Chapter Three - Prophecies and Plans

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Harry stood outside the fireplace of Grimmauld Place to wait for Ginny. She never managed to come out of these things straight, it always amused him. Just as he expected, she stumbled out of the fireplace and he caught her before she fell on her face.

"Good catch, don't you think?" He asked, his voice teasing.

Ginny rolled her eyes and reached up to kiss him softly. "Prat. You know me too well."

Harry grinned. "That, I do."

He took her hand in his and they headed into the common room. Dobby and Winky had enlarged the room to its full potential. The house really was quite amazing now. Even though there were some areas that were still dark and depressing, most of it had been lightened up and made to be more of a cheerful place. He took a seat in one of the many armchairs and pulled Ginny down into his lap.

"What do you think this meeting is about?" She whispered. "Was Charlie right?"

He shrugged and held her close. "It doesn't matter if he is or not. Nothing is going to happen to you."

Ginny smiled up at him and kissed him, "Or you."

He chuckled, "Good to know."

Harry watched as the room began to fill up with people. The Order had definitely grown and this was one of the largest meetings as almost every Order member was supposed to be present. There were a little less then a hundred people in the Order, and one short as they had lost Ellie Douglas only recently. Couches and chairs and stools appeared all around the room so that everyone would have room to sit. It took a good twenty minutes for everyone to get settled. Finally, it was time to start.

Dumbledore stood in the middle of the room. He had a way of commanding everyone to attention in a way that most people didn't even realize he was doing it, until they found themselves listening to every word. His eyes held that familiar twinkle as he looked around the room.

"Welcome, everyone. It pleases me to know that this time our group has doubled in numbers from the first war. There are many things that must be done. I would first like to introduce our newest international members. Duna, Gotto, and Matata come from a small magical village called Lionsville in South Africa. Jed is from the state of New York, in America. And last but not least, Leila Henderson comes from America, as well, but from the state of Hawaii. They have come to help us fight in this Great War that we are beginning to wage." Dumbledore explained. "It is kind of them to come, as no one else wants to come and fight with us. We have looked into international help. Jed here says that the U.S. government believes that this is none of their concern. President Funkenhowser thinks that using the isolation policy is the best way to go and that the Bureau of Magical Affairs has no right to infringe on our war. Funkenhowser has made it clear in no uncertain terms that they will not be helping us."

Jonathon Knight raised his hand to get Dumbledore's attention. "From what I remember from the first war, we didn't have any international help either. France turned deaf ears on our cries, and the Bulgarians only fought back when Death Eaters attacked one of their gypsy camps. No international government was involved in the least."

Dumbledore nodded. "It is true. But this time, we have more help. The Ministry of Magic has been pleading to other countries in hopes of gaining Aurors to help defuse the situation. Germany is busy with its own problems at the moment but has offered to send ten of their best Aurors to help try to track down the Death Eaters. Emma Stanton has managed to gain the attention of the Canadian government who will be sending some Aurors to the Ministry as well. France has offered to lend some of their finest from not only the Auror division but from their Department of Mysteries. But we all know that the Ministry of Magic is not going to win this war. They didn't understand what was going on years ago, even now I don't believe they know the consequences of their actions."

"Meaning what exactly?" Hestia Jones asked from the corner.

Emmeline Vance nodded. "Russian authorities have offered help to the Ministry as well, and so has Spain. This time the Ministry is more prepared than they ever were for war."

Ian MacGregor nodded. "Em has a point. James and I have been working full cases lately. Scrimgeour is preparing for war. Voldemort has plans that we remain unaware of, yes, but what I'm still not following is why we aren't working with the Ministry themselves? It seems to me that we would have better resources and a lot more help if we worked together rather then separately."

Elphias Doge rolled his eyes. "Obviously, because the Ministry is too damn temperamental."

"Doge has a point there," Dedalus Diggle supplied. "One minute they refuse to believe what's going on before their eyes, and the next minute they are preparing for war. Knowing the moods of the Ministry, anything could happen."

James nodded. "I agree with that. They'd want our help for so long and the next minute they would lock us in Azkaban. Keeping the Order a secret society is the only way to go. But what about the consequences? I'm not following you on that part, Albus."

Dumbledore sighed. "Scrimgeour knows how the war was years ago. Voldemort has so much support that we knew was coming, but we weren't able to prevent. Vampires, werewolves, giants, goblins, trolls, and Dementors are all on his side. Most of them are just as bloodthirsty as the Death Eaters are. None of them want to fight for the side of the good because Voldemort has promised them complete freedom. This is why the Ministry is going to fail. They refuse to listen to reason. We should be befriending these people, and make them want to work with us. Voldemort is doing all of this, and it's getting their attention because it's a chance to roam free, where the Ministry has kept them locked away from society. What do we have in the Order? A werewolf on our side. Bill Weasley has managed to obtain the help of all of the Gringotts' goblins, who couldn't be here today. Hagrid has gained the help of a troll, and his half-brother, Grawp. It isn't much, and it may not even be enough. The thing is, we have the ability to succeed because we're open to other people."

Sirius nodded. "I see the point. But what are we doing, Albus? We've all got our own missions, things we've been working on for two years, yet we haven't gotten anywhere."

Lexy nodded from beside her husband. "It's true. We don't even know everything that is going on with the Order."

"I agree with Lexy on that one," Tonks supplied. "If every person in this room doesn't understand the missions that are going on, then how can we work as a team?"

"Snape's a spy for Voldemort himself. You've got a select group of us finding the objects. There's another group guarding areas of town; another group doing research; and a group working on Mira." Molly replied. "But we don't really understand the full plate of it."

Dumbledore nodded. "But you will. The only person who will not be aware of everything is Severus, and that is for his own safety."

Snape nodded, standing up to gain everyone's attention. "I may be good at Occulmency, but the less I know the safer it will be for me in that sense. Which is why I'm here to drop off the new information I have, before the rest of the meeting shall proceed. The more I remain in the dark, the better it is."

"Does it involve me?" Ginny asked. "Charlie said he heard you found out more about the vision Mira saw."

Snape nodded. "It does, Miss Weasley. The Dark Lord discovered a woman, from the daycare centre where Mira went to school, who apparently overheard Mira's vision. She, of course, did not understand it. Once she told the Dark Lord what she had heard, she was disposed of." He placed Dumbledore's pensive onto the table and slipped a strand of memory into it. "I will place it in here for those of you who wish to view, but the gist of it is that there was a prophecy of some sort surrounding Ginny herself and who I believe, as does Voldemort, is Potter."

Molly gasped. "A prophecy? What did it say?"

Snape shrugged. "It is most likely about Miss Weasley or the Dark Lord thinks so. However, the prophecy itself is only part of the vision Mira saw. The Dark Lord is hoping to obtain more of it sometime soon. I believe he is planning on trying hypnosis next."

Dumbledore nodded. "Do you remember the prophecy, Severus?"

"How could I forget? It was: Seventh in seven burns of flame and fire, for evil is at fault. What started in the Chamber has yet to see its end, as evil resides in both the Flame and the Conqueror. Through evil, the Flame lost innocence; and through the Conqueror, the last of their innocence is shattered together at the beginning of the eighth month. Temper and love is what fuels them and is needed in the beginning, in the end, and to move on. Twelve times will they show the Dark Lord that it is love that conquers all."

Ginny took a deep breath before she spoke. "I'm the Flame, obviously. Seventh child and first daughter in seven generations. The Chamber of Secrets put evil inside of me. The Conqueror must be Harry because he rescued me."

"The Flame and the Conqueror, it makes sense. Twelve times will they show the Dark Lord that it is love that conquers all. What could that part mean?" Lily asked.

Harry grinned. "Trelawney once predicted I'd get married, have twelve kids, and become Minister of Magic, but she's a fraud, most of the time."

James wagged his finger as he stood up. "No, that could be taken as a token of truth. Should the Flame and the Conqueror succeed then they would prove love conquers all if you did have twelve children."

"But succeed?" Harry asked. "Why would it jump to such conclusions?"

"Why wouldn't it?" Lily asked. "The first prophecy claimed that you would triumph over Voldemort and you have every time so far. Prophecies are fickle like that."

Dumbledore nodded. "It does make sense and I'm sure Voldemort has come to many of the same conclusions. Is there anything else you can tell us, Severus?"

Snape shook his head. "No, the teacher only heard the prophecy but she says Mira did see more because before and after she spoke she was lost in another world. There could be a lot more to this vision than we know about."

"Well, at least we know something." Alice replied.

Snape nodded. "Well, I've got a meeting to attend to. I will leave you to discuss whatever it is needs to be discussed."

He left the room, his robe and cloak billowing out after him.

Charlie scratched his chin as he spoke. "Alright, so let me get this straight. Ginny is this all-powerful Flame in the prophecy. She is supposedly guided by the fact that she's the seventh child and the first daughter to be born in seven generations. The Chamber of Secrets played a large role in her childhood and is the main thing that pushed her innocence away. It was that summer that we all realized Ginny wasn't a little girl anymore. The thing about the Conqueror and the Flame's innocence shattering at the beginning of the eighth month ... I'm not following that."

Ginny sighed. "I am. Harry and I ... we ... on my birthday ..."

"Made love at that time for the first time, both of us." Harry continued, a blush creeping into his cheeks.

James nodded. "Innocence ... the shattering of innocence. That makes sense."

"Alright," Charlie continued. "So you were both virgins, I get that, the last shattering of innocence. Then it goes on about temper and love, and we all know that the two of you have a hell of a lot of both especially concerning each other." This caused the room to chuckle and for Harry and Ginny to both blush. "And, if we go with James' theory, then together you will succeed and only together."

Harry's eyes met Charlie's across the room. "And he will have power the Dark Lord knows not. Dumbledore told me that was love. Love is my power."

Dumbledore nodded. "Love is something Voldemort cannot understand. He understands that the emotion is powerful but any love he thinks he might feel would be twisted now. He is no longer strictly human, not with so much of his soul missing. He does not feel love, which is why when Lily attempted to sacrifice herself for you, he vanished. It is why he was unable to truly hurt you when you had the stone. It is because of love that he could not possess you."

"Ginny's love."

"Any love, Harry. The love for your family and for your friends. But the love you feel for Miss Weasley is the strongest. Alone you have power but together ..." Dumbledore trailed off.

"We are the Flame and the Conqueror," Ginny supplied.

The room was silent at this realization. Finally, after a few moments, Draco spoke up.

"Okay, so knowing now that they are the main keys, where do we go from here?"

"We have one more horcrux to find and destroy before we can even begin the final battle." Dumbledore explained. "Those of you involved in researching ideas on exactly what that last horcrux might be know of their jobs. Some of you are working as guards around Hogsmeade and Hogwarts for once school starts up, as Mr. Potter and Miss Weasley would naturally be strong targets. Some of you are trying to find the secret in the Department of Mysteries concerning love and its power. All of these missions play vital roles in trying to figure out how the final battle will take place, when it will take place. Leila, you have taken it upon yourself to aid Kingsley, Emmeline, Dedalus, and Jonathon in the research of Mira White. Mira could be an important ally as well as a weapon that I have never foreseen. We must get her away from Voldemort and into our safe haven. She has seen things that we have no comprehension of. She also holds the key to vital information that we need to get before Voldemort does. It could be the death of us otherwise. I'm going to ask Jed to join with Duna, Gotto, and Matata on guard duty." When Jed nodded in acknowledgment he continued. "We don't know the pattern that Voldemort is working on. He attacks randomly, the more people that we can station all over the United Kingdom, the better it will be. Miss Granger, I would like for you to explain about the DA coins."

Hermione glanced at Dumbledore in surprise and she stood up. "Oh, well, it's quite simple, really. I bought some fake galleons at a joke shop and used a Protean Charm on them. Where the serial number would normally be it would instead give the date and time of the next meeting, once Harry changed it on his coin. It was so we wouldn't alert Umbridge to what we were doing."

Dumbledore dropped a bag of galleons on the coffee table in the middle of the room. "Miss Granger's idea was quite brilliant, actually. I have altered the Protean Charm slightly. Now, if there is any problem while on guard duty or doing anything else, one must rub the edge of the coin. This will signal every other coin for help with the address of where the person is located. This way Order members will be able to arrive on scene as soon as possible. Does anyone disagree with this idea?" When no one spoke, he smiled. "Good. Now I have one more new member to introduce. Viktor, please come forward."

Ginny gasped in surprise and could see by the look on Hermione's face that she was surprised as well. Viktor Krum slid through the crowd of people and over to Dumbledore. "Viktor!" Ginny whispered to Harry. "Ron's going to have an aneurism!"

Harry snorted. "Come off it, he knows Hermione loves him."

Ginny rolled her eyes. "It's Ron."

"Too true," Harry murmured as he eyed his best friend. Ron's hands had clenched into fists as he glared daggers at Krum.

"Tank you, Dumbledore, for having me return here." Viktor replied.

Dumbledore smiled. "Thank you for coming. Mr. Krum joined the Order yesterday evening, when he arrived from Bulgaria to help on guard duty, and anything else that comes about."

Viktor nodded to the crowd. "I vant to tank you vor having me back here. I vill help in any vay that I can." He took a seat then as Sirius spoke up.

"So everyone's got a job then? Guarding or researching, everyone has something to do concerning working towards the final outcome."

Dumbledore nodded. "Yes I believe so. I would like to assign to Harry and Ginny, the research of the prophecy. As the Flame and Conqueror, you must learn more about why you were given those titles. It will mean diving deep into your powers and asking for help from many others. It will also mean more intense training."

"Of course, Professor," Harry replied. "We already planned on it."

Dumbledore nodded. "Alright. Those of you on guard duty, come up here to look at the map so we can position whom, where, and when. Otherwise, meeting adjourned."

Harry sighed as he watched Hermione make her way across the room towards Viktor. "Man, Ron is going to kill him."

Ginny laughed. "Oh, I think so."


Hermione managed to grab hold of Viktor's arm and she smiled at him. "Viktor, I had no idea that you were coming back to London."

Viktor smiled warmly at her and led her out of the room and into the kitchen. He pulled her close for a hug and kissed her cheek. "Herm-own-ninny, how are you?"

"I'm very well. I guess we sort of stopped writing after a year or so, lost touch."

He nodded. "Vell, I became very busy, vhat vith Quidditch and vork."

"I understand. I became busy as well. It's good to see you. I'm glad that you decided to come back to London and help."

Viktor nodded. "Vell, I knew I vas needed here. I remember how horrible it vas at the end of the tournament. Excuse me vor saying so, but you are still very beautiful, Herm-own-ninny. I vish you and I vould have had more time together."

She smiled, blushing a bit. He was still so handsome. "I do too, but I'm happy now. I'm involved with someone. He's ... annoying and rude, but I love him so much. He's the one I've been waiting for."

Viktor grinned and took her hand in his, bringing it to his lips. "Ah, Ronald Veasley finally voke up, did he?"

She blushed. "Yes. We've been together almost a year now."

He grinned and kissed her hand again. "Then I offer you my congratulations. I, myself, am married and doing very vell."

"Married?" Hermione repeated in surprise. "Since when?"

Viktor grinned. "Two years now. I met her soon after ve stopped vriting. Ve 'ave a von year-old-daughter, Rayna."

"Wow, that's wonderful. What's your wife's name?"

"Anastasia. She and Rayna should be coming soon, as vell. Tasia vill join the Order, too. She just had to get some things settled in Bulgaria virst." Viktor explained.

Hermione grinned. "Well, I can't wait to meet them." She stepped forward to give him a friendly hug and tripped over Midnight as she crawled around her legs, landing in Viktor's arms; her lips inches from his.

It was at that moment that Ron stormed into the kitchen. His mouth dropped open as Hermione and Viktor sprung apart. "You asshole!" He shouted, his fist flying as Hermione pulled him back before he could punch Viktor.

"RON!" She shrieked, holding his arms down. "It wasn't what it looked like."

Ron let out a huff of breath. "Oh yeah, well Vicky comes back into town for less than ten minutes and you're all over him! Don't tell me what I saw!"

"You are a vool!" Viktor exclaimed. "Herm-own-ninny is a beautiful young voman, who loves you very much, and all you can do is yell at her! You do not deserve her! Herm-own-ninny, vhy do you love such a jerk?"

Hermione giggled. "I ask myself that every day. Ron, I just went to give Viktor a hug to congratulate him on his marriage, and I tripped over Midnight. That's all."

Ron continued to glare at Viktor. "I still don't like you, you ... you ponce!"

Viktor grinned. "I vunderstand."

Hermione sighed. "I'll talk to you later, Viktor. Ron, let's go home."

Ron let Hermione lead him back to the fireplace but he was still fuming. It wasn't even over the fact that Viktor was there, it was Viktor, himself. What did Hermione see in him? He sighed when they flooed back to Potter Manor. He waved her off as he headed back up to his room. She deserved so much better. She deserved someone like Viktor. Viktor was tall, dark, and handsome. He was an international Quidditch player, and rich. He had that foreign accent. Ron had nothing to offer her.

Hermione grabbed his bedroom door before he could slam it in her face and she pushed her way inside. "Ron! I swear nothing happened! Viktor and I have been over since he left after the tournament!"

"Go away, Mione, I just ... just leave me alone."

Hermione froze at the defeated sound in her boyfriend's voice. She had expected him to be angry, not sad. She brushed a strand of bushy curls out of her eyes and straddled him on the bed. "Ron."

He kept his eyes downcast and his hands on the bed.

Hermione picked up his hands and wrapped them around her waist and then she grabbed his face so that he was looking at her. "Ron, I love you."


"What?" She asked in surprise, a little taken back by the question.

He shrugged. "Why do you love me?"

"What kind of question is that?" She asked.

Ron pushed her off of his lap and stood up. "It's a simple one, Mione."

She shook her head no as she sat on the bed. "I don't think it is. Is this about Viktor?"

"No! Damn it, Mione, it's about you and me! Why do you love me?" He demanded.

Hermione stood up now. "I don't know! I've loved you since I was twelve years old!" She sighed and took a deep breath. "When I was eleven, and I sat on the train, I remember thinking you were a dirty boy, with that dirt on your nose, with gorgeous hair and kind eyes. Then towards the end of that first September, I realized that you were funny, you made me laugh. Most of the time, it was during the times that I didn't even want to laugh. Then, I realized that you hated me. You were the first boy to ever make me cry. I didn't understand why it hurt so much, but I knew at that moment that I loved you and that you were right, I didn't have any friends. I had no one. I was alone in a magical world. But then, you and Harry came in to save me from that troll. You were my hero, Ron; I thought you were the bravest person ever. I waited and I waited for you to notice me, as well, but you never did. Then the Yule Ball came. I wanted to go with you and when Viktor asked me, I thought, why not, you were never going to see me as anything but one of the guys. But then when you couldn't get a date ... that hurt me more than anything, you used me as a last resort."

"Mione, I didn't mean to -"

"No, Ron, I'm not done." She interrupted him. "It was you, always. You were jealous that I was with Viktor, and I knew it. But still you never did anything about it. Fifth year came, and neither one of us were dating anyone, but still you did nothing. I had almost given up hope. I love you, Ron. I love your sense of humour, your freckles. I love your cute little bum, and watching you play Quidditch." He blushed and she grinned. "I love that you're brave and loyal and even though you complain a lot, you care about the little things. You're a wonderful person and there's no one in the world who means more to me than you do. That's why I love you."

Ron stepped forward and pulled her into his arms, tilting his head down to hers. "I'm sorry. It's just ... Viktor's everything I'm not. When I saw you with him ... yes, I was jealous but I was also just ... I was confused. Why aren't you with him and why are you with me? What do I have? I've got nothing to offer you, Mione. I'm not an internationally famous Quidditch player. I don't have fame and fortune. All I've got is some Chudley Canons stuff and a few hundred galleons. What do I have to offer you?"

Hermione slipped her arms around his neck. "You. You're all I want, Ron. Money, I've got. I'm an only child of some rich dentists. Your love is all I want from you. It's all I need from you."

His hands rested on her hips and he sighed. "You've got it. All of it. I love you, my Mione."

She smiled and stood on her toes to kiss him softly. "Show me how much you love me, Ron."

He nodded and scooped her up into his arms, carrying her over to the bed. He locked and silenced the room with his wand before he tossed it onto the nightstand and leaned down to kiss her softly. She melted beneath him, just like always and his hands fisted at her hips at the contact. She always made him feel so much.

His lips moved down her neck as he unbuttoned her blouse, spreading it open before him and stroking his hands over the exposed skin. She arched at his touch and moaned, dragging her hands down his back and tugging at his shirt. She pulled it over his head and tossed it aside, her hands gliding over his chest.

"I love you, Ron," she murmured as her lips left a trail down his skin.

Ron grinned and continued to undress her, trying to ignore the reaction he was having to her every touch, kiss, and wiggle. Once she lay exposed before him, his lips met hers again. "I love you so much. You're the most beautiful ... only you," he murmured as he kissed her.

She pushed at the rest of his clothes as they stroked and sighed at every touch. Then Ron rose above her, his eyes met hers and she was home.


Harry stepped out of the fireplace and into the entrance hall of Potter Manor just as someone grabbed his arm, and he was yanked into the common room. Someone pushed him down into a chair and he sighed out loud when he noticed Charlie standing over him, glowering.

"Can I help you?"

Bill shrugged as he took a seat on the side of the chair. "Not sure, Harry."

Percy nodded from his other side as the twins cracked their knuckles behind him, identical evil grins on their faces. "I think we'd like to help you a bit more."

Harry turned to Charlie. "You saw Ginny and I this morning. You promised her you wouldn't hurt me."

Charlie grinned. "Aye, I did, but I didn't promise someone else wouldn't."

"I'm more powerful than all five of you, and if it becomes necessary, I will use magic against you." Harry explained. He was getting damn tired and frustrated of everyone threatening him over Ginny. It was none of their damn business, as far as he was concerned.

Bill sighed. "We're not going to beat you up, Harry. We mostly just want to give you some advice."

George nodded. "About the fact that you and Ginny had sex."

"You had sex with our sister, Harry, and not even married at that!" Fred exclaimed, a look of shock over his face. "Shame, shame, shame."

"We wanted her to be pure as one can be when she walked down the aisle." George replied. "An innocent virgin in white, ready to be ravished by her husband."

Harry rolled his eyes. "We've been dating for two years; do you really think that would have happened?"

Bill shrugged. "I know Firefly seduced you, Harry, but you need to have more will power. She's an innocent in this, and you took advantage of that. Did she rip your clothes off and attack you? Because it doesn't matter ... will power, Harry."

"Took advantage of the fact that she was here." Percy supplied.

Harry glared at him. "You weren't even apart of this family a month ago, so don't preach to me." He demanded angrily. "I'm tired of all you butting into mine and Ginny's life. First Sirius, and now you guys. Listen, alright, it's our decision what we do. None of you have any say in it. Especially not you, Percy."

A sound from the doorway made them all turn and Arthur's eyebrow rose questioningly. "Boys, what's going on in here?" He asked as his eyes traveled over them, and then onto Harry.

Bill grinned. "We're just having a little chat with Harry here, Dad, about Ginny. About how he made her no longer virginal, about how she will no longer be pure when she gets married. Want to help?"

Arthur cleared his throat and his ears turned red, as he was obviously embarrassed by the conversation. "Now, I may not approve of the fact that Harry is ... sleeping with my daughter, but she's perfectly capable of making her own decisions. Molly told me it was Ginny who seduced Harry, and they have been together for two years."

Charlie's mouth dropped open. "But Dad, Gin's having sex! You're little girl is having sex! And she's not even married yet!"

Arthur's ears reddened. "Yes, and do you mean to tell me that all five of you were virgins at sixteen?" All five of them blushed and shuffled their feet. "Exactly. Harry, excuse my sons. They obviously have some problems."

Harry grinned. "Thanks, Mr. Weasley."

Arthur nodded. "Out all of you. I want to talk to Harry alone for a minute."

Bill, Percy, Charlie, Fred, and George shuffled out of the room and Arthur locked the door and then put a silencing charm on it.

"I don't need them listening in." He explained.

Harry nodded. "Sure. What can I do for you, Mr. Weasley?"

"Call me Arthur, Harry. You're practically another son to me."

He blushed. "Right, sorry." He had a feeling this conversation was going to be a bit awkward.

"Nothing to be sorry about," Arthur replied. "Listen, my boys may be overreacting but ... Ginny's my baby, Harry. She's my only little girl, and I love her more than anything in the world. I know she loves you. She's loved you her whole life, though I don't think she's fully aware of it. Naturally, I have an urge to yell and want to protect my daughter in every way, but since Molly told me she seduced you ... well, she's more like her mother than I thought. She's an adult in every way but legally. It's you she wants, and I'm not going to stand in the way of that. I know you love her."

"More than anything Arthur, she is my life."

Arthur nodded. "I don't think I have to tell you to be careful. But I will tell you this; if you give me a grandchild before your married, I will kill you myself, have no doubt about that."

Harry laughed. "Right, that won't happen. I love Ginny, sir. She is the most important person in the world to me. One day, I'm going to ask her to marry me. I know it's her that I want to spend the rest of my life with. Then, there was that prophecy earlier today. It's been predicted that we will be together, that makes me happy. She's my life, sir. I would never hurt her."

Arthur smiled and squeezed Harry's shoulder gently. "I know. I couldn't imagine a better son-in-law either. When the time comes for you to ask Ginny to be your wife, you have my blessing. Just remember that I loved her first, Harry. She's my baby."

Harry grinned. "Thank you, sir. I know you love her."

"Good. Now why don't we get out of here before this becomes any more embarrassing, eh?" He replied with a grin. "I'd like to go find my grandsons."

Harry smiled. "Sure." He watched Arthur leave the room and he grinned. He was glad that was over.


The next morning when Harry headed into the dining room for breakfast, Lily had a stack of letters in her hands.

"Good morning. Hogwarts letters finally came. Only two days before school starts, but they arrived."

Harry yawned. "A little late this year." He accepted his letter from his mum and ripped it open.

Dear Mr. Potter,

A New Beginning (Sequel to A Different Beginning)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ