Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Natasha strolled into the library, her domain. Memories of her past flooded back as she walked passed the shelves of books. She should really be afraid of books after what had happened but she wasn't.

Books were now her source of information. She was determined to learn all she could. That way nothing could sneak up on her ignorance. She was determined to be one of those rare people who actually learnt from their past rather than repeat it.

She sided with Sarah to hopefully avoid a mythical war. If they could keep the vampires under control, the leader would be held back. From what Natasha had read mythical wars held much higher stakes than just mortal ones. Obviously, with beings so powerful. However the way Sarah was acting was so reckless, Natasha in all her power couldn't prevent everything that could happen.

It had become apparent to Natasha also that Sarah had neglected the werecat book given to her by her mother. Probably for personal reasons. There it sat. Far into the depths of the library on a pedestal open to a random page covered in dust. This book had the stories of every leopard werecat before Sarah written in it. There was a lot to be learnt from it.

It was time for it to be read.

Natasha greedily grabbed it. But upon opening the first page to Natasha's horror it was in ancient Greek.

Or maybe Sarah didn't know ancient Greek so that was why she had neglected it.

Nevertheless it was time for Natasha to teach herself a new language.


Sarah lay her head down on the soft grass, looking up into the clear blue sky. She had the fondest memories of doing this with her father, when he was alive. They would just sit back, look up at the sky and talk about anything. It was so innocent and pure to her. It almost brought tears to her eyes considering what she had become in all the years since she had looked up at the sky with her father.

She didn't know he was a demigod and that his mother was Demeter when he was alive. Now and since she first met the goddess she had a million things to ask him. Yet.... that night she had her brother were sent to bed early. He would never see the sunrise of the next day nor would her brother or mother. They were brutally murdered by a group of vampires along with one werewolf under orders from the leader. This is why Sarah vowed to make the leader's plan fail at the cost of her own life. Though she had never asked, the other myths that lived at the Hotel felt the same way.

Sarah never wanted any myth or mortal to go through what she did, losing everything in one night because of some tyrant.


A very... interesting scene was taking place before Natasha's eyes. Sarah was training and pretty much all the males in the Hotel were staring at her. She didn't really care though, she seemed focused on Nightmare.

Cleo stood next to Natasha."How come all the guys pay attention to her?" she whined.

"Werecats were created by the goddess of love, simple," Natasha replied. It's not like she was trying to be mean but she didn't really want to hear complaining about boys, especially when Cleo had heaps of human boyfriends while she'd never been kissed.

"I'm the daughter of the goddess of beauty!"

"Your dad's genes ruined it then, I'm just wondering where Mik is."

"What do you mean?"

"Usually he'd be viciously tearing them apart for looking at her," Natasha explained.

The Hotel DraftsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora