Chapter Eighteen - The Sword of Excalibur

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Harry woke up early the next morning to the feel of someone shaking him awake. He groaned and pulled his pillow over his head. "Nuh-uh, it's Sunday! Go away!"

The pillow was tugged out from his hands and he was rolled right off the bed. When he opened his eyes, Sirius was standing over him with a big grin on his face. "Good morning, Harry. It's nice to see you up and about."

Harry simply glared at him. "Is this a cruel joke? Because I'm not finding it funny, not at all."

Sirius grinned. "I'm shocked that you would even suggest such a thing! Would I do something like this, such as coming in here at five a.m. and waking you up, for no good reason?" When Harry only continued to glare at him he grinned. "Okay, I would, but that's not why I'm here."

Harry sat up, tugging the blankets up with him. "Then what's going on?"

Sirius' face reflected his name for a moment. "We're going to take a little trip to France to get the thing now. Get dressed and meet me in my office. I'll let you wake up Ron and Ginny."

"Now?" Harry asked suddenly wide awake as he stood up.

Sirius nodded. "Yes, now. I'll see you in a bit."

Harry watched his godfather leave the room and he dragged his fingers through his hair. He didn't know what to say. It had been almost three weeks since the last Order meeting, but the idea that today was the day ... He shook the thoughts from his head and hurried up to the Head Boy's room.

Hermione was cuddled up against Ron in his bed and Ron was snoring loudly. Harry wondered how she managed to stand it. He shook Ron a bit, who continued to sleep but Hermione woke up.

"Harry? What are you doing here? It's only five in the morning." She asked, rubbing sleep from her eyes.

Harry nodded. "I know, I need Ron. We're going to Paris."

Hermione's eyes widened. "I'll get him up."


Harry left them alone and sighed. He still didn't understand how he and Ginny were going to work out this magic thing. They had been practicing, of course, but it was difficult to hold together only through their minds. He sighed and changed into his lion form before he raced up the stairs and into the seventh year girls' dormitory. He changed back into himself and climbed into bed with his fiancée.

She was sleeping soundly, her face cuddled into her pillow. He smiled down at her for a moment, just watching her sleep and then he kissed her softly. He deepened the kiss and she moaned and cuddled into him.

"Good morning, love."

Ginny grinned at him. "Mmm, nice wake up call. What are you doing in here?"

"Sirius came to wake me up. We're going today."

She sat up instantly, the strap of her tank top slipping off her shoulder. Harry pushed it back up as she dragged her fingers through her hair. "I can be ready in twenty minutes."

He grinned and pulled her close for a long, deep kiss. "I love you."

Ginny smiled and stayed in his arms for a moment. "I love you, too. This is going to take a lot of power, Harry. I don't even know if we can do it. Paris is so far away."

Harry brought her hand to his lips and kissed her fingers. "We can do it. We really don't have a choice. I'll meet you in twenty minutes."

She nodded and jumped out of bed just as Harry changed back into a lion and hurried down the stairs and back to his own room. He took a quick shower and threw on some clothes before he headed down to the common room to pace. He was nervous, he wasn't going to lie. This was a huge thing and no matter how much he felt prepared for it, he knew exactly how big it was.

Not only was it his first real mission within the Order itself, but it was also the first time he was being allowed to do something dangerous. For the first time he was going to have his father, his godfather, and his honourary uncle there to back him up. This wasn't one of those adventures that he had gotten himself into. It wasn't he, Ron, and Hermione going after the stone or going to fight a Basilisk this was ... this was it. But he still felt terrified of the thought.

When he heard his name, his eyes met Ron's from across the room and his friend nodded at him. Ron was another important person that would be there. Harry couldn't imagine going through with this without Ron by his side. He watched as Hermione came down next and her hand slipped into Ron's hand. She was someone else he couldn't imagine not helping him, but today, she wouldn't be there.

"Are you ready for this, Harry?" Hermione asked.

Harry shrugged. "As ready as I can be I guess. Hermione -"

"Don't, Harry, I want to know-"

"Mione, we talked about this," Ron began, his arm coming around her waist.

Hermione sighed. "I deserve to be there! We've done so much together and we've just ... why?"

"Hermione, we've already got a team on this and you're not coming." Harry replied carefully.

Hermione's eyes darkened for a moment. "Ron and I spoke last night, and I get that. But we've been through everything together, Harry, the three of us. Saving me from mountain trolls, rescuing the Philosopher's Stone, saving Sirius, the Department of Mysteries ... I feel like I should be there."

Ron's arm wrapped around her for a moment. "There are times it was just Harry and I as well, Hermione. In second year, it was the two of us that were almost eaten by giant spiders, who went down and saved Ginny, wishing you were there. I know it doesn't sound fair for you to stay behind but ... this is something the two of us have to do. I want to get back at that bastard any way I can."

"You think I don't? Look at all of the people that he's hurt that I love? I should be there."

Ginny's arms came around Harry's waist then. "So should I. But, we both have different roles to play this time. When it comes to the final battle, though, we'll both be there, fighting by their sides. I'd like to see them try to stop us."

Harry pulled her close for a kiss. "Count on it."

Ginny turned to smile at Hermione. "I need you to stay with me anyway. Emma and Leila are coming down, but I could use another person. What I'm about to try is going to take a lot of power out of me and I don't know ... but I need you there."

Hermione nodded. "Alright."

The four of them headed down to Sirius' rooms quietly. Harry wondered why they were so silent. He also wondered what exactly had just passed between them in the common room. Ginny and Hermione weren't coming along on this hunt because they had other things to do, other things to accomplish and because the team had already been picked out. It wasn't the end, not yet, but Harry could feel it coming. This was different than anything else. It wasn't like when James, Sirius, Remus, and Frank had gone after the previous horcrux. Harry had known the implications of what could happen then, but it was different because ... this was the last one, the final piece to the puzzle.

By going after the sword today, he knew that this was the first huge step leading towards the end of the war. Once he had the sword in his hands, the war could be over that night, or a year from then. He was going to have power over Voldemort, something to hold over his head. He closed his eyes at the thought ... he was going to have the power to fulfill the prophecies. He was going to have the power to ... to live his life without a dark shadow always hanging over him.

They stepped into the suite just as Sirius was passing Keira over to Lexy. "We're here." Harry said softly.

Sirius nodded. "We're still waiting on everyone else. Ginny, Hermione, Lex is going to let you use our bedroom for the magic connecting thing. Leila and Emma should be arriving soon."

Ginny nodded. "Thanks, Sirius. Harry and I need a few minutes together before you can go. This is going to be a really hard task to complete."

Harry squeezed her hand gently. "It's going to take a lot out of both of us."

They turned at the sound of the door opening and nodded at James, Remus, Frank, Emma, and Leila. James nodded. "Well, are you ready to go destroy this thing?"

Harry grinned. "Yeah."

Emma and Leila came over to stand upon either side of Ginny. Emma smiled. "Alright, you two, are you ready for this?"

Ginny laughed. "I'm not sure if we'll ever be ready for this." She held her hand out and Harry took it in his. They stared deeply into each other's eyes for a moment and then when their fingertips touched sparks erupted. Ginny's eyes darkened almost black as she pushed tightly on Harry's hands causing the sparks to erupt into colourful flames.

Neither one of them noticed the gasps of surprise coming from around them.

Harry could feel the magic filling up his system and he could feel Ginny working to try to connect to every single part of him. The power punched through his system, climaxing to a peak so strong that he almost groaned out loud. She was touching him everywhere with her magic but she hadn't moved an inch. Then, suddenly, the power was gone and his hands were down at his sides.


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