And Severus?"

"Yes sir?"


Snape watched Dumbledore leave the room and he sighed. He didn't know what he was going to do. Petunia had been here almost a month now, and he was lost at what to do. She didn't want to get married. He understood that considering everything she had been through, but she was having his baby.

He headed into the bedroom and took a seat next to her on the bed before he placed his hand over her swelling stomach. She was due in four months. He was going to be a father in four months. The thought terrified him. He had never imagined himself having children. It was a thought that had passed from his mind the day the Dark Mark had been branded on his arm.

He lifted up his sleeve and ran his fingers over the mark. Maybe, if he hadn't accepted it his life would be different. He shrugged off the thoughts and kissed Petunia's forehead before he headed back out into the common room.

He didn't have time to think about that, he had some Potions essays to grade. He pushed the thoughts aside and got to work.


When they finally returned to school, news of the engagements spread quickly. Apparently, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Seamus, and Lavender were not the only ones who had used the holidays as a good time for engagements. Nott had proposed to Dana and a few Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs had even gotten engaged. Everyone was taking big steps because of the escalating war.

But it was two weeks into January when the rest of the world took notice. Harry grimaced when he read the newspaper. There was a huge picture of he and Ginny kissing on Platform 9 and 3/4s. He had one hand resting on her hip and the other in her hair. Ginny's arms were twined around his neck and her engagement ring could be seen sparkling on her finger.

Written by: Christina Stewart

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