Chapter 17

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I know this picture is a little old but you can't tell me that Dinah don't look daddy af and Lauren looks like she wants to say yeah she my papi. okay I'm done being stupid, to the story we go.

We spent the afternoon at the point, taking a tour of the aircraft carrier moored in the harbor. At the rear of the Carrier was a restaurant where we got ourselves something to eat. I was telling her how I thought I wanted to get my revenge. Since we really couldn't actually prove anything legally, but to catch them in the club when it was crowded, and verbally putting them down for what they had done to me. With the club crowded, word would spread quickly to their tactics, hopefully putting others on the lookout for them. Dinah thought that it sounded like a great idea, and that we would need to talk to Halsey and Kehlani, letting them know what our plans are.

With the sun low in the western sky, a slight breeze started to pick up blowing in off the harbor, which started to cool things down quickly. Grabbing Dinah's arm, I told her that I was starting to get a little cold and asked if we could soon go. She had said that she was also feeling the chill and it was time to leave.

After we got into the car and started our way back home, I had told her if she would stop at my place, I could pick up a few things to wear tomorrow, and follow her home in my car, that way when I went to the shop, she didn't have to drive me there.

"You can bring your car back with you, but I'd like to take you anyway, gives me a chance to see what you actually do." Turning towards me giving me a wink.

"Only if you insist, that would be fine with me."

Once we arrived at the apartment, I had her come in with me and relax while I packed a few items to take with me. Instead of sitting down in the living room relaxing, she followed me into the bedroom. Once inside the bedroom, she looked around and noticed that it was picked up, bed made and everything else in its place. As she sat down on the bed and was looking around, all I heard was a "humph..."

"What?" Looking at her.

"Nothing... Nothing at all." Was all she said.

Getting out an overnight bag, I started to put a bra and panty set into it, she reopened the drawer and added several more bras and panties. Whatever I added, she tried to double and triple it.

"Stop that. I'm not moving in, I just taking a couple things for tonight." Putting my hands on my hips, looking at her sitting on the bed.

"Who said you was moving in, I thought just in case it was more than one night."

"Then I'll steal your clothes if need be. You have way more than I do, and besides, yours are a lot better looking than mine."

"You would too, wouldn't you?"

"Damn right I would and you'd love every second I had them on, wouldn't you?" As I stood there, grinning down at her knowing what the answer would be.

Having stuffed the bag full, we went out to the living room where I collected my spare set of keys. I stopped thinking about what we might want to eat later, so I asked her.

"What do you want to do about dinner later, want to stop by the grocery store and pick up something or what?"

Standing there thinking, she looked at me, then came up with an idea.

"I know of this great Mexican Restaurant that's on the way home that has the best burritos in town, wanna give them a try?"

"Sure I'm game, let's go."

We pulled into a little place called El Cid's. It didn't look like much from the outside, but I guessed if Dinah said they had good food, it probably was. Once inside, we were seated at a small table. A server brought over a bowl of dip and some nacho's, which we both started munching on. Dinah told me to relax and let her do the ordering.

I wound up with a huge bean and pulled pork burrito with a side of Spanish rice, and a glass of iced tea. I was only able to eat about a third of my burrito, which is all Dinah had been able to eat. We had them wrap it to go and maybe have them tomorrow.

Once we got to the house, I parked alongside of her car getting my bag out of the trunk, as she carried in the leftovers. Once in the house and the leftovers put away she told me to follow her to the bedroom. She made room in the dresser for me to put some of my stuff up, then went to the closet and made some room for my dresses and blouses I brought. Since she had given me her spare toothbrush that morning, and I really didn't wear makeup, I didn't bring any toiletries.

"So now that everything is put away, what would you like to do the rest of the evening, do you want to watch a movie?" I asked her.

"Well I do have one or two DVDs that I have been saving, or would you like to go to the Palace tonight, just you and I?" Dinah asked.

"Maybe not, it's been a long day, especially being in the sun all afternoon, would you mind just staying in for the night. We could take a shower, then dress for bed, but... and I mean this, you wash yourself and I'll wash myself. Deal." Looking at her with conviction in my eyes.

"But I want my chance to pay you back for this morning." Giving me that puppy dog look.

"Next time, and I promise you'll have your chance to do whatever you want, deal?"

"As long as you promise, it's a deal."

"I never go back on my promises, and honestly, I'll be looking forward to next time." Grinning at her as we started to take off our clothes.

The shower was quick, but we did dry each other off, getting a few caresses here and there when we could. Once dried, we put on the same shirts we wore that morning and headed down stairs. Dinah went to the kitchen got herself a glass of wine and a Miller lite for me. Not my usual but close enough. She told me that she had this DVD, Blue is the Warmest Color that she hasn't seen yet and asked if it was ok to watch. I told her that I thought it would be alright, having no idea what it was about.

After about five minutes into the movie, I realized that it was a lesbian love story. She had settled in on the far end of the sofa, with me curled up beside her with my head on her shoulder her arm draped down over me resting between my breasts, which I was ok with. During a love scene I started getting wet watching the two women kissing and making out, setting my mind to thinking. Sometimes too much thinking gets me into trouble, but sometimes it turns out good.


I think y'all will hopefully like the next chapter 

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