Chapter Seven - October Surprises

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Lavender stretched lazily in her bed as the buzzing of the alarm went off, warning her that it was time to get up for school. Parvati let out a groan from the bed next to her as she reached over and hit it with her hand.

"Again, I ask ... why is this so loud?"

Lavender smiled over at her friend. "I keep it around just to annoy you. Look, Ginny doesn't mind the alarm, do you?"

Ginny shrugged as she scratched her head and stretched out a bit. "Not so much. It's a bit loud and does tend to scare one awake, but it works."

Parvati nodded and sat up, her small tank top slipping off one arm. "I so do not want to go to class today. I think I'd much rather spend the entire day lounging right here under the covers."

"With Dean?" Ginny suggested with a knowing smile that reached her eyes.

Parvati grinned. "I suppose I wouldn't mind that one. Dean does have a way of really getting you going, if you know what I mean."

Lavender rolled her eyes. "I really have no idea what it is you see in him. Okay, sure he's handsome and athletic, and he does have a fine arse, but really, Vat, you two argue almost as much as Ron and Hermione. The next thing I know, you've broken up and he's back to his 'a different girl every night' routine! Then you're back together again before I can even blink. I mean honestly, do you have any idea how many girls he's been with?"

Parvati shrugged. "I don't care. I know he's a player, but when he's with me, it's only me. He loves me, Lave, he really does and he doesn't fool around on me. Besides, you're totally wrong about the girls. He dates them to get back at me, to make me jealous, to make me angry that I broke up with him. It never goes anywhere. Dean is all talk most of the time."

Ginny nodded. "That is true. Though a lot of the things he says are true, too. I mean, Vat, I think everyone in Gryffindor Tower heard about the chocolate pudding incident."

Parvati grinned. "Yeah, but considering it was me who was licking it off, I don't care much. Now, if you two ladies will excuse me I must be getting ready for the day; grudgingly, of course." She climbed out of bed and headed into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

Lavender sighed as she stared after her friend. "I'm still clueless. Vat and Dean are like a mystery a couple, you never know what's going to happen next."

Ginny laughed. "True, and a good description. There are definitely better couples, such as you and Seamus. How are you doing anyway, now that Seamus knows the truth?"

Lavender shrugged. Ginny knew all of the secrets about her father now as well, but she still didn't feel comfortable talking about it. It had been such a private subject for so long that it felt odd to have others bring it up. "He's alright, and I guess I am too. He doesn't bring it up but I think he's still sensitive towards it, if you know what I mean. He doesn't ... touch me a lot anymore and ... I think maybe he hates it."

"What do you mean?" Ginny asked. "Lavender, Seamus loves you."

"I know that but ... he used to really hold me and stroke my hair and my arms and ... when he kissed me I felt like the most wanted person and now ... I don't even think he wants me anymore."

"That's ridiculous! He probably just feels cautious. What you told him was a big thing, and he's probably worried that he'll hurt you or something. He wants you so much. You can see it when he looks at you. His eyes always have this fire alive in them, and you can see that he just wants to grab you and make love to you." Ginny replied, smiling now. "He loves you."

Lavender shook her head. "Why do you romanticize it? Seamus did the same thing. Sex is sex, and I don't want to have any part of it."

Ginny glanced at her friend in alarm. "Why not?"

"Because, it's crude. I've seen it and heard it, Ginny, and I don't want to be a part of it. It's painful and loud and people abuse it."

"No, Lavender, you've got it all wrong. Sex can be a very beautiful thing. It can be what you say, too. There are many different layers to it. Making love is totally different. It's a union between two people who are so in love with each other that they can't think straight. It's beautiful. Sex is sometimes wild, or slow, and definitely fun; and it can also be mean, if you're with the wrong person or someone who hurts you. Seamus would never hurt you." She explained.

"That may be," Lavender replied. "But I don't want to do it, Ginny. Not ever."

Ginny nodded. "That choice will always be up to you. Seamus would never hurt you though, and he would never make you do anything you didn't like. Just remember that, alright?"

Lavender nodded. "I will. But it doesn't change my mind."

"I didn't expect it to. Well, I should go shower as well. Oh, and Lavender?"

"Yeah?" Lavender asked as she picked up her bath things.

"Happy birthday."

Lavender smiled as she watched Ginny head into the bathroom. She just hoped it was going to be a good one. It was at that moment that two owls swooped through the window. One held a letter, the other a letter and a package. She gave the two owls treats and then watched them fly off before she tore open the letter.

Dear Flower,

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