chapter fifteen (15)

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The next day Shadow's POV ( 5:00 am )

Sliver was training today , I thought I could go see if I can go on the mission that can make me a S-rank warrior . I went to the castle to see if Neko was up . I was about to knock when I noticed that the door was open a little , I stepped in and said "( in a low voice ) my king ?" Neko sat up in his bed and said " morning Shadows " I bowed and said " sorry to wake you  my king " Neko sat on the edge of his bed and said " no It's fine .. I was planning on getting up any way .. Is there something you needed ?" . I said " yea I was going to head out on my S-rank mission " . Neko gave me a worried look , Neko said " take Rangiku with you " I said " yes my k" before I could finishes saying "King " Neko interrupted me by saying " please call me Neko " I said " sorry Neko " . for some reason I felt dizzy bit snapped out of it . Neko said" Rangiku is waiting for you outside " I said " ok bye Neko " Neko said" bye Phe " . Phe it's been a while since he called me that. Rangiku was petting  a pale white dragon with sliver eyes and needles on it's wings . Rangiku said " hello Shadows " . I said " hi Rangiku and ..." Rangiku said " this is Syringe " I said " nice to met you Syringe " . Rangiku asked " are you ready ?" . I said " yea ... Royal !" a white dragon appeared near me . Rangiku said " so Royals is  your dragon ". I said " yea " we got on pur dragons and went in the air . ?? said " dark wisp " a huge wave of dark fire come at us . Rangiku said " protect " a shield appears. I was about to say something when I was knocked out .

Sliver's POV

I was lucky to find them . Zila said " oh this will be fun .. Dark wisp " The protected spell was protected us for now . Zola said " so Sliver Knight how does your soul taste " . I said " Star storm " it started to rain stars . Zila said " Dark hurricane " . that stopped my spell cold . I keep my true powers away from this fright . Rangiku said " Sliver my shield won't stay much longer " . I can't .. but I have to . I said " Rangiku promise that you will never tell anyone about this " Rangiku said " umm sure " I yelled " SLIVER TAKE OVER !" my tattoo was showing more now 

 I said " Rangiku promise that you will never tell anyone about this " Rangiku said " umm sure " I yelled " SLIVER TAKE OVER !" my tattoo was showing more now 

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(The image above is what Sliver's tattoo looks like but the color is sliver with blue eyes  ) 

Zila and Zola yelled " DARK SHARD NIGHTMARE !" I  blocked the attack . 

Rangiku's POV  

I can't believe it the great Sliver Phoenix is real .. my king told me about him , the two girls left .. I asked " Sliver are you really the great Sliver Phoenix ?" Sliver said " yes I'm " . we went back to the castle . my king was standing outside the castle .. Neko asked " Rangiku what happen ?" I said " both me and Shadows was attacked but Sliver came and .. he is the Sliver Phoenix .. my king " Sliver jumped off his dragon and had Shadows in his arms . Neko ran over to him . Neko asked " how is she ?" Sliver said " she fine just knocked out " Neko asked " can I took her to the quest room here in the castle ? " Sliver said " yes please " . Neko took Shadows in his arms , Sliver went back to his normal form . Sliver said " I will gone a few days .. " Sliver got on his dragon and left . 

few days later Shadow's POV 

I was done patrolling , everyone is setting up for the dragon festival .. I have not seen Sliver or Captain Death in days .. I started to get worried about them . I walked in the cafe only to pull by Yan , I asked " Yan are you ok ?" Yan said " ( her voiced sounded really happy ) the dragon festival is tomorrow " I said " I can see that " Yan was about to say something when Eric walked in . I asked " Eric is everything ok  ?" Eric handed me a paper . I looked at the paper it said " Captain Death was been missing for three days we need S-rank Shadows , Neko and Gladiuos to meet at the castle " I said " thank you Eric " Eric smiled at me and left . I went to the castle where Neko and Gladiuos was waiting for me . I called Royal . we went in the air , we landed near the spot Death was at last .. I got off Royal , Neko said " we are staying together no matter what " both me and Gladiuos said " yes sir " . our dragon went into their pup forms . we started to walked .. I hope Captain Death is ok .. Gladiuos asked " guys is that a dragon ?" I said " that is a dragon " we got closer . the dragon was on it side . I looked at the tail . it had a dagger shaped tail  , I said " guys this is Darkness " Neko asked " but where is Death ?" Darkness said " ( his voice was weak ) under my wing " . I walked over to Neko , Gladious . Darkness's wing was covering something . Neko and Gladiuos moved Darkness's wing . Death had a cuts over his arms . I went over to Death and got down on my knees . Gladiuos asked " Neko what's the plan ?" Neko said " we need to take them to the castle ASAP " I said " let me take Death back .." Neko asked " are you sure Shadows ?" I said " yes .. " Royal went in her full form , she picked Death up and placed saddle . Darkness went to his pup form but it took a lot of energy to do it . Gladiuos asked  " Darkness do you want to ride with me ?" Darkness said " please " Gladiuos picked Darkness up and got on his dragon  . we went in the air , I was cleaning  some of Death's cuts . Death said " ( his voice was weak )  .. you came " I said " of course  I did .. captain " I tried hard not to cry . Death opened his eyes and gave me a small smile . I smiled back at him , we made to the castle ,Katie and Eric took Death to the healers , Gladiuos took Darkness too . 

meanwhile in the Phoenix's realm Sliver's POV 

I was doing paper work when Lucas knocked on my door . I said " come in " Lucas walked in and said " sir .. your sister saved a guy named Death " , I looked up from my paper work and asked " when is their festival ?" Lucas said " tomorrow sir " I got up and said " I will going to it .. make sure my suit is ready " Lucas said " yes sir "  . Lucas left and I went back to my paper work . sister you would save him .. Death or Neko . * 12:00 am * I walked out to the balcony memory  started to show 

~ flashback~ young Sliver's POV 

Shadows said " Sliv when are you going to teach me how to use my phoenix powers ?" I said " when the time is right besides you all know how to summon Every " Shadows said " but it been a while since I last saw him " . I said " he will ways be here with us even if he is not here with us " Shadows summoned a small orb . she able to hold it for a few minutes . I said " nice job  sis " Shadows said " thanks big bro " . 

~ end of the flashback ~

Grace asked " sir do you want me to active the portal ?" I said " yes " . 

mean while in the Neko kingdom Shadow's POV 

Neko asked me to take Death patrol  rout . I was walking around when one of the young dragon broke free of dragon ride . I stated to chase it , I finally got the dragon . I said " hey you know you a fast little dragon " the dragon sent an ice shard at me . the Ice shard hit my shoulder , I grabbed my shoulder quickly and summoned a net around the dragon . the lady who runs the dragons ride run over to us . she said " I'm so sorry miss Frost here does not like people " I said " it's fine " she took the dragon back to the ride . I went to the castle to check out but I was caught by Neko . Neko asked " how did it go ?" I said " good ( I started to feel the pain ) " I fell to one knee due to the pain Neko run over to me and saw the cut . Neko asked " when did this happen ?" I said " doing my patrol .. " Neko helped me to feet and took me to his room . I sat down on his bed . the last time I was in here was when Neko had the night terror . Neko sat down on the bed with a med kit . I whispered " de armor " my armor went away . the cut hurt more then it did with my armor on . I bit my lip to make myself trying not to scream . Neko said " this will hurt " he place a rag on the cut . it hurt like hell .. Neko asked " Phe can you tell me how this happened ?" I stopped biting my lip and said " I was walking when one of the little dragons broke free of the dragon ride . I got up to but it sent an ice shard to me and that how I got this cut " . Neko said " oh I'm glad I saw you before this got worse " . my hair was up in a bun so I could run faster .. Neko removed the rag and said " the cut should stop hurting now ... but I still have clean it "  . I said " ok Neko ". Neko got up and went to his desk .

To be continued

Ships time here is the top ships for this book

Neko & Shadows

Death & Shadows

Grim & Shadows

Who is your guys top ship ..

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