Chapter # 25

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It has been a peaceful week in the castle nothing much happening except all these activities like, learning how to play some instruments, painting, Zumba, princess lessons ok... Ehehe NOTHING Much really happened... - _- guess what? I'm being sarcastic, I thought summer was supposed to be my resting time but... Seems like being a princess changes what I think about loads of stuff.

And right now I'm with James and Amber relaxing since past few days have been a very very busy. We decided strolling around outside the castle walls, when...

"Oh guys! Hugo's somewhere here fencing". James said randomly.

"And soo?". I ask seemingly not caring.

"Let's go watch him". He suggested.

*sigh* "Ok it makes sense since we aren't doing anything at all". Amber says simply.

We then started heading to the destination where in Hugo is at. When we arrive we were surprised by the metal armors standing by near the entrance, when we entered we saw big chained chandeliers in the tall ceilings, James then started heading to a room where in there are a lot of fencing things, he then started going to another room where in it isn't a room but it looks like a arena, in the middle there we can see Hugo and a man who seems to be his trainer. In a arena there are bleachers so we sat where we can see what they are doing clearly.

"James, who is that guy?". I ask.

"That's a fencing trainer, I forgot the name but last summer he reached me as well and... To his dismay... He doesn't speak but despite that he is really a great teacher plus he is the most greatest fencer in Enchancia, so it was totally an honor being taught by him.

We didn't try to call Hugo or wave at him because he's very occupied with the training and it seems like he loves fencing. The way he swings his sword with passion clear in his eyes, the way he follows every move taught by his trainer, wow.

When they finished, Hugo went to a room and came out to his usual clothes again but with a towel on top of his shoulder.

"What a surprise seeing you here". Hugo points at Amber then at me.

"We only came to see what was going on since its our break". I answered.

"You were awesome Hugo". Amber said with heart eyes.

James and I then sighed.

"Well enough of that Amber, Hugo wanna join us do something in this town?". James asks.

"What do you mean"do something" ?". Hugo ask amused.

"We don't really know...". We three answered in unison.

Hugo sighed at the answers.

"Well then let's just walk around town and look at the sights that unfolds us". Hugo suggested.

We just nodded.

When walking James kept on talking about what he wants to do with the place when he becomes king while Amber... Everytime there's someone passing by and his/her fashion she dislikes she rants and rants, even the littlest detail. I on the other hand is very observant when it comes to walks and sight seeing. The town has many enchanting and historical place where in many things happen and unfold. Umm Hugo? He's just too quiet looking off to the distance.

"You might want to paint a portrait of me, it lasts longer soffy". Hugo teased.

Ohh I hadn't noticed that I'm staring at him.

"What do you mean??". I ask innocently.

"Stop staring at me a haha". He answered while messing up my hair.

I glared at him while fixing my hair while him on the other hand can't stop chuckling. We then stopped because things suddenly become quiet, I mean too quiet, because of that both me and Hugo looked over to the twins to see... That their both looking at us while smirking.

"What?". Both me and Hugo said in unison.

"Nothing". Both the twins said in unison as well.

I looked over to Hugo and gave him the idk look.

We then started heading back. While doing so Hugo said goodbye, when we came across the bridge...

(this is when Sofia heard about the golden wing circus, everyone explained what the golden wing circus to Sofia in a form of musical, when they arrive at the throne room, his majesty King Roland presented Sofia and the twins, the new beautiful stained glass window that has a picture of the royal family, the kind told their father that they wanted to go to the circus . King Roland then decided to bring Queen Miranda, while doing so the three children stayed near the stained glass, while James kept on juggling showing off how good he is. But then... It hit the stained glass which caused a hole on Amber's face. They heard their father and mother come, that's when Amber decided to distract them by playing the harp and letting them see all her tiaras. In the other hand Sofia and James moved an armor in front of Amber's face to cover the whole but then... The spade hit the rest of the glass causing it to have a crack. They became more worried and almost gave up but they remembered that Cedric can do a trick. Cedric came and fixed the stained glass but... He covered the crack and the whole LITTERALLY, Cedric now is in the stained glass, James and Sofia panicked to find a spell that can fix the glass and release Cedric from the Glass. When they found a spell that can do so they did it, and Cedric became free and the stain glass is fixed, but then king Roland and Queen Miranda came just as the glass shattered. Sofia explained that she was the one who caused the glass to shatter into pieces, and because of that she couldn't go at the circus and she stayed at her room. When the rest was at the circus James became guilty and confessed on what really happened, they came back to the castle and talked things over when... Someone from the Golden wing circus came and talked to the King because they want to present for the Royal family, King Roland agreed knowing that the kids have learned their lesson. They watched the beautiful presentation but the last was the most beautiful one, they flashed the portrait of the royal family just like the picture.)

When the presentation ended I came over to them.

"Thank you so much, you guys were so amazing". I said while clasping my hands together.

"Wait is that a REAL GLASS STAINED WINDOW OF US!?!?!?". James came running towards me and the circus members.

"Indeed it is". They said.

We then became happy knowing that our problem is solved.

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