Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Where was she? Mik couldn't find her anywhere. His nose couldn't pick up her sweet scent. It was well after sunrise and no one had seen her. He had asked everyone in the Hotel, even Niya who just gave him an absent look.

He sat down on a tree stump to catch his breath. An awful scent filled his lungs. Vampire.

he felt himself changing into a wolf.

"Hello Mik," He heard a high pitched yet masculine voice say. What kind of a vampire is this? he looked in the direction of the voice and saw a nerd. This had glasses and was carrying a book. He also had the look of a vampire. However he didn't look like he was going to attack, he wasn't baring his fangs like a normal vampire would.

"Who are you?" Mik asked, still a little on guard.

"Darrel," Darrel replied simply adjusting his glasses which made the light reflect off them and into Mik's eyes.

Mik looked away "Who?"

"Darrel," He sounded annoyed "I've been at the hotel for years."

"Ohhhh.... hey," Mik replied. Mik must not have noticed him "Darrel yeah I know you."

Darrel rolled his eyes "Of course you don't, I may be a vampire but I can tell when you're lying. Nevermind that, I came to see if you have found Sarah."

Mik grabbed him by the collar and lifted him in the air, which was quite easy as Darrel was quite short and light. "You stay away from her," Mik growled.

"Relax I'm not going to hurt her," Darrel said trying to calm Mik down, which wasn't going to work on the stalker.

"I don't care what you want to do to her, just stay away from her!" Mik yelled at him and threw him into a tree.

Mik then shifted into his wolf form and ran away. Mik knew he must find Sarah before Darrel does.


Devil poked her cheek "Niya what are you doing?"

Niya had snuck into her room and was laying on her bed and Devil would say that she was sleeping but her creepy orange eyes were wide open and staring at the roof. What made it completely bizarre is Devil's bed wasn't a bed, it is flames shaped like a bed. Though Niya didn't seemed bothered by that at all. In fact the fire didn't even seem to be touching her.

Noah stood next to Devil with the same confused expression on his face.

Niya didn't reply to Devil as usual. Weirdo.

"Is she dead?" Noah asked Devil.

"Can she die?" Devil genuinely wondered.

"BEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS!" She screamed and they both jumped back.

"Ok she's alive," Noah whispered.

They both stared at her looking for a sign of movement. There was none. Niya remained perfectly still. Not even a bat of an eyelash.

"How do I get rid of her?" Devil asked him.

He shrugged "I have no clue, maybe bug spray."

"Hmmmmm, that might work, she does act like a bee sometimes,"

"Ok, do you have bug spray?"

"Do I look like the kind of person that would carry around bug spray to you?"


"That's what I thought, you should ask Cleo."

"I can't be bothered, what do you do to get rid of bugs?"

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