Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


"Maxina you're so cold," a girl in my class exclaimed as she brushed up against me.

I smiled awkwardly "Yeah.... that's weird."

She grabbed my hand and put it to her face "So refreshing."

I gave Nicoletta a concerned look but she was just giggling. It's not funny! They can't know I'm a water witch, but I can't heat myself back up.....

"It's so hot today, how can you be so cold?" she asked.

"I don't know," I lied and pulled my hand away.

"You're also so pale."

"I don't like to spend time in the sun, it burns me," I told her.

Nicoletta walked over to me. Finally she's come to help me, so useless and slow. She should at least try to be as good as me, she will never be but still, it's pathetic.

"Maxina can you help me with something over there?" She took my hand and lead me away from the human girl.

"Thanks," I whispered to her and giggled.

"Do you think she thought you were different?" Nicoletta whispered asking me.

"Maybe just unusual not.... you know," I replied.

She sighed "This is hard."

"But school is so fun and we look so cute, besides the Hotel is dangerous so we shouldn't stay there all the time because we need to meet new cute boys and Darrel will kill himself on the stairs or something."

She giggled "You know he could do that just as easily at a school?"

"Yeah but it won't be our fault then," I smiled.


I sighed history is next. I know some myths that have actually experienced some of the events that are discussed in this class. For my grandmother ancient egypt didn't happened that long ago, and they built the pyramids only yesterday.

Our history teacher walked in. She is slim with long dark hair and dark skin. She put her books down and got out a white board marker after looking around the room to check if we were all there.

"Today we will be starting our new history topic: Ancient Greece. We will be focusing on Greek mythology. To start lets right all the things we already know about Ancient Greek mythology," she explained to us.

Yes finally something good. One of the girls raised their hand the teacher nodded at them. The girl said "There were lots of gods.... I think."

The teacher replied "can you name any of them?"

The girl blushed and shook her head. Ugh mortals, so disrespectful. I raised my hand the teacher nodded at me "The main gods or the Olympians are Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Athena, Hermes, Demeter, Apollo, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Artemis, Dionysus and Ares. The other gods are minor gods but some Hades and Hestia are two important ones," I told her.

"Wow you seem to know a lot," she exclaimed and wrote the names on the board.

Of course I would know a lot I've met all of them. Some of them are nicer some..... Not so much....

The mortals went on to talk about the minotaur, Hercules and the difference between centaurs and satyrs. Speaking as if all these things don't exist which I find to be a little insulting. Not that I interact with them all too much I've seen and spoken to them. I guess the mortals can't see them so why should they believe that they are real? 'Seeing is believing' a phase many mortals say, that way of thinking is close-minded as their science hasn't been able to detect magical or anything mythical, it like the mortals who created it can't see anything they can't.

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