Chapter 4

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            Now finishing my second beer, I had decided to go out this evening, and have a little fun and stop feeling sorry for myself. Normani had been telling me about a bar down on Fourth Street, called the Purple Palace. She said that it was a nice place, and the owner didn't allow anyone being pressured.

After taking a long hot shower and drying my hair, I stood in my closet not sure what to wear, I decided to be a little conservative and wear a sundress that came down to my knees, with wide straps over the shoulders. It was tight enough that it did show my breasts, but not like they were my main focal point.

It was about eight when I arrived. The doorman, or should I say woman looked at me and gave me a toothy grin. She had tattoos up and down both arms and on her neck. By the look of her arms and shoulders, you could tell that she worked out regularly. I was later to learn that her name was Kehlani, and she and the owner was a couple. Smiling back, I stepped inside to a dim lit bar with a purple glow.

Standing off to one side, I began taking in my surroundings. Off to one side was a large dance floor, with several couples already on it dancing, some holding onto each other and others kind like free flowing it doing their own thing. At the edge of the dance floor, I spotted a woman, long black hair; her gown went down to the floor. Beside her was a younger woman, wearing what looked like a petty coat, and around her neck was a collar with a lease attached to it. The woman gave me a nod and a smile. Ignoring her, I turn towards the bar.

The stools around the bar were mostly empty being so early I thought. The bar had a few people sitting around it, so I slid into an empty stool at the bar giving me a good view of the door and dance floor. It was between two women to either side of me. The woman to my left glanced over her shoulder at me, but turned and continued her conversation to the person next to her.

The bar tender came up to me, wiped the bar in front of me saying, "Hey sugar, never seen you in here before, are you new to the area?"

"Yes I am and yes, this is the first time being here." Giving her a slight smile.

"Well welcome to the Purple Palace, my name is Zendaya, I own this place and the first drink is on the house, what'll you have?"

"How about a Bud Light, got that on draft?"

"Sure thing, be back in a moment." Turning towards the other end of the bar.

Turning in my head and looking around, surveying the people in the bar. There was a mixture of young and old. Some dressed as if they were men, and some dressed very sexy, each looking for someone who pleased them. I spotted a woman sitting in a corner booth with another woman, they were apparently talking to one another, but her eyes never left mine. The entire time they were conversing with one another, she kept her eyes on me. I turned my head, looking back around the room, but when I again looked towards her, she was still staring at me.

I couldn't tell much about her, except that she had blonde hair that came down to her shoulders and the darkest eyes. They were almost hypnotic. I could almost feel myself being drawn into them. She had light skin, as if she were from somewhere around the Islands. Just as her staring was about to get to me, I felt a bump against my back.

Looking over my shoulder was a woman, possible a few years older than myself.

"Sorry, I was just trying to get up to the bar to order a drink."

"No, that is alright." Leaning over a little giving her more room.

From my seated position I guessed her to be around five foot five, long sandy colored hair and blue eyes. Looked like she was at least a full A or possibly a B cup. Being possibly five or ten pounds underweight, she did carry it very well.

While waiting on the bar tender, she asked, "Never seen you in here before, are you new?

"Yes I am, my name is lauren."

"Well, welcome to the Purple Palace, my name is Taylor." Extending her hand to me.

"I smiled, nice meeting you." Clasping her hand in mine, it felt cool to the touch and very soft. It was a softness one might want touching all over your body.

When the bartender came up to us, she ordered a glass of Merlot. Turning back to me, "So do you live around here, or just visiting?"

"Yes, I live here now, I moved here a few months ago, and for now, I would like to make this my home, and you?" Trying to find more about this woman.

"Born and raised here." While looking me up and down, hoping that what she is seeing meets her approval.

After she had received her drink, again turning to me, "would you like to find a table and get to know one another?"

"I think that would really be nice." Tilting my head to one side, smiling at her.

I was looking at one side of the room as she was looking in the other direction. She laid her hand on my forearm, "There is a table over there near that booth, let's take it before someone else grabs it."


there you have it, sorry for the long ass wait. I just been something really terrible and I just bring myself to update, so ummm yeah sorry

-Until then Mi Amors


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