Chapter # 35

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(A/N: Please be warned that these following 2 chapters including this will be Very VERY VERY short, and it will very Very VERY boring. BUT it's worth it. If u won't read these 2 chaps then ur missing something. )

First year of Royal High

I expected him to be there standing in the classroom, after his grand entrance because I thought that he'll apologise for the prank during graduation but I guess.... I'm just assuming stuff.

Hugo never came, he was serious about it. I just hope I knew the reason why, so that I would understand.

Knowing this I just moved forward, sadly doing what I must do as a student, but everytime I'm enjoying something, I keep on remembering, the times we spent practicing, training, making things together.

Sometimes I would even sob inside the CR, cause I wouldn't want James and Amber to worry, but I'm sure they know.

So during my 1st year in highschool alot happened, miss nevill was still there, and *sigh* I somehow find myself correct her everytime. As for Mister Cedric he always teaches me Sorcery stuff, it was fun and I totally enjoy being his apprentice. The kingdom of Enchancia became more bigger. Oh and the castle too, instead of having one castle, there are 2 now I didn't even notice people build it, they  say they built it during gradeschool but I guess I really haven't noticed, and their even planning on making another one. They said it going to be the main castle. I made sure that the secret garden and every place that I went to in the castle wasn't destroid... And it wasn't, I guess father has alot of land behind the castle.

OK so back to school, it was triple times harder, it seems like almost everyday we have some activities we have to finish, but we started to cope up and things became easier.

Second year of Royal High

We started learning about major things, from basic stuff in grade school now we learned something much more to it. I even thought that, that's all the basic stuff, but I guess there's always more to it.

I started joining the Derby club, the figure skating club, painting club, singing club, sorcery club and garden club. We'll it's an awful lot but these are things that I have wanted to do, since Elem.

Because of that I started to become very busy. Because I started going to more competitions outside the school, I even hoped I see Hugo especially in the international Derby and I'm with James .

And to my surprise I did...

"H-Hugo". I muttered, as I started going to him with teary eyes.

People started to look at me, like I'm some kind of weird person.

"S-Sofia". He muttered as well, I saw guilt in his eyes, he came to me and hugged me.

Once again, I felt it... My beating heart.

"I missed you so much". I cried as I hugged him tighter.

"Me too, I'm so sorry Soffy". He says as he pulled away.

He smiled sweetly at me.

"But please, go now... I'll see you someday just like I promised okay? And congratulations in advance". He says.

Is he pushing me away?

I just walked away and started the race. Guess who won? Well...

"Omaygosh Sofia!! I knew we could do it!!". James says as he hugged me.

Yeah, I'm happy as well but... I wouldn't have reached this point if it weren't for Hugo... He thought me alot of stuff, because of him I'm this good at Derby.

James didn't even notice that I Strete to cry since he was hugging me, he didn't even notice Hugo since he was just inside the tent during that time.

I looked around still being hugged by James, and saw Hugo.

He was looking at me sadly, and when he saw me looking at him he gave a thumbs up and smiled.

I guess all I could do is smile back to make him remember me.

Then school came back, I'm being stacked by... Figure skating, singing and painting.

I could say that I became better at figure skating, but I'm still not worth the nationals, but at least I got an award, still though it's still because of him I'm like this... It seems like because of him I'm the person I am now...

Then for singing, I did win only until nationals, there were alot of great singers and I loved to listen to them, that is why I accept my defeat.

And lastly for painting... I somehow remember the day when beautiful snow flakes started to fall, the sun shining making the skating rink glimmer, making his dark brown hair be illuminated and become Hazel brown colored, even his eyes. ... Me and Hugo started performing, that day was special. Especially since he performed with heart that day.

I don't even care if it won't look good because... For me this painting will be meaningful.

I didn't expect the results, I won. Well I do admit it looks beautiful but... Others have much more. Why?

I ask them and they said that, my painting has alot of emotional meaning to it, which famous painters always has.

So yeah I have been busy, but when I come home back to my room... Amber is already staying in the other castle... Why is that? Well at least it isn't far, and both castles has a path way leading to each other. Now when I rest in my bed I could always see...

The painting that me and Hugo made, our last project together, it was hung in the other side of my room, opposite to my bed.

I looked at his smile his warm eyes... Tears then started pouring out my eyes...



Heyoo guys!!

Meant to Meet is now published, well only the prologue though 😂😂 just ready your horses since Winter Love is almost finished. Lel. See ya in the next update!!.


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