Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


"She is so weird," I whispered under my breath while watching Niya with her bees.

The bees hovered over Niya's hands and swarmed around her head. She didn't even seem to notice she just kept the same insane expression on her face. The ugly colours surrounding her scared me. Apart from the blue of course, that was beautiful.


"Nicoletta!" I cried.

She looked at me "is something wrong Maxina?"

I ran up to her and hugged her tightly, she smelt so floral "We had to use purple paint in art."

Tears were streaming down my face just thinking of the awful memory, it was terrible, just terrible!

"It's ok Maxina," she said and patted my back ever so comfortingly.

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!" I cried "It's purple, the evil colour!"

I could hear a slight sigh from her, she must have been feeling the pains of the purple. It affects everyone. I mean just look at Sarah she's gone completely insane because of it.


All around me the girls were talking about this "Justin Bieber" character. Some sort of mortal pop-star I assumed but I had never heard any of their songs as I'm don't listen to mortal radio or TV. They seemed to love them though and were talking about and singing their songs.

The teacher was giving them a very judgemental look over her laptop which forged a smile from me. There were a few studious girls at the front of the class that weren't involved in this Justin Bieber talk and a few at the back who were the more rebellious type, the bulk however were all involved singing and talking almost simultaneously.

Suddenly one turned to me "what's your favourite Justin Bieber song?" she asked.

I didn't know how to reply "I'm not sure... I don't know who this Justin Bieber is."

She gasped "How could you not know?! Have you been living under a rock?"

I snorted "You could call it that."

She picked up her folder which had a brown haired boy on it "That is Justin Bieber."

"Oh, so he sings?" I asked.

"Yeah of course, he is like the best singer ever!" She squealed.

"You will have to play some of his music for me sometime," I told her with a smile.

"You're a weird girl Natasha, like who has natural purple bits in their hair?"

I shrugged "I just have weird genetics."

They are being a myth therefore pretty much a different species to you. However my hair wasn't always partly purple....


After school I met up with Elektra we were in my room at the hotel. "So James ...," I said.

"Yeah, what about him?" Elektra asked.

"Don't you just feel like killing that little vampire?" I asked

"Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, James is Iris' boyfriend you can't just kill him," Elektra told me.

"But she loves a vampire it's so wrong," I complained laying back on my bed.

"I do agree with you loving a vampire is wrong but she is in love with him and if you kill him she will never forgive you," Elektra told me.

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