Chapter Twenty-One - What Comes Next

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Ginny had seen Dana rush past her and up the stairs a few evenings later, tears in her eyes. She sighed as her eyes met Colin's from across the room. "I don't know what else to do for her."

Colin shrugged as he watched Demelza twist a piece of her hair around her finger as she read her textbook. She was curled up in the armchair across from him and seemed to be lost in thought though he knew she was listening to every word. "No clue, Gin. It's rough." He looked over at her. "We're all suffering. Mum and Dad have been a wreck."

Ginny scooted closer to her friend and cuddled him into her arms. "I can't believe that Dennis is gone. I'm so sorry, sweetie."

Colin held her close, keeping his face buried in her neck. "I know. It all seems so unreal. He was only fourteen."

Ginny rubbed her hands up and down her friend's back. "He was so brave, Colin."

Colin nodded as he hugged her tighter. "I've been trying not to think about it. All those people ... Dana is not the only one who is aching inside. She loved Ted so much!"

Ginny kissed her friend's cheek. "Colin, honey, you have to let it go. You've been strong now for everyone and for your parents when they came to the school to get ... to get Dennis' body but now ... you can't keep holding it in like this."

Demelza dropped her textbook and sat on the other side of Colin, cuddling close. "Listen to Ginny, Colin."

He shrugged and wrapped his other arm around his girlfriend so that they were both cuddled on each side of him. "It hasn't hit me yet. I know he's gone but I just ... I don't feel it."

Ginny's eyes met Demelza's. "We'll be here when you need us."

Colin kissed her cheek. "I know. But I think there's someone else you should be worrying about."

Ginny gave him a puzzled look. "Who?"

"Harry. I heard him telling Seamus this morning that at least he didn't kill anybody."

Ginny paled. "Oh my god, I didn't even ... I've been so wrapped up in helping Madam Pomfrey with everything, making sure that you and Dana were alright and ... everyone and ... I haven't even spoken to Harry."

Demelza smiled. "So, go knock some sense into him. I bet he's brooding."

Colin nodded. "I'll be fine."

Ginny leaned over to kiss his cheek again. "If you need anything-"

Colin rolled his eyes. "I know where to find you."

Ginny grinned as she hurried up the stairs to the boys' dormitory. She knocked but there was no answer so she stepped inside just as Dean came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. Ginny blushed. "Er, sorry."

Dean shrugged. "No problem. If you're looking for Harry, I haven't seen him."

Ginny's eyes fell to the trunk. "I think I know where he's at. Thanks, Dean."

Dean nodded at her as he grabbed a pair of jeans and headed back into the bathroom whistling. Ginny opened Harry's trunk, using the spare key he had given her, and stepped inside. She pulled the lid closed behind her and headed down the stairs. She found Harry curled up in an armchair with a book open in his lap. She made her way over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck from behind and kissing his ear.

"Anything good?"

Harry leaned back against her as she pressed tiny little kisses down his neck. "Yeah, but this is better." He tugged her around and into his lap, tossing his book aside. "I missed you."

Ginny snuggled into him, her head resting over his heart. "I missed you too. I'm sorry that I haven't been around much."

"No, no, it's fine. I know that Dana and Colin needed you, and I know that Madam Pomfrey needed you. Ron and Hermione have been ... you were helping a lot of people. It's fine."

Ginny shook her head no as she cupped his face in her hands. "It's not fine, Harry. That Death Eater was going to stab me and you broke his neck. I can still hear the crunching sound."

Harry's arms tightened around her. "I've never ... I don't think anyone else knows that I killed him. I mean ... Seamus knows. I tossed it in his face because I was angry, it just came out. Maybe others know ... I don't know."

"Harry, I don't blame you and you shouldn't blame yourself. I don't know what it's like to kill another person, and I don't want to know, but ... you saved my life."

"I still ... in my wolf form it's different. I mean, you know, it's like the animal takes over to a certain extent. But it doesn't make ... I killed a man."

"No you killed a Death Eater."

"He was still human!" Harry exclaimed, dragging his fingers through his hair.

Ginny shook her head. "Not the way I see it. He was going to kill me without a thought. You saved my life, Harry, it was self-defense."

"Maybe ... but I just ..."

"More people are going to die, Harry. It's not something I want to think about, but it's true. I'm not saying that what you did was right, because its not, but it happened so fast ... there was nothing you could have done."

Harry buried his face in the crook of her neck, his breath hot on her skin. "I know, it doesn't make it any better."

Ginny slipped her fingers into his hair and held his head to her. "I love you. Nothing you ever do will stop me from loving you."

He nodded, turning his head to capture her lips in his. Ginny's hands fisted in his hair when he deepened the kiss and all she could do was moan as his hands raked over her back. He didn't speak; he just used his mouth to portray how he felt. Ginny only held on tight as he brought her over the edge again and again with his mouth and hands alone. When his hand slid up her thigh to rest on her dragon as he tugged at buttons and snaps she pulled his shirt open.

When he covered her with his hands she was lost in him and by his fevered touch, she knew he was just as lost in her.


Harry's breathing was heavy as he lay on top of her, sweaty and breathless. Ginny's hands were still sliding up and down his back and he nibbled gently at her neck.

"When did we end up on the floor?"

She giggled. "I don't know, somewhere in between it all." She kissed him softly. "Do you feel any better?"

Harry rolled over, pulling her with him and summoning a blanket from the bed in the other room. He wrapped it around them and snuggled close with her. "I feel better, yeah." When she grinned he kissed her nose. "I love you, Gin."

Ginny smiled and snuggled close so that her head was resting over his heart. "I know you do. I love you too."

They just stayed like that for a few minutes, holding each other close under the warm blankets. Finally, Harry spoke up.

"I've been thinking a lot about us and about ... our wedding."

Ginny turned to look up at him and kissed his chin. "Yeah? Have you come up with something interesting that you want to happen at the wedding?"

He shook his head. "Gin ... this battle just proved that ... maybe we should wait."

Ginny sat up, the blanket pooling at her waist as her eyes hardened. "No."

Harry's eyes met hers and he reached up to tug on one of her curls. "Ginny, you know that I love you, but this ... how can I ... we should wait until after Voldemort's gone."

"No, I won't wait, Harry."

"Why are you so determined to marry me now, why can't we wait?"

Ginny glared at him. "What if destroying Voldemort doesn't happen for years, Harry? Do you want to wait five or ten years to marry me?"

"No, but I -"

"Harry, I've got the perfect dress and your mum and my mum have planned so much. Don't you want to marry me?"

"Of course I do, Gin but that's not the -"

"Lily told me this would happen. She was worried that you would do this."

Harry's eyes hardened. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Ginny shrugged. "Exactly what you're doing! Did you know that James tried to pull the same thing with her? No, I won't wait, Harry. I want to marry you and no I'm not going to wait. We've been over this already."

Harry sighed. "It's too dangerous! Hell, Gin, you're not even of age yet! Voldemort will go after you! That Death Eater was heading straight toward you, he didn't even ... he wasn't going to use the killing curse on you, he was going to stab you! How do you think that made me feel?"

"Oh! So I'm just supposed to sit back and let you play hero? No, damn it, Harry! I am your fiancée and I can take care of myself! I'm powerful! I'm not saying that I won't get hurt, but you don't know the future! You need me for the end; you need me in more ways than you know! We are NOT going to postpone this wedding!" Ginny exclaimed angrily, her brown eyes were flashing dangerously, but Harry didn't care.

"No, Ginny, we ARE going to postpone this wedding! I want to marry you, but I want the time to be right! I don't want to be looking over my shoulder every damn minute of my life! Why can't you understand that!?"

Ginny scrambled to her feet and got dressed as she spoke to him. "I understand perfectly, Harry, but I think you're wrong. I'm going to continue to plan this wedding and there's nothing you can do to stop me."

Harry stood up now, grabbing her arm and spinning her around. "No!"

Ginny ripped her arm out from his grasp tears in her eyes now. "I'm not going to let you ruin this, Harry. You're being ridiculous about it! We're getting married! Lily wants us to get married at Potter Manor in the backyard. I'm making my wedding dress, the perfect dress. I have all of my favourite flowers picked out. You've barely given me anything to work with. You said you don't want to wear robes, and that's fine, you can wear a muggle tux. I even picked it out, since you didn't want to do that. I have my bridesmaids and I have their dresses picked out. We're going to go for sizing next weekend. I know that you haven't picked any groomsmen, or even a best man. I know because Ron's mentioned the fact that he hasn't been asked. I've been doing everything! You proposed to me and it's you who wanted to get married quickly too, I know that for a fact. You've had your doubts and I've pushed them aside! But no more, Harry! I'm not going to wait around for you to get this stupid nobility thing out of your head! It's now or never!"

"So now you're giving me an ultimatum? If I want to marry you I have to do it your way or not at all?" Harry demanded his eyes cold.

Tears rolled down Ginny's cheeks. "No! Have you even listened to a word I said, Harry! You ... be a part of this wedding! Help me do something for it! Don't just tell me it's not going to happen! I love you."

Harry's hands fisted at his sides. "Ginny ... Voldemort is just ..."

"No! Stop thinking about Voldemort, Harry! The longer you put him above your happiness the closer he comes to winning! Don't you see that?!"

He grabbed her and yanked her up against him. "I don't want to lose you."

Ginny's arms twined themselves around his neck as she stood on her toes. "You won't. Do you really think it's going to less painful if we're married or not?"

Harry kissed her very softly before he looked into her eyes. "I love you and no, it would kill me either way." He sighed. "How many groomsmen do I need?"

A smile spread across Ginny's face and she kissed him softly. "Six plus a best man."

Harry sighed and tilted his forehead against hers. "I love you so much. It just ... it overwhelms me. I want to marry you, more than anything, but I'm just ..."

"I know," she whispered. "Me too. Do you think the fear doesn't hit me at times too? It does. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, terrified that something is going to happen before we can even get a chance to get married."

Harry kissed her softly, deepening the kiss for just a moment. "It won't. I want to marry you. I want to hear all about our wedding plans. I want to help." He used his thumb to wipe Ginny's tears away. "Just tell me what I need to do?"

Ginny nodded, holding him close. "You need groomsmen, a best man, and you have to figure out what you want them to wear. A tux or wizard robes? Maybe you can work out the reception?"

He nodded and kissed her again. "Anything you want. I'm sorry I was such a prat."

"It's okay, I'm just glad you came to your senses. I don't want to pressure you, Harry, but I don't want you to throw it away because of a lot of 'what if's' either."

"I know. I'm sorry." He kissed her deeply and then gave her a wicked grin. "So, do we get to make up now?"

"We just did," Ginny replied, laughing at the twinkle in his eye.

Harry unbuttoned her shirt slowly and grinned wickedly at her. "Ah, but see, I had something else in mind."

"What's that, Mr. Potter?"

He grinned. "Why don't I show you?"

Ginny smiled at him. "Why don't you?" Then his lips met hers as he dragged her back down to the floor.


Ginny stopped at the sixth year girls' dormitory for a moment later on that evening. She could hear Dana's quiet sobs through the door, she pushed it open. She went to her friend and took a seat on the bed.


Dana shook her head. "Go away, Ginny!"

Ginny took her friend's hand in hers and gasped at the impact of what she felt. "Dana ... you're ..."

The sobs grew louder as Dana lifted her tear-streaked face up to Ginny's. "I know. I found out the day after the battle. I had suspected that there was a possibility ... Madam Pomfrey said everything is well, but I just ..."

Ginny pulled her friend into her arms and held her close as she sobbed. "Dana, I know that you're upset but ... Ted would want you to be happy. He would want you to take care of yourself."

Dana nodded as she sniffed. "I'm having twins."

Ginny smiled. "I know, I felt both the little heartbeats." She wiped the tears from her friend's eyes and gave her some comfort through her magic. When she felt Dana calm down a bit she smiled. "I'll be here to help you with whatever it is you need."

Dana nodded. "I know. Dumbledore told me if I study hard enough I can write my N.E.W.T.s this year. That way I can raise the babies. Merlin, Ginny, I'm going to be a mother. I don't think I'm ready for something like that."

"You are. Ted left you a gift, Dana. He died fighting but he left a part of himself with you. You'll be a great mum."

She sniffed slightly. "I hope so. I'm due in September."

Ginny grinned. "So, what are you doing to name them?"

Dana laughed, wiping the tears from her eyes. "I don't know." Her eyes fell to the diamond engagement ring on her finger. "But I'll make sure that they know how much of a hero their daddy was."

Ginny smiled. "Good." Then she drew Dana into conversation about the babies, hoping it would help her friend calm down.


Written by: Donna Coonts

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