Chapter 4 - 7/2/11

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I woke up and Mik's face was centimetres from mine. I punched him in the face sending him flying in to the wall. Yawn just the kind of thing I do first thing it the morning. I got dressed into school uniform which was to small but Rose would make me look like a year 7 again... hopefully. I walked down the stairs and into the dining-room. Niya was the only one on the table. When I say on I really mean it. She was standing on the table but that is normal for Niya. I sat down and quickly ate my breakfast. While Niya did hula dancing on the table providing entertainment for the whole room.


I looked myself in the mirror. I was wearing my school dress. I could pull off a year 7 with the body I have. I sighed sadly. I should look like a 17 year old but I won't and never will all thanks to that book which gave me this curse.... No point on getting caught up in the past there is no way to change what happened. Besides if I did I would never have come to the hotel and met all these amazing and slightly crazy people. I put a smile on my face and walked out of my room trying to stay strong as I always do.


I sat in class thinking why oh why did I have to go back to school? Maxina there's my answer. How I am going to get through 6 year of this I don't know. All this stuff I have already leant maybe I should try and do something different that I didn't learn. I flipped through my school diary and opened it on a random page. Music. I looked down at all the writing. They had a lot of bands and you could play and instrument here. The instruments that were taught were listed. I looked down the list. Voice, no I sound terrible. Guitar, piano, flute no too normal. Trumpet, no they hurt my ears. Saxophone and clarinet still too normal. Trombone ... perfect! I shall learn the trombone to make school a little more interesting.


I sighed "why am I so perfect?"

Jayson looked at me weirdly "That's an interesting question because you're not perfect."

I giggled. He is just trying to get my attention by being mean to me. He shouldn't bothered with that though, he already has it. I stared into his beautiful blue eyes but he just turned away. My beauty was probably getting too much for him. He is just probably turning away so he doesn't do anything inappropriate during class.

I noticed pretty much everyone in the class was staring at me.

"I know my hair is beautiful!" I called out loudly.

The teacher glared at me "Shhh Maxina."

I crossed my arms. How rude! She shouldn't talk to the awesome Maxina like that. Just because she is teaching her stupid maths lesson that no one even cares about. If that did care about it they would be looking at the board and not my beautiful hair. Let's face it no one take their eyes off my amazing hair.

"Maxina can you please write the answer to this equation?" the teacher asked me.

"Oh turtly," I squealed and walked up to the front of the classroom. The teacher gave me a marker .... a purple marker!!!

"Get that away from me!!!" I screamed.

"What's wrong?" the teacher asked.

"It's purple!" I shrieked. As if she doesn't know that purple is the evil colour, everyone should know that by now, especially at her age.

"Would you like a different colour?" she asked picking out a green one and offering it to me.

"No not green I only write in blue," I told her and she sighed pulling out a blue marker. I took it from her and smiled. She rolled her eyes at me. Stupid bitch. I wrote the answer and quickly walked back to my seat.

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