Chapter One - A New Beginning

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Draco sat with his journal open on his lap in the backyard. There was only one week left of the summer so far and he had heard from his father twice. He wasn't sure why he wasn't telling James and Lily about the letters, but he couldn't help but think that this was his problem. They had helped him enough. He didn't want to depend on them for every little thing. He unfolded the parchment and began to read them again:


Your mother and I were incredibly angry at your disgusting show of getting out of your marriage to Pansy. We raised you to respect your pureblood heritage and to know that that ring was meant to be for a woman of similar rank. Pansy is the match for you in that sense as she is not only capable of providing you with pureblood heirs but has a fortune that could have well-contributed to the Malfoy family. It is obvious that you are thinking of nothing but yourself.

Delilah Knight has nothing to offer you. Her mother may have been a good shag and I'm sure her daughter is too but that's no reason to marry the whore. She's a half-blood and not worth something like marriage. She will not give you children, but un-pure bastards! You should have made her your mistress if she was what you desired! The choices you have made are the wrong ones and believe me, you will pay for them.

The Dark Lord offered you the chance of a lifetime. A chance for you to prove to him just where your loyalties lie; something that most people would kill for a chance at. But you threw it all back in his face so that you could play with the mudbloods, the half-bloods, and the blood traitors; so that you could move in with the Potters and their disgusting mix of blood fiends. The Dark Lord would never sink that low and neither would I. I am disgusted with you Draco and you are no longer a part of this family.

Your twit of a mother is crying as I write this letter. She thinks that you must have some sort of explanation for your actions. I, however, know better and know that you are not to be given a second chance unless you make an heir with Miss Parkinson then I might consider taking you back into the family.

I hope you realize what you're giving up Draco and that any children you create with that whore of yours will not be worth my time.

Your father

The second letter was a bit less intense, but the same points were driven home.


You have now been officially removed from the Malfoy account. The money that you possess in your private account I cannot touch, but everything else you no longer have access to. All of your inheritance is gone until you smarten up. I was forced to take such a drastic action due to the complications you have caused.

You are a constant disappointment to me.

Your father

He refolded the letters and slipped them into his journal. He wasn't sure why he was keeping them either. He pulled out his quill and began to write.

Father wrote to me again. This time I'm only a disappointment rather than a disaster so I think that's moving up on the scale. Not that I'm trying to move up, of course. I just don't understand why he continues to write to me. He says he wants nothing to do with me but I don't know. I don't know why I'm so concerned about it now. Maybe on some level I'm afraid because I know what he's capable of and for the first time in my life I'm really happy. I guess I'm afraid he might take it all away.

I'm engaged to the most beautiful woman in the world. I somehow ended up with a group of great friends. There's Lyra, this adorable little girl who calls me Uncle Draco. I've somehow been eaten up by this wacky group of people that have become family in less then a year and the scariest part is, I'm enjoying every minute of it.

As I sit here in this enormous backyard of Glasgow Hall, writing down my thoughts, I can't help but be thankful. The gardens back here are quite exquisite and not to mention the fountains, the pool, and the Quidditch pitch. It's all so amazing! I'm glad to be a part of it, even as I doubt wonder why I am. There's such a large group of people that have become such important people in my life; and it's hard to get to know them all, but I feel that in the last year I've really taken steps towards that.

A New Beginning (Sequel to A Different Beginning)Where stories live. Discover now