Chapter 4

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 Chapter 4

During the meeting it was very obvious to Iris that Sarah and Matilda hated when Iris brought up James, even though he wasn't there their hate was as if he were. Elektra was the only one who is at least tolerant of her relationship with James. Iris guess that's because she has her own boyfriend who she loves, Luke. Matilda said she had a boyfriend, Jacob though none of the werecats had met him Iris guessed that this boyfriend was just her imagination.

As James and Iris were eating she could sense Sarah glaring venomously at James and could tell that was making him feel really uncomfortable. She feared that one of the few conditions of staying in the Hotel, no killing the other myths within, was the only thing keeping Sarah from killing James. She was more than capable of it as Iris had seen countless times. Still Iris felt the need to protect him, just in case Sarah tries anything. Though Iris was strong being the weretiger she had only become one last year. While Sarah had years of experience and training by both the wereleopard before her and the gods. Still Iris had to try it was James' only hope. Though Iris wished that one day Sarah would fall in love and then understand how irrational it can be. But her ignorance prevails and the werecats would remain at each other's throats.


So beautiful, just so beautiful. Maxina looked in the mirror. Her blue hair looked fabulous and matched the shoes she had bought. She winked at herself. If she was a guy it would be love at first sight. She knew so many guys had that experience daily. How could they not, she was so adorable. She giggled.

"Are you ok?" John said behind her.

"Hey," She greeted him in the cutest voice possible. He raised an eyebrow at her.

"I heard you giggling randomly and I got worried but it seems you're fine so I'll go," he explained about to walk off.

"You don't have to go you can stay here with me," She squealed but he seemed to walk a little faster. Silly boy She was over here. Some guys just lose their minds when they see her. It was almost a curse to be so beautiful.


She was so beautiful. Mik was looking at Sarah as she was talking to Natasha organising the activities for today. He couldn't stop looking at her. A cute little smile crept onto her face as Natasha said something funny and he could feel himself starting to drool. It is so cruel that she will never share the feelings he had for her. If she was his girlfriend he would treat her like a princess. However she didn't care about how many times she broke his heart. It seemed his heart was just a toy to her but he couldn't help but to want to be with her every second of the day. He knew that one day she will love him so he just had to wait until that day.

"Mik.... you're drooling again," Natasha whispered leaning his way.

"So gross," Sarah muttered.

Mik wiped the drool away with the back of his hand. Sarah looked over at him and he could feel his heart beating quickly. She was looking at him in disgust but he know that one day she will be looking at him in love.


Curse these bonding activities. They were so freaking boring. What the hell were she, Cleo and Nick meant to have in common? Nothing if you asked Devil. Those two were completely lame to her. Nick and Cleo both looked over a book they were supposed to be deciphering, muttering to each other while Devil sat back. Books weren't her strong point.

Cleo had left a tube of that pink shit she puts on her lips on the table. Devil picked it up and opened the lid. There was a whole lot of bright pink goo inside. Why the hell would someone put this on their lips? It smelt like a dead animal. Devil squeezed the tube and some of the goo came out. Interesting.... Now how was she meant to get it back in before Cleo noticed.

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