Chapter Twenty - The Second Battle of Hogsmeade

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Ginny and Ron came out of Dumbledore's office just as he was rushing towards the door. He turned at the noise and he nodded.

"Good, both of you can come."

"Sir, what's going on?" Ron asked.

Dumbledore nodded towards the window. "The village of Hogsmeade is being attacked from the front gates onwards. I need every able-bodied Order member out there, that includes the DA."

Ginny nodded, hurrying out after Dumbledore. She ran into Harry in the hall who was instructing the DA members to stay together and to stun whenever they could. She grabbed his arm and he smiled at her before he continued giving them instructions.

"Harry?" She whispered as the members started to head outside.

Harry pulled her close to him for a long kiss. "I love you."

Then, she watched as he hurried off into the night. Ginny held her wand out and she followed everyone out in the battle. It was all so sudden! She knew that the Order hadn't been expecting the attack. She had been so busy trying to see further into Mira's mind that she hadn't even managed to get an inkling of a possible attack. She shook the thoughts from her head. Why was she blaming herself? There was no way she could have known what was coming.

Death Eaters littered the streets. It was obviously a joy-ride to them as they tortured near-by residents. There were already people lying bleeding on the ground. Ginny hurried towards Rosmerta, who was bleeding from her side and she fell to the ground before her.

"Rosmerta, where does it hurt?"

When Rosmerta pointed, Ginny immediately began to work at stopping the blood flow. Using her wand, she could see that it looked like a knife wound of a sort. The stabbing had been brutal and cut upwards. Her kidneys were definitely in jeopardy if she didn't get real help soon. She stunned the Death Eater coming towards her and carefully ripped her shirt to wrap Rosmerta's side up. It was going to have to do for now. She made a portkey out of a nearby rock and placed it in Rosmerta's hands.

Madam Pomfrey would take care of her.

Then, Ginny hurried back into the battle.


Harry wasn't sure who he was looking for but he found himself searching. Maybe he was hoping that Voldemort would show up and get this thing over with, but he already knew that it wasn't going to happen. This was a raid or a fun-time for the Death Eaters. Voldemort was not here. He stunned a Death Eater walking towards him before he watched in horror as a knife came up, ready to stab Ginny in the back. He charged forward, changing into his wolf form and grabbing the guy by the waist and tumbling down.

Ginny jumped back in alarm and then watched in horror as with a sickening crunch, Harry broke the neck of the man. Her eyes met his as he changed back into himself and he simply nodded and hurried off into the night.

He didn't have time to think about whom he had killed, or what he had just done, because in seconds he was dueling with two dark-haired men who were grinning and laughing like hyenas. He dodged spell after spell and found himself dueling back to back with Ron.

"How many do you reckon there is?"

"No clue! But there seems to be quite a fair amount." Harry yelled back as he dodged a Reducto curse and watched as it smashed the building behind him, causing half the wall to crumble in.

He rolled away for a minute and jumped the guy from behind, tackling him to the ground. He pulled the Death Eater's wand out of his hand, and snapped it. He then stunned the Death Eater and tied him up in the corner. Even as he looked around at the chaos that ensued, he couldn't help but smile and think one down.


Ron had seen Harry tackle the Death Eater to the ground and he had grinned. Leave it to Harry to beat the crap out of the guy in the middle of a good duel, not that he could blame him. He slammed his elbow into someone's gut as he rushed towards Hermione. She was holding her own, dueling three large men that he recognized by their build as Crabbe, Goyle, and Crabbe Senior. He tackled Goyle to the ground and used his fists for a minute before he took his wand and started dueling.

He could hear the spells flying around him, hear the crash of the buildings collapsing and he could see the many people lying on the ground. Ginny was tending to a lot of them in between dueling and he could see that she wasn't the only one trying to help. Out of the corner of his eye, a jet of green light came barreling towards someone and he noticed instantly that it was Lily Potter. He reached forward and yanked her to the ground roughly, just narrowly missing the spell.

Lily shrieked when she fell and then she sighed, "Thank you, Ron!"

He grinned. "Be more careful!"

He watched her nod before she stood up and jumped back into the battle alongside her husband. Most of the Order had been called in to help fight and he could see a great amount of them were there and ready to go. He dodged a Reducto spell just as Duna sent some purple light thing towards the Death Eater behind him that caused him to howl in pain.

It was all slow motion after that and blurred as he turned around to fight whoever was coming at him next.


Hermione had seen Ron fighting and she kept an eye on him. She knew that he wasn't about to be kidnapped again but the fear was there. She crashed to the ground at the impact of someone crashing into her and she grinned up at Harry.

"Killing Curse," he muttered. "Stop watching Ron, he'll be fine!"

Then he was up and running back into the battle.

Hermione crawled to her feet, nodding at the advice. Harry was right, she was going to get herself killed if she didn't focus on what she was doing. Her eyes met that of Lucius Malfoy for a moment but she could see that he was busy dueling with James. She heard a shout of fear and rushed towards the sound.

Orla Quirke, a small Ravenclaw had lost her wand and she was beating at the man who held her with her fists. Hermione knew she was a good fighter but against a grown man, without her wand she was helpless. Hermione pointed her wand up at the Death Eater to stop him but not before Orla hit the ground with a sickening crunch, blood gushing from the wound on her head.

The Death Eater grinned her, the upturn of his masked face made Hermione's blood run cold as she began to duel with him. She dodged as many spells as she sent back but he was clever. Jets of purple and red light barreled towards her but she avoided them with every step and finally managed a good curse his way. He flew back into the building behind him. The damage to the building was so great from the battle that the impact caused the building to collapse and Hermione hurried off in another direction.


James had been dueling with Malfoy for most of the battle. The anger he had built up towards the man over how he had treated his one son, fueled him. He dodged spell after spell and he knew that he was making the man angry but he didn't care. When he spotted Wormtail dueling with Lily, his blood froze but it was long enough for the curse to rip into his side as he collapsed to the ground.

Malfoy grinned at him. "Ooh, good shot."

James glared up at him. "Reducto!"

Malfoy screamed as his right arm reduced to ash and his wand fell to the ground. James crawled towards his wand, snapping it in two.

"There's more where that came from."

Malfoy was still screaming on the ground as James started to make his way towards Lily. He had one hand on his wound and the other on his wand hoping to Merlin that the bleeding would stop soon. He was half-way to Lily when Ginny reached him and made him stop.

"James Potter! What are you doing?"

"Lily ... Wormtail!"

Ginny nodded. "Lily can take of herself." She removed his hand from the wound and placed her hand over it. It wasn't bad as the curse had obviously just grazed him so she healed the cut quickly. "You're lucky. I don't want to see you on the ground again."

James grinned at her. "Understood."

He stood up, placing a hand over his now only slightly tender wound. He could have done that ... if he had thought about it. He shook the thoughts from his head and hurried in Lily's direction. He wanted a piece of that rat himself!


Lily blocked everything Peter threw her way, rolling and dodging when she didn't have time to block. His eyes were focused and the silver hand that held his wand glistened in the sun set. She still couldn't believe that this was Peter, the man who used to always be over for dinner, the man who had stuttered and blushed whenever she spoke to him.

"Why did you do it?" She found herself calling out.

It was enough to startle him and he was almost hit with a stunning curse. "What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean!" Lily called out. "Why did you join him? We would have protected you, Peter. You were our friend."

Peter shrugged as his eyes raked over her. "I had my reasons. You didn't want me anyway. I was an inconvenience to you."

Lily shook her head as she dodged another curse. "No, you weren't. You were a marauder and one of our best friends."

"Not to them, Lily, to you! Do you remember that night when you were patrolling and all the lights went out? Someone had run their hand up your skirt, you thought it was James, scolding him about it. I only wanted to touch you, Lily. You were the only girl who was ever nice to me."

Lily shuddered at the memory. "Well, maybe there was a reason why that was."

Peter grinned maliciously. "Yeah, there was. I was the nothing that hung around the likes of the handsome ones. How do you think that made me feel? The Dark Lord promised to make me a god."

"Well, it doesn't look like he keeps his promises Peter." James' fist hit Peter in the nose as he tumbled down to the ground. "Looks like you made the right choice though, as you don't keep yours either."

Peter paled as he began to crawl backwards. "J-J-James."

James grinned. "Oh, remember me, do you?" He kicked him in the leg, his wand pointed at his heart.

Lily grabbed her husband's arm. "James, don't ... he's not even worth it."

A huge explosion caused Lily to throw herself into James' arms and a loud high-pitched scream had them both looking down as flames engulfed Peter. James swore and dragged Peter out from the explosion, using a water spell to put out the flames.

Peter was panting when the flames vanished, burns over his entire body. "W-w-why?"

James shrugged. "Because I want to do it."

"James," Lily murmured.

James spit on him just as Ron bolted forward. "That stupid rat! You're just going to let him live!"

James grabbed Ron's arms, holding him back. "Yeah, I'm going to let him live. Because I don't want to sink to his level, if I can help myself."

A sickening crunch was heard from behind them and they turned to see Sirius standing on Peter's hand. "The bastard thought he'd hit you in the back." He ground his feet into his hand as Peter shrieked. "I figured it wasn't a good plan."

James took Peter's wand and snapped it in two. "You really are a bastard, Peter."

He ducked at the sound of an explosion and pulled Lily down with him as Ron and Sirius dived in the other direction. When they stood back up, Peter was dead.

Sirius exhaled slowly. "I won't say he didn't have it coming."

Ron nodded. "Yeah." Then the four of them separated and headed off to help fight the rest of the battle.


Harry was still fighting Macnair. He had been dueling him alone for the last twenty minutes. The man may have been old, but he was skilled. He dodged curse after curse until Harry couldn't fire anything. Harry ducked behind a sign as another curse hurtled towards him. He gasped when it grazed his leg and the pain zipped upwards.

Harry fell to the ground, sliding on his stomach as he stunned Macnair. Ginny fell to the ground next to him.

"You're hurt?"

He nodded. "It only grazed me. I'm alright. You?"

Ginny's chocolate brown eyes met his. She had cut down her right cheek but she nodded. "I'm fine. The battle seems to be dying down."

Harry grabbed her, rolling her under him as they dodged another curse. "Don't speak too soon. Are you sure you're alright?"

Ginny kissed his cheek before she pushed him up. "I'm fine. Go!"

Harry watched her dive out of the way of another crash before he headed in the opposite direction.

The battle didn't look like it was going to end anytime soon. By now the sun had set. What should have been darkness was broken as light flew everywhere from the force of the spells. It was intense and Harry ducked behind a pillar to avoid a purple jet of light. Arms grabbed him desperately and he turned to see Angelina there.

"Angie, are you alright?"

She shook her head, pointing to her shoulder. Blood was oozing out of her left shoulder and he could see that it was almost completely out of its socket. He reached forward and when she nodded, he yanked it back into her place. Her scream was muffled by the explosion.

"Thanks." Her wand was steady when she stood up again. "I couldn't duel like that."

Harry grinned. "Next time, be more careful, or Fred will kill me."

Angelina grinned. "Got it."

He watched her hurry off into the night and spotted Remus ducking behind the pillar next to him. Harry crawled over there. "What's with all the explosions?" He yelled.

Remus shrugged. "I'm not sure! They seem to have adopted some sort of spell similar to muggle dynamite! Entire buildings are being blown apart!"

Harry nodded and stunned a Death Eater that ran by as another explosion reverberated behind them. The two of them rolled out of the way to avoid being crushed just as Disapparating sounds echoed around them.

Remus stood up, his hand on Harry's arm. "They're gone."

Groans could be heard as Order members and DA members pulled themselves out from their hiding places. James hurried over to stand next to them, grabbing Harry's arm.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." But as he looked around he knew that he had been very lucky. Bodies were strewn all over the street. He could see some of them disappearing with portkeys after Ginny tended to them.

Ron stepped up next to him. "How many do you reckon were innocent bystanders?"

James let out a deep breath. "A good portion of them. I'm going to start a body count."

Harry nodded. "I'll help."


"No, Da, I'll help."

James didn't argue with that look of quiet stubbornness so he only nodded.

Ron followed them and started to help.

It was like nothing Harry had ever seen before. It was harder than he imagined, ducking down next to the bodies and seeing if they were dead or alive. It felt like it wasn't real. It felt as if ... as if it were a cruel dream, especially when he found people he knew.

Ron was going through the same thing, especially when he came across Hermione. She was bleeding profusely from her left side but she seemed to be okay otherwise. He kissed her softly and squeezed her hand before he sent her to Madam Pomfrey.

Many people were hurt, Hermione only one of them. Demelza had suffered a serious head wound, as had Parvati. Most people had some-what minor injuries, but overall, twenty people had been hurt badly enough in the battle to be in the hospital wing.

In the end, twenty-one people had been killed helping fight, ten villagers had fallen during the initial attack. Not to mention the fact that the village of Hogsmeade was almost completely destroyed.

When they returned to the school, all of them were solemn. They met in the Room of Requirement first, as Dumbledore stared around at them all, his eyes sad and hard.

"We lost twenty-one good people today. Not because they weren't prepared, not because they didn't know how to fight, but because they were unlucky enough to cross paths with the Death Eaters. Some of these people were students, friends, and some of them were long standing members of the Order." His voice stuttered a bit here. "I would like us all to take a moment of silence for those who fell tonight. In honour of their memory, we will continue to fight. Tracy Davis, Anthony Goldstein, Michael Corner, Dominique St. Clair, Victoria Frobisher, Theodore Nott, Dennis Creevey, Morag MacDougall, Andrew Donald, Su Li, Ernest Macmillan, Owen Cauldwell, Laura Madley, Rose Zeller, Elphias Doge, Hestia Jones, Orla Quirke, Sturgis Podmore, Emmeline Vance, Jed, and Matata."

Harry's hand gripped Ginny's tightly as he heard Dana Anderson sobbing quietly from behind them. She and Ted had been engaged to be married.

Dumbledore nodded now. "We will miss all of them greatly, but we will continue this fight with them in our hearts and minds."

Ginny stood up now, her hand still in Harry's. "Sir, I think that there's something else we have to talk about tonight."

Dumbledore nodded. "If you think it is wise, Miss Weasley, then you may explain it."

Ginny nodded. "Today, before the battle, I went to see Mira to see if I could get a better explanation of the prophecies. I didn't decipher much. Flashes of my past and maybe of what will happen, but I can't know that for certain, so I don't want to repeat it. I did learn that I am indeed the Flame, Harry is the Conqueror, and that Ron is the Phoenix. But two other people came to light. The Right Hand, is not our side of the battle. Voldemort's right hand seems to be Bellatrix Lestrange."

Sirius gasped. "The only one he ever loved, Bella?"

"Apparently. Voldemort doesn't understand love, that we know, but from what I do understand the two of them share something. There is a bond there."

"So when the prophecy states that his right hand will fall first, it means what?" Lily asked. "Someone is going to kill Bella and it will cause Voldemort to grieve greatly?"

"The Flame's Guardian shall be the one to destroy her" Bill murmured. "I remember that, who is your Guardian, Firefly?"

Ginny grinned at this. "Sirius."

Sirius' eyes widened. "I'm the Flame's Guardian?"

Ginny nodded. "Apparently, yes."

Dumbledore smiled now. "That makes sense. Sirius, you and Ginny bonded instantly when you met. The two of you love each other in a way that you love no one else. Sirius treats Ginny like a goddaughter and a best friend and Ginny looks to him the same. This bond has only strengthened over time, especially when Ginny was made godmother to his first child. In a way, Sirius you have become the guardian of her in an emotional way. Not the role that Arthur plays, but I would say one that makes your relationship stronger."

Ginny smiled. "Well, I have said he's one of my favourite brothers, and most definitely one of the more annoying ones."

Bill laughed. "But I'm still your number one favourite." He pulled her close to kiss her forehead. "Don't lie, it will hurt my ego."

Ginny hugged him tightly. "You are, and you know it."

"So if Sirius is her Guardian, per say, what does that mean exactly?" Harry asked.

Dumbledore shrugged. "That, I do not know. All I know is what the prophecy seems to have stated. There isn't much else I can say or do in that area."

Sirius grinned. "Well, Gorgeous, you hear that? Looks like as your Guardian I can boss you around and stuff so first rule - no more pranks on me!"

Ginny stuck her tongue out at him. "We'll see."

Dumbledore nodded. "Well, at least now we know a little bit more of what's coming. Miss Weasley, I believe Madam Pomfrey would like your help in the infirmary. We need to get our patients back up on their feet. I will leave it to the Heads of the Houses to tell each house those who have fallen, and I'll begin writing to their families."

Harry watched as Dumbledore headed out of the room. He gently clasped Ginny's hand again, pulling her close. "Are you alright?"

She nodded, snuggling close for a moment. "I'm alright. I should go see if I can do anything for Dana."

He nodded. "Alright." He kissed her softly, savouring the kiss for a moment. "I love you."

Ginny smiled. "I love you, too."

He watched her go, happy he had enjoyed the small moment with her. He didn't feel as empty inside now. Empty and numb was all he had felt when he had done the body count. He looked over when an arm draped around his shoulder.

"None of this is your fault. I don't want you thinking that. This was simply a joy-ride mission to cause trouble, and it worked." James replied.

Lily stepped up next to them, pulling Harry into her arms. "We're so proud of you. You fought wonderfully out there today." Harry kept his face buried in his mum's neck, inhaling her scent. "We love you."

He nodded slightly but he didn't speak. Finally after a few minutes, he pulled back and looked at his parents. "Would I be completely stupid or childish if I asked you to stay here for a while?"

James grinned and kissed his son's forehead. "Not at all." He wrapped his wife and his son up in his arms and he just held on tight.


Draco watched them from the other end of the room as Delilah snuggled in his arms. He knew that he would be welcome in their family hug in a second but he stayed where he was. The battle had been intense and he hadn't seen much of anyone, until the end. He had stayed at Delilah's side the entire time, even when they had come face to face with his mother.

"So this is her?" Narcissa's voice echoed in the darkness. "Your father never told me how pretty she was. It's no wonder he went after your mother."

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